
java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap problem : code included

Hello :-) I am building a facebook platform web app using GWT and hosting it on App Engine. I am adding validation code that uses supplied query string parameters in the callback url. GWT allows me to get these parameters by calling Window.Location.getParameterMap() and the returned Map is immutable. I may be wrong however I think thi...

why am I stuck on "Initiating update" when deploying to google

I've have not had any trouble deploying through eclipse until now. I'm guessing it might have to do with all the stuff I've added today a folder of .pdf and .tex files (in war/web-inf directory) a bit of JDO stuff and a servlet that reads the files in the directory and indexes them into the JDO Is there any way to find out what exa...

Facebook Application Using GWT

Does anyone have experience writing a Facebook application using GWT with GAE? I'm new to GWT/GAE and the web world but not new to Java and am having some slight issues integrating with the Facebook API. Currently I've settled on utilizing a filter to authenticate the request to my main servlet against Facebook to ensure proper credent...

How do I compile a module without an EntryPoint?

I have a utility module for GWT which doesn't have an UI (hence, there is no class which inherits from When I try to compile this module with GWT 1.7.1, I get this error: [ERROR] Module has no entry points defined How do I get rid of this error? Do I really have to define a dummy entry point? How...

Mouse Over listener for FlexTable in GWT 1.7?

How do you add an event listener or handler to widgets in GWT 1.7? I know there are some questions alreayd about this on SO but it seems they are outdated. For example (ignoring the fact that there is a :hover in CSS) how do I add a Hover listener to a FlexTable for example? ...

View GWT HTML source?

Is there a way to VIEW the HTML source code that GWT produces? Currently I just give my flex table the DIV id and that DIV is all HTML I can see in ViewSource. Is there a way to structure my table in HTML (say using div's and lists) and than create a something like FlexTable around that? ...

Can the server create and return GWT objects to the client?

Hi all. Still wresting with GWT and App Engine, and I have come to this problem: I have an app engine populated with various data, which I would like to present on the client using a GWT RPC. I have found out the hard way that, because my Model objects are annotated with JDO, i can't just send them back to the client because they ar...

instruments to profile GWT application

I got rather large GWT application. Opened in several Firefox tabs, it eats huge amount of memory. The first ToDo thing is to minimize number of widgets created in UI. What instruments do you use to control memory usage of application, show a number of widgets in the page or do general profiling? ...

GWT classes: an annotation to prevent serialization of a field?

In GWT 1.7 I have a class used to construct object on the server side which are then used on the client (browser) side. On the client side I want to cache a service (in this case NumberFormat). This will be initialized lazily in a client-only method, and stored as a field object. The problem is the Java (1.6) build tools interpret this...

How to resolve a maven build error when a plugin (gwt-maven-plugin) descriptor fails to load?

I'm attempting to start a fresh project that hopes to use GWT 1.7.1, the Google Plugin for Eclipse, and Maven 2. I inferred that the best way to do this would be to setup the project using the Mojo gwt-maven-plugin's archetype from this question. All was going well until I attempted a build. The archetype adds a generateAsync goal, and ...

How to get a reference to the Window object using GWTQuery?

The title pretty much says it all. I'm trying to use jQuery's ability (hoping GWTQuery has implemented it) to pass a callback function to the window.resize something like this(example from jquery site): $(window).resize(function(){ alert("Stop it!"); }); but when I tryi to type $(window) in Eclipse I get an error that window can not...

GWT + Object Persistence + Maintaining Data In Memory

Hi, I am currently carrying out research for the design and implementation of a web-based RSS aggregation system, with the aim being the use and evaluation of recommendation algorithms. This system will require a relatively interactive web-based UI (hence my interest in using GWT) and some form of data persistence to store RSS feed det...

GWT Training for JAVA Developer

Can anyone recommend books and/or online training options for GWT? Preferably for cheap as I will be footing this bill myself ...

GWT hosted mode very slow

We do have problems with GWT hosted mode running in Eclipse Ganymede (Windwos XP 3GB RAM). When we start our application in hosted mode it takes very long to start and also the transactions once the application is started are taking minutes to react. It seems as if it takes very long to communicate between Javascript and server. The pr...

GWT server-side interaction with database

I am building a project in GWT that pulls an rss feed, executes regular expressions on the feed (in javascript using JSNI), and then stores that resulting data on a database where the users can access it. As of right now, I have been writing all the code in the client-side .java file hoping that I could simply transfer it to the server-...

GWT Widget from HTML

I have a block of HTML that I would like to use as the basis of a GWT widget, but am not quite sure the best way to do so. As an example, my HTML block looks something like this: <div class="my-widget"> <div class="header"> <span class="title">Title Text</span> </div> <div class="body"> <span class="content">...

gwt hyperlink changeEvent

How do I make a Hyperlink for the current page fire the history change event? For example, on http://localhost:8080/index.html#foo there is a Hyperlink with a historyToken of foo. How do I get the app to process/fire that click/change event? Am I at the mercy of the nature of browser behavior? ...

Calling Web-Service / Website from Java

Writing some additional classes for an existing GWT project. I need to: Request a URL Read in the webpage returned, in order to perform operations on. The returned page is in very simple HTML, therefore parsing it shouldn't be very difficult, I just need to get the data first. How do I do this in Java? What packages am I best lookin...

How to include an Iframe within a Vaadin App?

I would like to include an Iframe within my Vaadin App, how do I proceed implementing this? My initial idea was to wrap the GWT Frame widget, using the approach as described in the Book of Vaadin. Is this at all possible, or is there a better way? ...

gwt hosted mode hangs on connecting to

hi all, i am using gwt for a while (pretty nice and useful thing) when i run the hosted mode i am getting the hosted browser window, and it hangs on "connecting to", only after few tires it works well. anyone encountered this behavior? please advise oops forgot to mention that i am using windows XP, GWT 3.5, and eclipse ...