
Simple hyperlink in GWT?

This should be simple, but somehow I can't find a way to create simple hyperlink in GWT. Basically, I want to load another page when users clicks on something. Hyperlink seems to point to internal GWT application state only. I guess I could put the link in HTML code itself, but how do I create it in Java? ...

GWT Tree widgets swallow arrow keyboard events which make TextBoxes contained in TreeItems not respond to arrow keys.

Easily reproducible in GWT 1.6.4: Tree tree = new Tree(); tree.addItem(new TextBox()); The problem lies with onBrowserEvent in Tree: switch (eventType) { case Event.ONKEYDOWN: case Event.ONKEYUP: { if (isArrowKey(DOM.eventGetKeyCode(event))) { DOM.eventCancelBubble(event, true); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); ...

Spring Forms + GWT

I'd like to learn how to use Spring Forms and GWT. Basically my forms just ask for a bunch of links and you can submit them. The twist is that when I add a link I want it to be previewed (e.g print the title of the page, some description etc) via an RPC call. The solution I can think of is to use GWT's form panel and bind the inputs to...

gwt panel horizontal alignment not working

I have a GWT dialog box that looks like the following: public class FooDialog extends DialogBox { public FooDialog() { setText("Foo Dialog"); VerticalPanel outer = new VerticalPanel(); outer.setBorderWidth(3); outer.setSize("400px", "200px"); outer.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); outer.s...

GWT RPC or Request Builder using Javascript Overlay?

GWT RPC is a mechanism provided by gwt to communicate between client and server. Also there's a Request Builder, through which you can connect to the server. Which mechanism would you recommend for a gwt based app, and please state the reasons to do so as well.. ...

Gwt Graphics and ClickHandler

Hi, I am using gwt graphics and gwt dnd for a program. I have a button which when clicked creates a circle at specified position on the panel and the circle is draggable. For dragging i have used gwt-dnd. I have also added a click handler to the circle which when click should print "ERD Circle". Here is the code layout: Button b = ne...

gwt> importing a sample project

I'm just barely after 2 hours of trying to force it to work and looking for answers online. How in the world do you import a sample gwt application into your eclipse and make it run? by the way, I cannot find "projectCreator.cmd" anywhere in my files, where is it suppose to be assumming i've used eclipse plugin updater to d/l gwt 1.7....

What is the most straightforward GWT workaround for same origin policy restriction (trying to query google maps api)?

Hello -- I am trying to do some basic geocoding using the google maps API and a GWT dyanmic web project in Eclipse. For example, query the following URL:,+Mountain+View,+CA&output=json&sensor=false and get back the data for parsing. I am running into some confusi...

GWT 2.0 RC1 & GXT 2.0.1

Hi, I'm wondering if already someone tried to use this combination ( GWT 2.0 RC1 with GXT 2.0.1 or any other version) and if so, then how it actually works ? any pitfalls ? Thanks ...

Concurrency Issue plotting google maps GeoCoder request on Google Maps Widget

My program has essentially 3 steps: 1) Query Geocoder object for some Coordinates and store them in a Collection 2) Send the results to my main module for plotting on a map 3) Plot them on a google map widget I have created a Requestor class for the purpose of handling the Geocoding -- this class has a getResults() function that returns...

How do i convert 100% into px in HTML

Hi, I am making a slider based component in GWT. Parent : width = 100% .-------------------------------------------------. | .---------------------------------------------. | | | Child : width = X | | | '---------------------------------------------' | '-------------------------------------------------' where...

Configure GWT in Eclipse

Installed Google App Engine 1.2.5 and Web Toolkit 1.7.1. However I still get a red underline whenever I import gwt and user any of it's classes like graphCanvas. How do I take this underline away? What haven't I configured correctly? ...

is smartGWT really as slow as its showcase is?

I've started implementing my web application using smartGWT. Is it really as slow as it is on the showcase? It's practically unreasonably slow. I'm in a new empty project that all it does it display a modal window with a login form in onLoad. this takes about 1 full minute to load. I think it's just waiting for something and then po...

Any example with Protocol Buffers + GWT?

Do you know about any example using together Google Protocol Buffers and GWT? ...

Creating object to get expected Json

Hi. I am working in GWT. Currently my requirement is simple. I want a JSON in following format: {":question" : { ":id":"123", ":question_text":"some text", ":nodes":["123","111"]}} I need to create an object in GWT code such that when I use jquery's json plugin to parse that object; I should get above listed json. This json needs to ...

using request builder to authenticate user: Not working in spring security

I need to authenticate a user in a page based on the remember me cookie, inspired by this site: Tutorial for checking spring authentication, I came up with a solution for checking the authentication. Changes made in my application applicationContext-security.xml: <intercept-url pattern='/**AuthenticationChecker.html' access="ROLE_ADMI...

edit/save/refresh gwt modules

Hi, One of the best features of gwt is the edit/save/refresh development cycle. This has worked great when working with only one module. But what about when the application is broken down into multiple modules? More specifically, we've moved towards a structure where we have a main ui module with an entry point and multiple additional...

gwt and dynamic server processing. Do they belong together?

I am eager to build an application with Gwt and App Engine. I'm more familiar with App Engine: creating dynamic html pages with servlets and jsp's. I'm wondering however, if this type of application technology belongs with GWT? The two examples I can foresee being a problem are login and database retrieval. For user log-in, my curr...

Why do only certain feeds get recovered from google reader?

I want to parse the results of a public google reader feed of mine. I am writing an app in gwt and up to this point I had been following an example with the line: String gdata = ";callback="; The feed is retrieved, public void handle(JavaScriptObject jso) { JSO...

smartGWT > setting the cursor position in a textItem

I'm using a TextItem in smartGWT and I want to update the cursor position in that text field when a user clicks on some button. is that possible? (btw, in general, is there a text field widget that is not part of the form package in smartGwt?) thanks! ...