
How can I set a custom size for the RichTextArea.Formatter.setFontSize() in GWT?

Using the RichTextArea in GWT, It looks like I can only change the font size to one of the values: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, etc (RichTextArea.FontSize), but I want to be able to setFontSize of the RichTextArea.Formatter to a specific size in pt or in px. How can I achieve that? ...

Remove all columns from a CellTable

I'm using a CellTable from GWT 2.1.0.M3. There are removeColumn functions, but no removeAllColumns or anything. Since "columns" is a private member of CellTable, not even my extension of CellTable can easily access it. For now, I'm just storing the number of columns I add so I can remember to remove them all. Anyone know a better way...

Refresh meta tag in GWT

How can we achieve what the below HTML meta tag can do, in GWT? <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" /> ...

GWT MVP Problem

Hi All, I am a newbie to GWT .I am trying to implement my code using MVP. So following a tutorial I have created a View, I have created a Presenter, I created a Display interface inside the presenter, My view implements my Presenter.Display interface. Just for the proof of concept I created a Button in the View. In my presenter I ...

GWT TabLayoutPanel do not renders the graph content

I have a structure similar to following <g:TabLayoutPanel ui:field="rightTabPanel" width="100%" height="100%" barUnit="EM" barHeight="3"> <g:tab> <g:header>Graph</g:header> <g:FlowPanel ui:field="graphContent"/> </g:tab> <g:tab> <g:header>...

GWT Data Serialization

I'm looking for the algorithm that Google's Web Toolkit uses to serialize data posted to the server during an AJAX request. I'm looking to duplicate it in another language so that I can tie in another of my projects with a GWT project. Any help is much appreciated! ...

GWT plugin for SBT / Using the Maven Plugin

Does anyone know of a GWT plugin for SBT? I can't seem to find one anywhere. If there isn't one, does anyone know how to use maven plugins from SBT for some tasks? I know this is possible, but can't figure out how. Can I just fit in the maven GWT plugin and use it? ...

how do I include the source from another project in netbeans to use in gwt rpc?

I'm working with one large gwt project. We have a related project that is a mixture of WebStart and an Applet. I'm trying to reuse some of the classes used to communicate between the applet and server on the client side of the gwt project. These classes are currently used on the server side of the gwt project by importing the jar from th...

GXT number field autocalculation

Hi! I have a form in GXT with three number fields: weight, height and BMI. What I want to do is to calculate BMI automatically after filling weight and height fields by the user. Any ideas how I can achieve that? ...

Concat strings in CssResource to create a url

I have some CSS in a ClientBundle that uses a background url. Since I load the javascript (/MyModule/MyModule.nocache.js) from /index.html, my relative urls in CSS are from root. This means .myBackground { background: url("images/background.png"); } will try to load from /images/background.png. This seems like a perfect case for runti...

GWT project in eclipse with Maven as OSGi bundle

I tried to set up a Maven project, which supports the Google GWT tools and eclipse PDE integration. I was only able to accomplish this by adding "gwt-dev-2.x.x.jar" and "gwt-user-2.x.x" to the bundle classpath. For this, I had to change their scope from provided to compile, which is highly undesirable as this greatly increases the size...

Non Relational Database , Key Value or flat table

My application needs configurable columns , and titles of these columns get configured in the begining, If relation database I would have created generic columns in table like CodeA, CodeB etc for this need because it helps queering on these columns (Code A = 11 ) it also helps in displaying the values (if that columns stores code and v...

Binding to HTML elements in GWT

I'm trying to figure out how to bind a javascript event to a select element in GWT, however the select element isn't being built in GWT, but comes from HTML that I'm scraping from another site (a report site from a different department). First, a bit more detail: I'm using GWT and on load, I make an ajax call to get some HTML which incl...

Problem with C3P0 connection pooling in ServletListenerContext when deploying to Tomcat 6

Hello there, first things first: I've read various related questions on here, before actually deciding to enter my question anyway. The reason is that my problem is somewhat different from the others I've read about. My aim: I have an application written in GWT (I'll explain later why it's relevant) that access some servlet via RPC. Th...

Guava r07, GWT and javax.annotation.Nullable

I'm trying to use Guava in a GWT project without success (a HashMultimap, to be precise). I get a never-ending list of stacktraces for classes: ... Each stack trace is along the lines of: line xx: the ...

please help! how to emulate jre java.awt.MouseEvent in gwt?

i want to emulate java.awt.MouseEvent class, and i define MouseEvent extends InputEvent which extends java.util.EventObject. but when i run this in host mode, i got this error, it shows my InputEvent extends ComponentEvent. why? and how can i fix this? thanks! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null source at java.util.EventObjec...

How do I disable code splitting in GWT?

We have a very large GWT project that results in a monolithic app about 2Mb in size. The obvious way to break it up is to use split points. For example our app is menu driven so the logic behind each menu action could be a split point. Also, the code that invokes GWT RPC could also be a split point. In this way a 2Mb app could probably b...

GWT hashed css style names not properly added

Hi, I have a bizarre experience with GWT styles. I'm using UiBinder as well as some programmatic access to style my GWT widgets: <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="..." xmlns:g="..."> <ui:style src="bindings.css"/> <g:VerticalPanel > <g:Label addStyleNames="{style.stationTitle}" ui:field="stationName"></g:L...

Problem with container height

Hi everyone, thanks for you help in advance. I'm having a bit of a trying time with a container in a Google Webtoolkit app, for a vairiety of reasons I'm largely unable to control the html and inline CSS in this app so I'm having to find css only solutions to layout problems. In this case I have a div tag which needs to have 100% hei...

Does GWT serialize java.lang.Longs efficiently?

I'm sending object IDs back and forth from client to server through the GWT RPC mechanism. The ids are coming out of the datastore as Longs (8 bytes). I think all of my ids will only need 4 bytes, but something random could happen that gives me a 5-byte (or whatever) value. Is GWT going to be smart about packing these values in some v...