
Setting style(color) to button in gxt/sencha

Hye all I was trying the free version of sencha API with GWT in base and stumbled upon on the issue of setting color to a button. I tried modifying all the CSS get deployed in the war and tried setting styles also but no luck there. So kindly at least suggest a approach.Thanks in advance. regards la_89ondevg ...

exclude directories from control mercurial

I have my GWT project set up with hg for version control, and want to exclude the generated files in the war/modulename folder entirely. I would prefer not to have to use an --exclude switch with every command. Is there a preferences file I can use to regularly exclude the directory? ...

What is client-side GWT architecture of Wave

I am wondering if some of you are aware of the architectural approaches taken by the Wave team to build its GWT web client? Since i am trying to optimize performance of one GWT app designed for mobiles, it is hard not to admire its speedy credentials :) Is Wave not using GWT-RPC to get regular updates from server? Firefox tracks some ...

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" /> will crash hosted mode

Has anyone tried adding <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" /> to the app page html? I would like use the better css implementation of IE9 (e.g. round corner) and added that piece of meta tag. It will restart the IE every time i run hosted mode. I have both gwt sdk 2.0.3 and 2.1 rc1 installed in different instance ...

Custom attributes in UiBinder widgets

I'm using GWT and UiBinder for my app, and I'm trying to do this <g:TextBox ui:field="searchBox" styleName="{style.searchBox}" placeholder="search" /> But the custom placeholder attribute won't work because there isn't a setPlaceholder method on TextBox - I need to this: searchBox.getElement().setAttribute("placeholder", "search"); ...

GWT session control between ear and war

Hello, I'm developing a GWT application in a separate war file, the server side of the gwt application call the business layer in a EJB container. The problem is, how to control the session when my gwt code is in a separate context of my really application? Main app: host:8080/mainApplication Gwt app: host:8080/gwtApp The login con...

Replacing URL to get locale from a drop-down list in GWT behaves strangely on Safari 5 for Mac

Hello, I've deployed on Tomcat 6.0.29 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 a simple internationalized 2.0.4 GWT application using Eclipse (equivalent to HelloGWT sample) which has a drop-down list to get the locales and replace the url depending on the choice. It works fine when in development mode, either in Firefox or Safari. When deployed to Tomcat,...

Opening new browser window/tab inside AJAX/GWT application

Hello, I'm just wondering if it would be possible to open new browser window/tab inside AJAX/GWT application. For example: there is an application which takes all the space of one page, and in one part there is tabbed panel, so I would like to open fully functional browser window/tab inside that panel. Is it possible somehow? Thank you ...

Debug GWT application in a remote browser

I try to debug the GWT app in a remote browser (located on other computer than Eclipse instance) for example in VMware environment. Unfortunately while opening address below there is no connection. I've tried adding -Dgwt.args="-bindAddress" to Arguments -> VM ...

why isn't my GWT Widget that implements HasClickHandlers capturing clicks?

I'm using RaphaelGWT to draw shapes with the underlying RaphaelJS library. The basic RaphaelGWT Shape classes extends Widget, Circle extends Shape, and my CircleClickable extends Circle. I've tried to extend these objects so they can handle clicks but it's not working. There's an example in the RaphaelGWT for this, and I'm doing the same...

passing an object to the constructor of a widget defined in uibinder

I'm trying to pass my app's EventBus to a widget declared in a UiBinder via its constructor. I'm using the @UiConstructor annotation to mark a constructor that accepts the EventBus, but I don't know how to actually reference the object from my ui.xml code. That is, I need something like public class Wid...

Which is better framework Java/GWT or Scala/Lift ?

Hi folks, I wanted to start a new web application project and I am confused between two frameworks that is GWT(Java) or Lift(Scala). So I want your opinion which one I choose? Both are good according to my project requirement. So on the basis of frameworks comparison please tell me which is good? ...

Projects that were build with GWT

I was wondering which projects were build in GWT? Especially by Google itself... ...

Creating Apps In Google Web Toolkit, Hosting Options?

So i have been looking into GWT and it does look pretty interesting as i do have experience in programming in java and being able to create webapps does look very interesting to me. I have looked at some of the basic tutorials and have got GWT working in my eclipse environment. Now, If i was to begin creating webapps with it how would i...

Getting started with a large CRUD project in GWT? Any Caliburn-like examples?

I'm developing a client-side GWT application (the server-side API is already written). I've played around with GWT, but I've never developed a large application around it. Are there any example applications, similar to how Caliburn is for WPF/Silverlight family? For managing a large project, it really got me 90% of where I needed to be. ...

In GWT, adding an event handler on any of the host page tags.

I want to add a MouseOver event handler for any tag. Let say just for the example, that I want to add the event handler for every anchor page in a legacy HTML page. Following the GWT guide, I was able to use their a JSNI method suggested to retrieve all anchor tags after correcting small errors (missing parenthesis and types). However,...

Messaging: Lots of RemoteServices methods or Unique message builder/interpreter?

Hey guys, I'm using GWT to code a simple multiplayer board game. And while I was coding the question came up to my mind: At first I though my client could simply communicate with the server via RemoteServices calls, so if a client wanted to connect to a game he could do as follows: joinGame (String playerName, String gameName) And t...

Creating an Online Diagramming Tool.

Recently i have thought of setting myself the task of creating a basic digramming tool that would be web based and would like some input from other programmers and developers with more experience that myself. I have stumbled upon this Site that offers an amazing piece of software and was wondering how they went about creating such a thi...

Internationalization of user data

Hi I have a client that wants to store data in a MySQL database with multiple languages (English, French etc) and be able to retrieve the data (in the same specified language). ie: we have an English description of a product (varchar), which we intend to rewrite in French, and then on the server side find the description in the locale t...

Does GWT designer currently work with UIBinder?

I recently learned about GWT Designer and I am trying to use it in one of my projects. When I tried to open I got a message that this view is associated with a UIBinder file and that I should open the UIBinder file. When I open the UIBinder file I am told that I need version 2.1 M4 for UIBinder to work. I then install 2.1R...