
Committed before 401 No authentication specified

I'm programming using GWT, which includes Jetty. I have defined my own servlet and when I call response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage()); It gives me a warning that states: WARNING: Committed before 401 No authentication specified Sep 2, 2009 2:40:36 AM warn ...

How to parse ASP.NET JSON Date format with GWT

ASP.NET JSON serialize DateTime to the following format "\/Date(1251877601000)\/". Pls, help parse this string into the java(GWT) Date object. At this time the solution I came with is parsing with regex, extract long.. but then I cannot push long through JSNI. ...

Extra lines before embedded gwt application in IE...

I noticed there is at least two line linebreak after top html code before embedded gwt application in case of IE6/7/8, For other browser, this cannot be seen. E.g. html code <body> mymenu <div id="gwtapplication"></div> </body> There will be two lines after mymenu and gwt application. Note the application uses absolute panel ...

What Maps API other than Google's do you use with GWT?

It seems that licensing terms would prevent us from using Google Maps API in our software. We would prefer to be absolutely free open source and Google Maps API will require commercial license if our software is sold (correct me if I am wrong - I will delete this question then :-). So the question is if there are alternative map APIs f...

attempt to create saveOrUpdate event with null entity

Hello all, I've run into a problem I can't figure out and Google search does not return much (I should of thought about posting my question here first ;-). So I've got a GWT app, that makes a rpc call to a server to save/create a new entity. However, the Spring-Hibernate back-end throws an exception with the following error message: ...

How to implement a custom ColumnSorter with ScrollTable (GWT-incubator)

I've implemented my custom column sorter which is used to sort the elements in my table. class FileColumnSorter extends SortableGrid.ColumnSorter { @Override public void onSortColumn(SortableGrid sortableGrid, TableModelHelper.ColumnSortList columnSortList, SortableGrid.ColumnSort...

IntelilJ 8.1 with 2 GWT modules

I'm trying to add the gwt-debugpanel into my project. I'm using IntelliJ 8.1, and I've setup a stripped-down, bare-bones project for testing. The source tree looks like this: gwt-multi-module src com.gindin dummy DummyApp.gwt.xml client public DummyApp.css D...

GWT Simple Drag and Drop for custom widgets

Are there any GWT gurus out there who can guide me on how to start with Drag and Drop in GWT for custom widgets. I have a build a simple tree structure by putting custom widgets inside an HTMLPanel (table rows) and want to be able to drag and drop each widget above or below other widgets but don't know where to start I am using 1.6. I ne...

How to exclude work module from the compile, when deploying to GAE ?

Our standard module file is: Myproject.gwt.xml We have added an extra modulefile for fast compilation called: MyprojectWork.gwt.xml When deploying to GAE, it compiles both Myproject.gwt.xml and MyprojectWork.gwt.xml. How to exclude MyprojectWork.gwt.xml from the compile, when deploying to GAE ? Config: GWT SDK 1.7.0 Google Plugin for E...

How to embeded 2 gwt module_x.module_x.nocache.js into a html file ?

Hi I write 2 GWT module and compile it. I want locate ***.nocache.js files into a html file. ...

GWT inter project communication

Hi, We have a large GWT project and many smaller GWT sub-projects basically the large controller project invokes the smaller projects via many means such as some are incorporated into iframes that are shown in page, some are shown by clicking a URL and opening the project into a new window. The requirement is to change the Css on the fl...

Retrieving XML results of a POST command

As part of my GWT application I have a POST method that accepts a file (so I need to use form submission) and returns an updated list of elements as xml. I use the GWT formPanel to do this. The formpanel redirects the results of the post into a separate iframe. Using the dom inspector I can see that the results are actually there. Unfort...

Which java web technology to learn to develop Rich Internet Applications ?

Hi, I have developed web applications using JSF (myfaces components). But in these days of responsive UI, JSF doesnt fare well. I m hearing a lot about AJAX, GWT, etc. So i wanted your opinion on which web technology/framework should i learn inorder to develop web applications for enterprise products. Some of the web technologies that i...

How to Map unset property to value without getting NullPointerException in Dozer

Using Dozer to map two objects, I have: /** /* This first class uses the GXT (ExtJS) framework **/ Class1 extends BaseModelData { public int getId() { return (Integer)get("id"); } public void setId(int id) { set("id", id); } // more properties } Class2 { public int getId() { return i...

Shift Key in GWT?

Is there a way in GWT to tell if the shift key is down inside of an onClick() handler? For example: import; import; public class PanelTileBase implements ClickHandler { PanelTileBase() { addClickHandler(this); } public void onClick(ClickEvent ev...

CSS Menu with GWT

Can anyone tell me how to integrate a CSS Menu with GWT? I found a great site called and I like the menu it creates, but I'm not sure how I can integrate that into the rest of my GWT app. How can I make the links in the menu interact with GWT. Any help would be appreciated. ...

TinyMCE or SmartGWT Rich Text Editor for my GWT app?

I want to add a rich text editor to my GWT application. TinyMCE is one candidate, and so is the rich text editor in SmartGWT. Do you have any advice about choosing between the two? ...

Web 2.0 Advantages?

The GWTPHP Framework here says the following: One of the advantages of Web 2.0 based applications is that the traffic between client and server consists only of data. You don’t need to send long HTML code that defines design, only data - so the communication and reloads are very fast. I don't seem to understand this, ...

using GWT RPC mechanism with my customized Servlet

I currently have a GWT application which uses the RequestBuilde to send messages to a servlet I have (using POST and GET), and my servlet (in doPost and doGet) "pauses" the request (this is done by using Servlets 3.0 spec) and adds it to a queue. Additionally I have a Daemon thread which runs in the background and "plays" the request...

Reducing code complexity for GWT

I started learn GWT by example on google and my first conclusion is: too much code Like this: stocks.add(symbol); stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 0, symbol); stocksFlexTable.setWidget(row, 2, new Label()); stocksFlexTable.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(row, 1, "watchListNumericColumn"); stocksFlexTable.getCell...