
GWT: creating a text widget for highly customized data entry

I'm trying to implement a kind of "guided typing" widget for data entry, in which the user's text entry is highly controlled and filtered. When the user types a particular character I need to intercept and filter it before displaying it in the widget. Imagine if you will, a Unix shell embedded as a webapp; that's the kind of thing I'm tr...

Can't get GWT to work with SpringRoo

UPDATE #2: The boys down at SpringRoo passed the buck over to the boys over at Google. See the ticket here. It was upgraded to critical priority as well. UPDATE: I've logged a bug on the SpringRoo Issue Tracker. It looks like the boys are taking this seriously. They've upgraded the priority from minor to critical. See the issue here...

gwt compile to single, monolithic cross-browser html file

I am looking to compile my gwt application into a single, monolithic, cross-browser compatible .html file. Ultimately, I'm trying to design an Amazon mechanical turk template via gwt. These templates must be a single .html file, since they are hosted on Amazon's machines. The .html file can reference external sources, but via absolute ad...

GWT / CSS Positioning html Elements

Hi, i have the following problem, let's say i have a html element (input field) inside a paragraph. And this input field gets the style text-align: right inherited. When i ask for the offSetLength like this in gwt: Document.get().getElementById("elementId").getOffsetLeft(); i always get 0 back. Obviously the style which moved the inp...

How can I get data from a Freemarker template into GWT code?

I have a webapp setup that uses Stripes and Freemarker; for part of it I'm also coding some GWT stuff, and I'm trying to figure out the best way of getting information from the actionBean into GWT code. Currently I do this in the template: <script> var params = { nick : "${actionBean.nick}", logout: "${actionBean.logout}" } ...

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) offline documentation

Perhaps I'm missing something simple here, but is there any place to download the GWT documentation for use offline? ...

When loading a page via javascript/XHR, hitting back causes unwanted scrolling

I am working on an existing website that we're adding some additional functionality to. A large number of users visit the site in the following manner: Page A -> Page B -> Page C -> back button to page B -> Page D -> back button to page B, scrolling -> Page C -> back button to page B, scrolling -> Page E, etc, etc. There is an alter...

GWT getAbsoluteLeft/Top returns wrong value in FF

Hi, when i call the getAbsoluteLeft/Top method i always get 0 in firefox. For the IE i get a value which seems to be correct. Are there known problems using these methods ? My problem is that i want to set the position of an element with the absolute position values of another element. Thanks in advance. Edit: Using GWT 2.0.3 kuku ED...

SmartGWT RestDateSource and Paging (Large DataSet of) Dynamic Data

Hello I have a database table for log messages and at any time there can be inserted new rows. I want to show them in grid and when you scroll down I want to request more rows form this table (server side) but without to be affected from new added rows. The new rows only have to be visible if I refresh the whole grid. I'm not sure how ...

GWT Entry point Configuration

HiI have to create one login module using GWT with RPC with the functionality of login, registration and forgotPassword. Login is working fine. Now i have to proceed for registration and forgot password but i have in trouble to configure entry point. In my login page i have created hyperlink "REGISTER" and "FORGOT PASSWORD" and when i wi...

Javascript to detect a toolbar is installed.

I have a web application, some functionality of which is available as a toolbar in a browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome). I am now required to write a functionality in the app to detect if the toolbar is installed or not. How can I do that? Javascript, Java, GWT open to any of these. ...

GWT 2.1 - Creation of a Progress Bar Cell & related DataProviders options

I am in the process of creating a Progress Bar Cell that will work in a GWT2.1 CellTable. So far I have the cell rendering a simple html progress bar in a manner that is consistent with other cell renders. I need to somehow update the progress bar cell value after receiving a new value. Should I be using the updateRowData method on...

How to split a panel in EXT-GWT?

I'm using ext-gwt and can't figure out how to split a panel so that I have 2 widgets, one on each side of the resizeable splitter, with the height of both widgets being 100% and their widths being variable. In essence, what I want is something like: ----------------------------------------- | Widget1 | Widget2 | | ...

How to pop up Flex Panel by clicking on a GWT(or GXT) component?

I have a web-application whose UI is implemented in GXT (ext GWT). Now I want to switch to Flex but as the application is so large that I cannot afford to start migrating the whole application at once. So I have decided to migrate slowly. So what I want is to bring up a Flex panel on the click of a GXT's button. Basically the idea is ...

hi, Im developing project using java with GWT 2.0.4 , when i ran my project with hosted browser it will displaying the error One or more exceptions caught, see full set in AttachDetachException#getCauses: at Unknown.IY(Unknown source:0) Unknown.oPd(Unknown source:0) Unknown.qPd(Unkno...

GWT CSSResrouces - what's the advantage or the best way

Hey, I'm developing a GWT app and now facing the CSS part. I read a lot about this topic at the official site but still have a few questions and hope someone can give me a hint. When I'm using CSSResource the css styles will be compiled into the code - right? So it's not possible to change it without recompile the app. But what I wanna...

How to programmatically set the split position of BorderLayout in GXT?

I have a border layout set on a widget using Ext-GWT. Is there a way where I can set the 'split' position automatically? Reason being, if the user resizes a control on a page (not necessarily the parent of the one the split widget is in), I'd like to set the split value to a certain percentage value (like 30%). How can this be done? ...

How to diagnose performance problems with SQL Server Views and JDBC

I have a view defined in SQL server 2008 that joins 4 tables together. Executing this view in SQL Server Management Studio takes roughly 3 seconds to run and returns about 45,000 records. My application is written in Java using hibernate to simply do a "from MyViewObject" query in HQL. When this is run, the execution time is consisten...

Howto set outputdirectory with google eclipse plugin?

I'm using the Google Eclipse Plugin for GWT development. To do the configuration stuff there's a folder .settings with two files and These files are a kind of propertie-files. Now I'm trying to set two different directories for source and output files. But I can't find...

any good tutorial on gwt ImageResource

hi, all I need to create a image resource that i can use for the push button, but where can i find some good tutorial on UiBinder and ImageResource? the gwt online tutorial is not enough for me to understand it. Thanks. ...