
Global Event Registry with JQuery

I am developing a heavily AJAX-based web app in JQuery that includes many GUI components. There are some application states that affect all GUI components. E.g. while an AJAX request is executed, I want my toolbar buttons to "freeze" and not trigger any click events until the request finished. The same applies to my slider control and s...

Looking for a CheckedListBox control with icons support

Is there a CheckedListBox control with icons support for Windows Forms? Thanks. ...

C# Correct way to design/implement this UI?

Hi All, This is my first tryst with C#. The form that i have in mind consists A textfield which will be supplied with the path of an executable. A "Run" button which will call the executable(cosole app) The executable console output should be displayed in the rich textbox. Now when i click on a line in richtext box, i select and ge...

What GUI API does limewire use?

I've only seen limewire though screenshots, and i feel atracted to its GUI's look. What "API" does it use? It's clearly NOT swing, awt, or any other common API. BTW: that IS called an API, right? Or would it be library? ...

How do I trigger another control's method?

how do I trigger another control's method? I have a function that can be terminated by clicking a button but the program can also run to completion. Since the termination logic is the same regardless of how the function ends I'd just like to trigger the termination logic on the stop button. ...

mysql stored procedure editor

hi all, i want to know what is the best GUI or editor for working with stored procedures in mysql. i used to use toad but it is full of bugs specially in a network environment. ...

Web Service needs to execute Access Application

I have a web service running on the server and the web service needs to shell out and run a gui application. This application runs on it's own, but it has some windows that it pops up to display. Currently as soon as the application gets to any point where is pops up a window, the application dies. ...

Approaches to a GUI for a Large C Program

In our Bioinformatics lab we've recently been asked to create a GUI for a program written (and optimized) in C. Any GUI we designed would need to be able to feed input to and receive output from the C program, while also being easily portable to both Windows and Mac. What are ways to go about doing this? ...

BackgroundWorker thread and Timer logic

I've been trying to get the logic right for my timer and backgroundworker thread. Granted I don't fully understand the whole system despite all my reading. the following are excerpts of code concerned: My polling button : private void pollStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tst_bgw = new BackgroundWorker(); //...

My GUI is frozen

Hi all, I have something I can't understand: my Swing GUI contains a 'play' and 'pause' button. I have also a static variable that defines 'ON' and 'OFF' states. (The main program generates the GUI). By cliking on 'play' I change the state of my static variable to 'ON' and I launch a time-consuming process in a thread that also modifies...

[Java2D] Resize problems

Hi gentlemens (and ladys) I am currently creating an Eclipse View that has to contribute an Eclipse RCP app' and which must be nice (and only this one, I don't need an eclipse skin or something like that because my eclipse RCP app must look the same as a regular eclipse app), I must integrate translucent png, mouving gradients and contr...

How do I control the overall size constraints of a panel with MigLayout?

I am testing out MigLayout for a project, and I can't seem to figure out the MigLayout way of controlling the size of the whole panel which is being layed out. I am adapting the example in the MigLayout whitepaper. Also, I am writing in Python and using Jython rather than writing in Java. That said, here is my current code. layout = Mig...

XML vs Hardcoded interface?

I'm working on a flexible GUI application that can have ~12 varied layouts. These layouts are all well-defined and won't change. Each layout consists of multiple widgets that interface with a DLL using bit patterns. While the majority of the widgets are the same, the bit patterns used vary depending on the interface type being presented....

How do I get data from a Simulink block into a MATLAB GUI?

I have a Simulink model that uses an embedded MATLAB function for a block, and I haven't been able to figure out how to move data between the embedded MATLAB block and a GUI in real-time (i.e. while the model is running). I tried to implement a "to workspace" block in my model but I don't know how to correctly use it. Does anyone know h...

Update UI from external event

First of i am not a UI developer and this is probably a very simple problem. What i have is a external service that I subscribe to an event, when ever that event fires a service picks this up, manipulates the data in some way then gives the UI the data to display What i am unsure of is how to archetect this and keep the dependancy betw...

web front-end for database

I'd like to know if there is some open source web front-end for databases. I'd like something where queries can be executed from a web browser, only read-only queries are fine. If possible it would be great to be able to select with a gui the columns that are displayed as the result of the query. As several people asked me, I use Oracle...

Best practices for C# GUI naming conventions?

GUIs, whether written in WinForms or XAML, seem to have the most widely differing naming conventions between projects I see. For a simple TextBox for a person's name, I've seen various naming conventions: TextBox tbName // Hungarian notation TextBox txtName // Alternative Hungarian TextBox NameTextBox // Not even camelCase Text...

Should I use Perl/Tk, Tcl::Tk or Tkx for a Perl GUI?

I really like Perl/Tk, but have come to the opinion that it's DOA. I think Tcl::Tk and Tkx are better solutions. Assume I drop Perl/Tk. Is the "most supported" route to go with Tcl::Tk (which hasn't been updated since 2007, and whose author seemingly cannot be reached), or Tkx? Are either of these actively used/supported? ...

Would a singleton GUI be good in this case?

I am working on a project where I have lots of classes referring to my GUI (mainly the panels but sometimes the frame itself). So I was thinking that instead of passing the frame as an argument to every constructor and create getters in each class, I would make a singleton instance of the JFrame so all the classes get access to it instea...

Writing Windows GUI applications with embedded Python scripts.

What would be the optimal way to develop a basic graphical application for Windows based on a Python console script? It would be great if the solution could be distributed as a standalone directory, containing the .exe file. ...