
C# stop a form being moved.

How would i go about stopping a form from being moved. I have the form border style set as FixedSingle and would like to keep it this way because it looks good in vista :) ...

Customized Checkboxes

Hi, I am trying to implement image as checkbox. I have a list with 2 columns and I want to display checbox image on right side, as a third column.On clicking that image ,the image will be changed to a different one. In which way I can do this? Please help. ...... ...

UI library for XNA

I'm working on a small and simple XNA game and I'm noticing I'm spending way too much time implementing basic UI functionality like menus, (rich) text rendering including wrapping and basic UI lay-out such as alignment of elements. This is a fairly common problem, and I was wondering whether anyone knows of a library to handle these th...

How are Swing components internally created, laid out, repainted, notified of events, ...?

Hello! I wonder if there's a good documentation (or a (viewable) ebook) about the lifecycle of Swing components. Is "lifecycle" the correct term, anyway? I hope to find answers to question such as: How, when, in which order painting methods are called? How, when, which events are called by whom? What is the exact sequence of method ...

App hangs calling DefaultCellEditor constructor

I have control of a small piece of an application built on Eclipse, and I'm having a problem creating a DefaultCellEditor. The code actually uses a subclass of DefaultCellEditor, but I can recreate the problem using DefaultCellEditor, so that's what I'm going to ask about, hoping that it will solve the problem with the actual class. I'...

Crop Image From User Input

I'm building a c# app to take photos of visitors for ID badges. I have found a c# wrapper for web cams so can take a snap shot easily, however I need to set the images to a certain number of pixels ideally with the persons head filling most of the area. I imagine the best way to do this is to allow the end user to drag out a rectangle ...

Is there an API to draw a B-TREE?

Hi there, That's a simple question: is there an API to draw a B-tree in Java? I just dont want to spend much time reinventing the wheel. I am not having trouble with the algorithm per si, mine works perfectly fine after a lot of reading (specially Lafore's Data Structures & Algorithms in Java), I just dont know how to print a B-tree in ...

Is XML or XUL the future of Java GUI building?

After spending a lot of time and code on programming in Swing, I thought this can't be state-of-the-art Java GUI building. After not finding a user-friendly visual gui bilder for eclipse I stumbled upon declarative GUI building with XML UI toolkits... and I thought: This must be it! I think it's the right way to go, easy and also close t...

How can I handle a mouseMiddleDrag event in PythonCard?

I would like to use the middle mouse button to drag an image in an application written in Python and using PythonCard/wxPython for the GUI. The latest version of PythonCard only implements a "left mouse button drag" event and I am trying to modify PythonCard to handle a "middle mouse button drag" as well. Here is the relevant code from...

WxPython differences between Windows and Linux

The tutorials I've found on WxPython all use examples from Linux, but there seem to be differences in some details. For example, in Windows a Panel behind the widgets is mandatory to show the background properly. Additionally, some examples that look fine in the tutorials don't work in my computer. So, do you know what important differ...

C# Containers -- Filling a Space Vertically on Resize

I'm new to C# and I've been working on a small project to get the feel with Visual Studio 2008. I'm designing the GUI in C#, and I have a TabControl with three GroupBoxes. These three GroupBoxes are anchored to the left and right of the screen and work perfectly when resized horizontally. I would like these three boxes to take up 33% of...

Best Language/Tool To Develop GUI on Windows

I reviewed the answers provided to the "GUI Programming APIs" post and wondering if these answers still apply. Specifically from that thread it appears that QT is the one that was most referenced with wxWidgets and Shoes a close second and third. I just wanted to make sure ...

Multimedia framework for video playback in a GUI application?

Some time ago I started a project in which I needed to do the following things: Play videos: In any common format (avi, mpeg, xvid, etc.) Be able to pause and reposition the stream programmatically. Be able to set the playback speed (not mandatory, but desirable) Let me paint custom graphics (kept in sync with the video) over the pla...

.NET SplitContainer using C# Windows Forms

I've added a SplitContainer with a horizontal bar between the two panes. I can add content, and move the bar up and down to resize the containers, but the bar itself is invisible. I want the users of my application to see a visible split between these two areas. How can I do this? ...

What field type is the Set Timer field on the Blackberry?

I'm writing an application which has an interval time as a parameter and would like a field similar to the one the Timer has to set its time. Values of a few seconds to a few hours make sense for the application. What type of field should I use? ...

Window StateChanging event in WPF

I need to handle WPF application right before it goes Minimize, not when it's already there. I found on Window object StateChanged, but it fires when Window object is already in Minimize state, then it's too late. So, I need something like "StateChanging" event to handle, while Window object is still in previous state. Is it possible t...

How to do GUI for bash scripts?

I want to do some graphic dialogs for my script but don't know how. I hear something about GTK-Server or something like that. If someone know how to link bash with tcl/tk I also be satisfied. Please do not post something like "change to C++" because my project must be a script in BASH, there are no other option. Any ideas? P.S. Sorry ...

WPF: Any cool UI ideas i can look at?

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) was going to hopefully usher in a new era of cool applications and user interactions. Television shows and movies have always been good at coming up with cool prop (i.e. non-functional) user interfaces. CSI, Minority Report, Quantum of Solice, all show off cool things that people might wish compute...

Is there a painless way to build a Windows UI in C?

edit alright, I guess C is painful in nature--Just, this part, is particularly painful. Also, there isn't a real reason I'm only writing in C, other than, that's the language I want to write in, and be proficient in, for now. I know moving from C to C++ is bad, but whatever. And does anyone know a solution, to my problem with making mo...

Java Slider - how to make custom ticks?

I have an audio track with an image slideshow - e.g. there's image 1 at 0:00, image 2 at 0:45, image 3 at 1:03 etc. I'm currently using a JSlider to change position in the track. I'd like to have ticks on the slider in the points where images change - but the spacing between ticks is not uniform, so setPaintTicks is not an option. Is the...