
set back the focus in GWT

I have four text boxes and one ListBox placed in a FlexTable. I make a request to server to get the list of data to populate the ListBox. When the response comes back, I populate the ListBox. This is stealing focus from the TextBox where I am giving input. What I want is after populating the ListBox, return the focus back to the exact ...

How to populate combox using databse

i want to put items in GWT combobox using database. please provide me any suggestion to get the item of GWT-combobox using database. ...

Programmatic access to inline Styles where name is separated with dashes

Here is shown how to use styles in CamelCase, but how to use styles with a dash in its name? Valid Java method name can't have dashes in it (at least eclipse shows syntax error). Style defined in template: .menu-inactive{ background-color: grey; } ...

Inserting JSON in DataTable in Google Visualisation

Hello, I read that JSON can be inserted into a datatable. However, its done in JS on the HTML page (if memory serves right). I am using the GWT- visualisation driver as given here, and the only methods to add a row are not designed with JSON in mind. Is there any work-able solution? I am trying to make a Stacked Column Chart. Thank...

Google GIN AbstractGinModule & GWT.Create()

Hi, I have a class that extends AbstractGinModule like: public class ClientModule extends AbstractGinModule { public ClientModule() { } @Override protected void configure() { ... ... bind(...class).annotatedWith(...).to(...class).in(Singleton.class); ... } } The idea that I have is to bind one class with ano...

Clone a panel of widgets

Hi, is it possible in GWT to clone a panel? If so, are all the handler settings copied as well? Basically I have a Panel full of controls, all laid out, I want to copy it and pop it up in a PopupPanel without having to go through the code that created the controls in the first place. I got as far as DOM.clone(), and this message post...

A detailed explaination of what is "wrong" with date handling in GWT

I have seen countless forum posts complaining of issues in GWT when handling dates. I am still very unclear as to what is "wrong" with the date handling, what special considerations need to be made, and when/where/why methods like Date.setMinutes(int minutes) should not be used. Does anybody have feedback? ...

GWT RPC and persistent Java objects

First of all, many thanks to Craig for the excellent answer below which I found very useful when searching my original issue... ref: Building on this solution, how does one overcome the (seemingly GWT limitation) where if i leave my persistable obj...

Did someone happen to see maven archetype for Grails+GWT project?

and if yes, where? Thanks for any help ...

one GWT CssResource, two implementations (css files)

public interface ReviewPanelStyle extends CssResource {...} @Source("BlueReviewPanelStyle.css") ReviewPanelStyle BlueReviewPanelStyle(); @Source("YellowReviewPanelStyle.css") ReviewPanelStyle YellowReviewPanelStyle(); We would think that this should work, however it does not. The color of elements styled (regardless of weather assoc...

How to disable hover effect to highlight menu items in GWT MenuBar?

I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep...

automatic GWT ClientBundles based on disk files

I'm currently making good use of GWT's ClientBundles in my app. It works fine, but I have a large number of resources and it becomes tedious to manually create Java interfaces for each file: @ClientBundle.Source("world_war_ii.txt") public ExternalTextResource worldWarII(); @ClientBundle.Source("spain.txt") public ExternalTextResource s...

Testing GWT application in firefox - how to prevent firefox to cache css

I develop a GWT application and use mozilla firefox for testing. I am looking for a way to configure firefox to not cache css files of my application. Because it often happens that I forget to clean the firefox cache and work on my application with old css styles. Is it possible to configure mozilla firefox to not cache css files? ...

How to deploy GWT Project containing GWT modules without entry points with Eclipse GAE plugin?

I have a GWT Project containing some GWT modules that I would like to have NO entry point, functioning as libraries for other modules WITH entry points. The GWT 'entry point' modules compile fine with the "GWT Compile Project" option in Eclipse if I choose not to compile the GWT 'library' modules with them. They also run fine. When I ...

Porting JME to WebGL

Is it possible to port an existing graphics engine like jMonkeyEngine to something like GwtGL or gwt-g3d? Is it only to replace native OpenGL calls to WebGL calls or there's more? ...

GWT UiBinder: Add Mouse Handler to Panel or Grid

I can't find a way to add a Mouse Handler to a GWT Panel or a Grid while using UiBinder. I basically need a way that I can detect the following over a Grid: Detect what cell the event is happening in. Detect Mouse Up Event Detect Mouse Down Event Detect Mouse Out Event Detect Mouse Over Event I had planned to try and do this with th...

GWT getting RPC StatusCodeException when deploying from a MAC

Ive successfully run and deploy a google appengine app from a windows machine for months. Now i on a mac and my app works fine running locally (both in hosted mode and compiled mode). However, after doing a mvn gae:deploy my app starts spitting out RPC StatusCodeExceptions through javascript only. There is no exception on the Server side...

TableModel in GWT incubator

HI friends! i am new to Java and GWT. I want to create a PagingScrollTable in my application. There i need to mention a TableModel using TableModel I really dont know how to do it. Please can you help me do that. Kindly answer my question and reply me at [email protected] ...

getAuthDomain() in GWT is always returning

I'm writing an application with Google Web Toolkit and am trying to figure out the Google Apps domain of the user currently logged in. public LoginInfo login(String requestUri) { UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); User user = userService.getCurrentUser(); LoginInfo loginInfo = new LoginInfo(); ...

How can I pass a system properties file to GWT?

Is there a system property or a program argument that I can use to pass the name of a properties file to GWT, to tell GWT to load these into the system properties? I'm trying to change something like this: -Dsysprop1=value1 -Dsysprop2=value2 ... to something like this: