
Trouble getting unit testing of RPC on GWT

I am trying to get RPC testing using GWT. I am using the default StockWatcher project that is mentioned here, I download the project, I import it, everything works fine. I then run junitcreator in the StockWatcher project: /Users/stephen/Work/gwt/gwt-mac-1.6.4/junitCreator -junit /Users/stephen/Applications/eclipse/plugins/org.junit_...

Example of testing a RPC call using GWT-TestCase with GAE

How is that for a lot of acronyms! I am having trouble testing GWT's RPC mechanism using GWT's GWTTestCase. I created a class for testing using the junitCreator tool included with GWT. I am attempting to test using the built in Google App Engine using the created "hosted mode" testing profile created by junitCreator. When I run the test...

What browsers is Google Web Toolkit tested against?

I'm very interested in GWT and I'm curious which browsers it's tested against? The info is not painfully easy enough for me to find and I haven't gotten an answer on the group (I haven't waited long but messages get buried there fast). This is really important to me... I would assume google's standards are high (probably higher than min...

What compilers target JavaScript runtimes?

I am using GWT, which includes a Java-to-JavaScript compiler. Before this project, targeting the JavaScript runtime from a different language hadn't occurred to me, and I'm enjoying the GWT experience. A quick search revealed Java2Script as another Java-to-JavaScript solution. Are there any other mature compilers that target the JavaS...

using gwt dto and can skip async class

can anyone explain more how when using dto to serialized object , one can skip using aync class when using service? ...

Native Javascript method in GWT

I have a native Javascript method in one of my GWT Java classes, but I'm having trouble calling my Java methods from the native Javascript code. I tried to follow this as closely as I could, but I can't get it to work. I compiled it and ran it in Firefox, and the error console said "Error: is not a function". I tried changing all...

GWT JsArray of self, recursive object array

I am building a tree structure which an object references itself in like so: public class ProjectObjectOL extends JavaScriptObject { protected ProjectObjectOL() { } public final native boolean getStatus() /*-{ return this.status; }-*/; public final native String getError() /*-{ return this.error_message; }-*/; pu...

GWT client-side image crop and resize

Is there any GWT widget which allows me to: select a part of an image and then retrieve the selection area? resize an image and then give me the updated size? The above should be reflected in the browser as well. ...

GWT with JDO problem

I just start playing with GWT I'm having a really hard time to make GWT + JAVA + JDO + Google AppEngine working with DataStore. I was trying to follow different tutorial but had no luck. For example I wend to these tutorials: TUT1 TUT2 I was not able to figure out how and what i need to do in order to make this work. Please look at my s...

GWT: Mark of the web (MOTW)

"Mark of the Web" headers are HTML comments that tell Internet Explorer it might be okay to run Javascript. They look something like this: <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> Anyone know a simple way to configure a GWT project to automatically build these into all files during development? Any other changes required to get...

Django + GWT or Jquery...

I have made a complex models structure in django. I had planned to render this structure using GWT, but with python the option to communicate whit it are: - using JSON and in this case I have to duplicate the models structure in javascript objects (see gwt tutorial). - python-gwt-rpc is a remote procedure call library compatible with g...

gwt generate html for seo? what do u think?

i found this article . generate html on server side for spider. what do you folks think about using this technique to serve different content depending on user-agent ? any reference articles, u folks wanna share on best way to do seo on gwt? also, i did read up pro gwt2.0 technique, but s...

Simple AJAX with GWT... I don't need widgets

Can GWT be used just for simple AJAX? I dont want the widgets, I just want to avoid coding javascipt. What I need is simple ajax, like clicking on a link and updating the contents of a div with data retrieved from the server, or things like that. Can GWT be used for that purpouse? if so, where can I get some help? All I find on the web i...

GWT Custom Event Handler

Can someone give me an example of creating a custom set of an Event and a Handler. Say you have a Person object that you want your widgets to know if it got updated. You create a HandlerManager and now you have to create an Event and a Handler. How would you define those classes so that you can subscribe and fire events? Most of the Ev...

gwt libraries

Hello! Which GWT library would you suggest I used for a project? Could someone tell me a summary of the pros and cons of various libraries around (SmartGWT, Ext-GWT, GWT-Ext etc.). Is there a best-all-around-library basically "everyone" works with or are some libraries more suited for specific applications than others? Thanks! Possible ...

Why do I get ClassNotPersistableException while running GWT App Engine application in hosted mode?

I am randomly getting an org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotPersistableException when I try to perform a query on the local JDO data store of my GWT/App Engine application. This only happens when I run the application on Hosted mode. When I deploy it to the Google App Engine everything works perfectly. Stack Trace: org.datanucleus.exce...

What's the quickest way to play with GWT for someone with almost no spare time?

I think the subject pretty much covers it. I'm not a web programmer (I am a programmer), I'd like to write some play web apps, I don't really have a lot of spare time. So what's the quickest way to get up and running to play around with GWT? ...

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

We're starting to make heavier use of GWT in our projects, and the performance of the GWT compiler is becoming increasingly annoying. We're going to start altering our working practices to mitigate the problem, including a greater emphasis on the hosted-mode browser, which defers the need to run the GWT compiler until a later time, but...

Can I pass arguments to the GWT compiler?

With the GWT compiler, is it possible set pass in properties as arguments to the GWT compiler? I know you can pass in certain defined parameters such as -war and -style, but this is for passing in property values, such as "user.agents" or "locale". From what I can see of the documentation, the properties can only be set using from with...

GWT and JSR-168/286 portlet namespace?

We are developing a set of portlets for Liferay. Currently we use JSPs, so we are able to use the tag for the DIV and element IDs so that they are unique on the page, even if multiple instances of the same portlet appear on the page; for example: <div id='<portlet:namespace/>div'> <form> Enter your name here: <input type='text...