
Encode String with UTF-8 in GWT

Is there a way to encode a String with UTF-8 in GWT? In other words, is there a GWT-compatible equivalent to, "UTF-8")? ...

Hooking a GWT event onto an element in an external iframe

Hi everyone, I am writing a GWT app that involves interacting with an external document in an iframe. As a proof of concept, I am trying to attach a click handler to a button. The following works in javascript var iframe = document.getElementById("rawJSIFrame"); var doc = iframe.contentDocument; var body = doc.body; var button = doc.g...

How to catch GWT HorizontalSplitPanel double click event

I want to fully expand or restore a GWT HorizontalSplitPanel when the user double clicks in the panel thumb. I was planning to extend the HorizonTalSplitPanel to add this behavior, but since it's a final class, it's not possible. Does anybody knows a way to implement this behavior? Thanks. ...

GWT wrap() method iterates whole DOM unnecessarily?

I'm using a custom GWT component that wraps around an existing textbox in my html page. The page returns a list of information - so as larger sets of information are loaded - the GWT loading process takes longer and longer. Looking at the source code of the wrap() method - it appears it iterates through the DOM looking for matching i...

GWT for heavy traffic website

Is it worth to use Google Web Toolkit for heavy traffic website (something like Youtube, Hulu). If not then what Java framework should be used? ...

Is it possible to start GWT hosted at a specific screen location and window size?

It is a little bit annoying to have the GWT hosted browser (on a Mac) pop up at always the same screen location and same size (that is: to small and at the wrong place!). In particular if you have two 24" monitors it couldn't be less annoying to always move the browser window and to resize it on startup. I know I could leave it open and ...

example on using google map v3+gwt through jsni

any example on using google map v3 with gwt1.6.4 through jsni ? ...

GWT panel design best practices

I am a newbie in GWT, and also to Swing/SWT style interface building. I have worked with HTML for a long time, and I know how to build my UIs in that. However, I am having trouble translating this to GWT. What I am trying to make currently, is a simple UI with a table on the left with 4 columns, heading and a caption, and a panel on the ...

Trouble using GWT ScrollPanel

Hello all. I'm trying to show a large image inside of a ScrollPanel. The ScrollPanel is one of the tabs of a TabPanel. All this is inside of a VerticalSplitPanel. I expected to have the ScrollPanel doing the scrolling but instead is the VerticalSplitPanel that has the scrollbars. Can anybody help me achieve the desired behavior. Than...

What do you use for client to server communication with GWT?

GWT RPC is proprietary but looks solid, supported with patterns by Google, and is mentioned by every book and tutorial I've seen. Is it really the choice for GWT client/server communcation? Do you use it and if not why and what you chose? I assume that I have generic server application code that can accommodate for RPC, EJBs, web servic...

GWT. Images Loading And Composite

Hi! I'm in trouble - very often when I update url of the images, browser not update them (in hosted mode, firefox) img.setUrl("..."); // sometimes won't work Ok, I try to instantiate new Image every time I need update url. I Use img = new Image("..."); on my SimplePanel. In hosted mode ot works, but in firefox - won't, when I press s...

Override GWT Styling

I had a beautiful pure HTML mockup for a webpage that I am now recreating in GWT. I'm attempting to use the same css in my GWT app, but that's not working well for me. GWT styles seem to override mine. I know I can completely disable the GWT styles, however I would prefer to have the styling for the GWT components that I'm adding (tab...

Difference between gwt-ext and ext-gwt

Am I taking crazy pills, or are these two things pretty much identical? ...

How to use EXT-GWT ComboBox

How do I use ComboBox in EXT-GWT with static data. For example I just want to hard code (for demo purposes) list of First Names and display it to the user. I don't want to use any dummy objects that they are using in their samples. Where can I find simple example with Strings? ...

Regular Expressions and GWT

My questions is: Is there a good solution to use regular expression in GWT? I'm not satisfied with the use of String.split(regex) for example. GWT translates the Code to JS and then uses the regex as a JS regex. But I cannot use something like the Java Matcher or Java Pattern. But I would need these for group matching. Is there any pos...

Programmatically resize browser window in GWT

For the GWT app I'm developing, I need to programmatically change the height of the browser window. Is there a way to do this in GWT? I've tried the following: public static native void setWindowHeight(final int height) /*-{ $wnd.resizeTo($wnd.outerWidth, height); }-*/; But this does not just change the height, it also messes wi...

Ext-GWT Advanced Form

I'm attempting to use the advanced forms of Ext-GWT, but the provided example is only shows how to lay out the form, not submit or process data. Are there any end to end examples of how to use these? I'm attempting to make a form that has text and a file upload, but I have no idea how to do anything beyond what is provided out in the exa...

[Ext-GWT] Adding a resize listener to LayoutContainer

I am using Ext-GWT 2.0.1 and GWT 1.6.4 I have a LayoutContainer that uses a RowLayout. The widgets are added to this container with RowData(1,-1), so that when they change in height, the container also changes height accordingly. I want to do something when this LayoutContainer changes size. How can I add a listener that does this? ...

Get Name of selected RadioButton in EXT-GWT RadioGroup

I have following code: final Radio trDelRadio = new Radio(); trDelRadio.setName("TDRADIO"); trDelRadio.setBoxLabel("Training"); final Radio cdcRadio = new Radio(); cdcRadio.setName("CDCRADIO"); cdcRadio.setBoxLabel("Content"); final Radio msRadio = new Radio(); msRadio.setName("MSRADIO"); msRadio.setBoxLabel("Management"); final Radi...

Cgi scripts returning data as html/text.. How safe is that?

Hi, It makes sense to return data when a form is submitted using post method. It looks as if only html/text can be returned ordinarily... I use gwt on the client side and it does not seem to work properly if plain/text is returned. The question: how safe is to return all kind of text using html/text? Is it possible that some data could ...