
how to setCookie in gwt client ?

in my servlet, i have this line CookieManager.getRequestCookieValue(request, "app-openid-identifier"); CookieManager.getRequestCookieValue(request, "app-openid-uniqueid"); in my gwt client composite file, how to i set cookie for "app-openid-identifier" and do "get" to call the servlet? ...

Are GWT wrappers on top of javascript libraries discouraged?

I'm in a process of selecting an API for building a GWT application. The answer to the following questions will help me choose among a set of libraries. Does a third-party code rewritten in GWT run faster than a code using a wrapped JavaScript library? Will code using a wrapped library have the same performance as a pure GWT code if th...

Multiple pages tutorial in GWT

I just start learning GWT and wondering how do i make different HTML pages in my GWT application. For example i want to create application for a book store. In this application I'll have three pages: 1) Home pages where i will welcome user and offer him books 2) Page to browse books by categories and view details (use GWT widgets) 3) Che...

GWT text inputs with spell-check like behavior?

Hello, Does anyone know of a GWT widget that works like a spelling suggestor? Ideally it would be similar to this: I need a click-triggered popup on user generated text so that I can suggest replacements (I am not building a spell-checker, but something similar). I also really like the way the polishmy...

Using Google Web Toolkit for desktop like web app?

Does gwt have (good) support for effects, moving around elements, and resizing them? Are there any possible limitations GWT might bring to the table? ...

GWT Html file with CSS

When I'm creating new project with GWT plug in it creates a skeleton project for me. In html file there is a comment saying "Consider inlining CSS to reduce the number of requested files" Why would i consider using inline css? I tough having css in separate file not inline reduces size of my file? isn't it true? ...

GWT adding an iframe wipes out history in firefox

Hi, In my app i create a PopUpPanel setting a Frame as the content widget. Unfortunately after this popup is clicked the history gets messed up in firefox and History.back() doesn't work. All works fine in IE. Any workarounds? ...

GWT on GAE and S3

I'm trying to play with Google Web Toolkit (GWT 1.6) on Google AppEngine with Java (GAE/J) and I have encountered problem storing data files to GAE. So I have decided to use S3 to store my files but when I googled, I've found library called gwt-s3 that allows me to store File to S3 using GWT, but the problem is that it only allows storin...

Defining modules in GWT with non-default source directories

Let's say that I want to define a module "Pair" in com.mycompany.common such that the source is located in com.mycompany.common (and not com.mycompany.common.client). How would I do this? Alternatively, let's say that I have the flexibility of defining the module "Pair" in com.mycompany instead while still having the source in com.mycom...

Which GWT libraries are fast, mature and good for a desktop feel?

I have read that gwt-ext is slow and it seems too bulky. How does this compare with Ext-GWT? Are there any other libraries out that can easily handle dragging, resizing, minimizing? ...

Tables Stretching divs

I'm using a div based layout and GWT which LOVES to use tables everywhere. The problem I'm encountering is that the tables can stretch beyond the height of the div they are contained in. Is there anyway to expand the div vertically if needed? BTW content is being added to the table using javascript if that matters. If you want to chec...

What is wrong with generics usage in Ext-GWT?

I have come across some forum postings suggesting that the usage of generics in Ext-GWT is flawed. The postings are: With the latest release of ExtGWT, do these flaws still hold good? ...

Excluding methods from GWT modules

I have a class that I want to include in a GWT module. Unfortunately, it has a method that has functionality unsupported by GWT (it uses Class.isInstance in case you're curious). I do not use this method in my GWT application, but other non-GWT apps use this method, so I cannot simply remove it. Is there a way to exclude this method i...

SmartGWT ListGrid is slow, but only in Internet Explorer

Hello, we have migrated from gwtext to smartgwt and overall the experience is ok. However, we have big problems with the ListGrid component of SmartGWT. It is very slow if both of the following conditions are met: Internet Explorer is used 5 or more columns the speed will decrease if you add more columns up to the point where the ...

gwt Comet easier to implement on jetty or tomcat?

gwt Comet easier to implement on jetty or tomcat? ...

Data URIs in GWT

Is it possible to create data URI's in GWT? I want to inject a byte array image as an actual image using a data URI. Thanks! ...

GWT + GAE/J, sending JDO objects through the wire, but how?

Hi I'm having a problem. I would like to create Document object, and I would like to have a user property with type (on GAE's docs site, they said we should use this object instead of email address or something else, because this object probably will be enchanced to be unique). But now the object can'...

Is there a tool that checks GWT JRE emulation library violations?

I'm trying to port a Swing application to GWT. However lots of this application classes use things that are not supported by GWT JRE emulation library such as java.util.Locale, java.text.SimpleDateFormat and much more. Is there a tool that scans a project and spots such problems? ...

GWT link button

How to I make a hyperlink that functions as a button? Or how do I make a button that looks like a hyperlink? ...

GWT page layout practices

I am making a GWT app based off of an HTML mockup. The mockup has about 4 or 5 different layouts made with divs and css. Right now I have one HTML page with just the basic elements of my layout (header, body, footer). The other layouts are the same thing, with different layouts for the body (i.e. two column, three column). I attempted...