
gwt application logging, profiling, benchmarking

Is there a good methodology for logging/benchmarking/profiling a gwt application to identify bottlenecks? Something like a timing/logging framework or similar. ...

Form submition error in GWT

My code is FormPanel form =new FormPanel(); VerticalPanel holder = new VerticalPanel(); holder.add(new Label("User ID")); nameTextBox = new TextBox(); nameTextBox.setName("userid"); holder.add(nameTextBox); submitButton = new Button("Submit"); ...

GWT vertical layout

I need a vertical layout, which would fill browser's viewport top to bottom, with on overflow (scrollbars). I need to layout widgets on the top, and on the bottom, and have one widget in the center which would stretch to fill the remaining space. There seems to be DockLayoutPanel for this purpose, the problem with it is that it forces m...

widget to upload multiple files

Hi I'm developping an application using Gwt and Gxt (Ext GWT). There isn't any widget in Gxt to attach many files in a form before posting it. I'd like something like this widget in extJS: Does someone know a solution to add such a widget in my gxt project ? Thanks for yours answers. ...

How to kill a Tab in a Tab Panel

Hi , I have created a Tab panel where additional tabs can be added on clicking a button. What I cannot figure out is how to remove a tab that is not the one that was added last. Here's where I am.... TabPanel tp = new TabPanel(); HorizontalPanel tabPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Label textLabel = new Label("Some Filename"); Button ...

GWT interfering with XSS preventative measures.

I'm currently in the process of developing a GWT 1.7.1 application that deals with a significant amount of persistent, user generated data so there is a risk of malicious XSS. One of the steps I am taking to prevent this is using org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml() server-side (Yes I am well aware that this will not pr...

Using GWT with a database

How can I configure the embedded Jetty that comes with GWT so that when I click the run button in Eclipse, my server application can access a postgresql database? ...

focus on parent window if child window is closed

hi friends, i am using a gwt. i am opening gwt module from another module using method. now i want to check that if i closed the child window or logout from this window. i need to redirect in parent window. please give me a solution. i was trying window.opener.focus() but it is not working properly. thanks. ...

How can i use Jquery-validation in GWT when we submit form ?

My code is Form form = new FormPanel(); form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); submitButton = new Button("Submit"); form.getElement().setId("form"); submitButton.getElement().setId("submit"); nameTextBox.getElement()...

GWT MapWidget from javascript as GMap2

Hi, I am using GWT for google map application. I use Google's gwt-maps.jar for mapping api. I can create a map as private MapWidget mapId; if (Maps.isBrowserCompatible()) { mapId = new MapWidget(); mapId.setPixelSize(600, 500); RootPanel.get("gmap").add(mapId); mapId.setCurrentMapType(MapType.getHybridMap()); mapId...

how do i check for errors in spring - security ?

I have an application that supports multiple types of login using username+password, using open id, etc. Technology used : GWT. Login url = Login.html and Login Failure url = Login.html?error=true as shown above, the login page (made in GWT) can determine that whether its just opened for first time or whether its opened after an error....

How to take convert a webpage to a image in javascript / Google web tool kit

Hi , I have a requirement to convert a webpage into a image. When a user clicks a button the new window need to display the webpage as a image. IS it possible to do in Javascript or Google web tool kit? ...

BigDecimal serialization in GWT

What is your preferred approach to serializing BigDecimal in GWT? Are there any clever workarounds, or do you simply use Double or String? Of all of the GWT pains this is so far the biggest; I'd hate to create two models, one for server and one for GWT, and transform data from one to the other. On the other hand, while I don't care muc...

GWT: Failed to load module

I wanted to organize my folders my own way but it's not working so far. This is my directory structure src com.tutorial.client DictionaryModule com.tutorial.module Tutorial.gwt.xml Tutorial.gwt.xml: <module rename-to="tutorial"> <inherits name=''/> <inherits name='

Set the width of a composite as a percentage of its container

Hi, I have a couple of composite widgets which all have dymaincally sizing object within them. When I instantiate a composite widget I would like it to fill its container as a percentage, say 80% for example. Each of the objects within the widget will grow to fit inside the composite regardless of composites size but the composite its...

loading gwt app from django

I am trying to load a google web toolkit application with django, but the gwt host page does not seem to work (just a blank screen) when I invoke it with render_to_response() from my django view. I have verified that a plain hello-world html file loads fine from the gwt war directory, so it's not a path issue. Also the host page renders ...

how to run a gwt servlet automatically in some particular time interval?

Hi every1! Please help me about this issue... In my application i have calender where user can set the events for particular day.. this event info is store in database.... now i want my application to automatically send an email to that user on that assigned day.... ...

How can send email on specific day without running my GWT servlet ?

hi everyone In my application user can add there reminder for the specific day and reminder will be send to there email address .... but how can i send there reminder on that day ... please help me . ...

building website graphics with GWT

hi, i am building a site with GWT. i have finished all the logics and now i need to work on the graphics/UI. i am just begining my way at web site and i have 2 questions: 1) how can i make my web site look good in every resolution? 2) in most of the places i have read that the UI components (background/buttons..) is always in a tab...

ClickListener and custom widget

Hi, I am trying to add clicklistener to one of the widgets. These widgets are created using RaphaleJS. I tried to implement clicklistener but it is not recognizing. i.e. i have something like this: class RaphaelJS extends JavaScriptObject { protected static class Shape extends JavaScriptObject { public final native Shape rotate(dou...