
How to understand that a site is made by GWT?

How can I see if a site is made by GWT or not? In other words, how can I understand that a site is using GWT and what are the special features that are only in GWT and not in JS? ...

GWT open page in a new tab

Hello, everybody! I am developing GWT application and I use, "_blank", ""); to open new page. And it opens in a new tab when called, for example, directly after button click. But I decided to do some validations on server before opening new page and placed the call to the mentioned abov...

GWT - CSS GUI Notify User - Browser Issues

Hi guys, wow I couldn't think of a decent title so I went for the acronym approach :-) basically I'm working in GWT and I want to notify the user of a panel changing it's text. I've done this by using a Timer() and CSS public void flashObject() { final Timer flashing = new Timer() { public void run() { flashNewException(); } }; ...

drag and drop environment to start developing in gwt

is there any drag and drop environment to work with GWT widgets. or any user friendly IDE or plugin on IDE's i remember using some thing like MyEclips for developing Hibernate was better then working with .xml files. ...

Explicitly controlling Ant skipped tasks to speed GWT compilation

I'm using an Ant task to invoke Google's GWT compiler, as in: <java failonerror="true" fork="true" classname=""> <arg value="package.of.GWTClass" /> </java> This works, but I'd like to avoid recompiling the entire project during each Ant build in none of the dependencies have changed. I'm aware that Ant ca...

RootPane.get("something") with GWT Designer

I've been working a little with GWT and I managed to do some small aplications. But now I started playing with GWT Designer, there is a little thing that I just couldn´t acomplish yet. When working with standard gwt, if I want to add some control or element, I just write this: RootPane.get("something").add(somePanel); And gwt render...

Tips for optimizing performance on a very sluggish GWT app for mobile browsers

His, Could maybe some of you share their experiences of mobile development on GWT? We are developing a pretty interactive website with lots of clickable panels/buttons and experiencing tremendous browser sluggishness. It is a virtual no-go, navigating to the next page takes over a minute at times. It could be an architecture weakne...

google wave: how did they make divs clickable

Hello, As we are facing GWT performance issues in a mobile app I peeked into Google Wave code since it is developed with GWT. I thought that all the buttons there are widgets but if you look into generated HTML with firebug you see no onclick attribute set on clickable divs. I wonder how they achieve it having an element that issues ...

Exclude subdirectories from a bundle; Include-Resource at BND file

Hi all, Im trying to put a GWT Eclipse project to a Bundle-Jar file. For that I have to add the war folder to the bundle. The problem is that the GWT compiler add all *.class files in the folder war/WEB-INF/classes. BND try to add all *.class files in the jar file but they are on the wrong path in the project. Thats the problem! Thus I ...

GWT gwt i18n Gin Module

Hello :-) My question is the following: I got one application running with GWT. At the startup of the application, one GWTClientModule which extends AbstractGinModule or another GWTClientModule is loaded. Based on that switch I would like to set the local. Is there a way to set the local not directly in .html by doing as follow: <me...

getElementsByTagName() behaves differently in IE and FF.

I am new to JavaScript, trying to figure out a tag information value. GWT Code is as follows.. public static native boolean isToolBarInstalled() /*-{ alert("Validating the toolbar installed."); var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getElementsByTagName('meta'); var i; alert ("Meta length: "+metas....

How to share code between two GWT projects?

Hi, I'm working on two GWT projects in Eclipse which share some of their classes.Project A has base source files and some functionality. I don’t have change access to this project, although I can read source. Project B is my target work project. Problem I have added each source folder from project-A to project-B launches configuration...

String Replace operation in GWT 2.0.4

I am using GWT 2.0.4 and want to perform the trivial operation of replacing string. Something which can be done using java.lang in java, and since GWT doesn't support Java libraries and I want to avoid writing a JSNI, is there a way to do a string replace, Is there anything i am missing or might not knw? Latest version of GWT,which is j...

How to specify -style PRETTY in

GWT 2.0.4 seems to have removed support for the -style argument: Unknown argument: -style PRETTY How can I get DevMode to generate readable Javascript output so that I can use Firebug to usefully profile it? ...

Dragging a widget down a long list so that scrolling is necessary with gwt-dnd

I'm investigating using gwt-dnd to implement drag-and-drop reordering of a list of widgets. The list might be longer than its visible area, and so I'd like the user to be able to do that drag-the-widget-near-the-bottom-and-the-list-auto-scrolls behavior that's pretty much standard. Does gwt-dnd have this support built in anywhere? If ...

Splitting Large GWT app into several modules.

I have an app written with GWT and GAE where every supported city has its own app. Clearly this is not the best way to manage the map so I want to merge them all into one app. Currently my app is at the urls,,, etc, and I want them to be at ,, etc. All the suppo...

How do I get a GWT menu popup to stay within the browser window?

My GWT app uses a DockLayoutPanel for primary layout and the page itself does not scroll. I have a PopupPanel with a MenuBar and sometimes when a MenuItem is selected the sub menu bar goes off the bottom of the screen abruptly forcing a new scroll bar into the browser and messing up the layout. How do I get the menu popup to behave nice...

I need to know when a VerticalPanel changes size

I'm using gwt-dnd to implement drag-and-drop functionality in my GWT program. To get scrolling to work right, I need <ScrollPanel> <AbsolutePanel> <VerticalPanel> <!-- lots of draggable widgets --> </VerticalPanel> </AbsolutePanel> </ScrollPanel> I have to manually set the size of the AbsolutePane...

Unable to compile GWT Cell Showcase examples

I have been trying to understand gwt Widgets showcase at the below link:!CwCellList I am not able to compile the code, this code is using UiBinder but they are not binding it to template which gives me error "Template file ContactInfoForm.ui.xml is missing (expected at com/tracker/...

Make widget that will follow user behavior at webpage/web application

Hi all! I would like to make/implement an widget that will show statistics for specific user at webpage (number of clicks at some links or butons, etc.). Initial idea is that user can click at some small button in corner of window and widget with his statistics will appear. That will later also be packed as Firefox plug-in. Regarding ...