
How Do I Add Multiple HTML Files To A (Google Web Toolkit) GWT Project In Eclipse?

Also keeping in mind the fact as to how to add GWT Widgets To The Secondary HTML Page? ...

Looking for some help with GWT/Derby in Eclipse

I'm attempting to learn AJAX via this site. I've made it down to the section where it says "you must put the code in the onModuleLoad()" (right above listing 4). I found two areas in my Eclipse project that mention onModuleLoad(): and the actual EntryPoint.class file in the gwt-user.jar/ package. When...

I cannot get the full physicial path of a selected file

I want full path of selected file using GWT by using FileUpload. Can you help me? ...

Access the GWT generated javascript source in Eclipse

In eclipse IDE, how can I see the javascript source code GWT has generated ? ...

How to read rssFeed xml using rome in gwt

Using rome I created the rssFeed xml and now I want to read that xml so that user can view and user can view rss feed in google etc. ...

Saving State of Objects in GXT

Is there a way to store the state of objects in GXT? That is, having a dynamically configurable GUI built in GXT, you can add your own widgets 'on-the-fly' in any order you like - with your own custom everything. Is there a way to save the state of all the objects, so one can load the profile back at a later date? EDIT: Or is there an...

GWT: Change padding of tree rows?

A GWT tree looks roughly like this: <div class="gwt-Tree"> <div style="padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 23px;"> <div style="display:inline;" class="gwt-TreeItem"> <table> ... </table> ...

How do I use SplitLayoutPanel with UIBinder?

How do I use SplitLayoutPanel with UIBinder? I've tried so many different things but none of them work properly. ...

gwt-openlayers with openstreetmap example

I'd like to integrate OSM in GWT. I found this library called gwt-openlayers, but I don't understand how can I make it work with the OSM map. Can anyone provide me a short example? ...

Embed View Only Word Document in Webpage

Working a on a Google Web Toolkit project. I want to show a word document in a webpage. Does not have to be the MS Word 2007 view. Any way to do this? ...

Can't get SplitLayoutPanel working - GWT + UIBinder are driving me crazy

... <g:VerticalPanel styleName="{style.mainVerticalPanel}"> <g:SplitLayoutPanel> <g:north size="700"> <g:VerticalPanel> <g:ScrollPanel styleName="{style.conversationPanelContainer}"> <g:FlexTable ui:field="conversationPanel" styleName="{style.conversationPanel}"></g:FlexTable> ...

GWT Button eventlistener designer

For example I took html from a designer which is given below. How can i add click event which shows alert from GWT? final Button button = new Button("OK"); I dont allow to add button dynamically from GWT by RootPanel.get("sendButtonContainer").add(button); I am searching the syntax something like: RootPane...

UiBinder Dynamic DockPanel

Simple Question .... If I have a StackLayoutPanel on the left, I want to click it have a dynamically loaded widget in my DockLayoutPanel on right ... similar to the GWt example where clicking anything under mailboxes would trigger a different widget on right... ...

GWT Button EventListener not fired

I have a <div id="test"><input type="button" value="OK" /></div> html tag. I used: ((HasClickHandlers)RootPanel.get("test").getWidget(0)).addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert('sss'); } } I executed but no action. Update: package com.example.client; import co...

GWT Table that supports dynamic filtering

This question is similar to However I would prefer open source and I am looking for snappy performance. I want a good way to perform dynamic filtering on rows. SmartGWT's adaptive filter looks interesting.

CSS Redundancy checker for GWT

In my project i have a lot of css styles. Some of them are never used (not anymore). I check this manually with eclipse: i select text and then with "Search -> Text -> Project" i can find, if this style occurs only in the stylesheet or also in java files. Is there better way to check, which styles are currently used in my GWT project? e...

Splitting an image in GWT results in unwanted white space

I am using GWT 2.03 and am have an image that I want to place partially in an area with a background and partially above a background. I am using a FlexTable to try to accomplish this and have used GIMP to cut the image into two sections. I am trying to load the top part of the image into row 0 and the bottom part of the image into row...

Preventing browser loading indicator with Chrome + GWT-rpc.

Hello. I'm writing a ajax chatting webapp, just to test working with GWT. To simulate server side push of chat messages from the server to the browser, I have a XHR request running behind. It all works fine - except on Chrome, the browser is displaying a loading icon (a spinner) because of the XHR request on background. Is there any w...

How can I vertically center an element with GWT?

Perhaps I haven't been searching the right way but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to center an element using GWT Layout Panels. I'm using UiBinder and I've tried all panels that implement HasVerticalAlignment (DockPanel, HorizontalPanel, VerticalPanel). None of them seem to have any impact from setting vertical alignment (or...

I am getting an error with a oneToMany association when using annotations with gilead for hibernate through gwt

Hello Guys I'm using Gilead to persist my entities in my GWT project, im using hibernate annotations aswell. my problem is on my onetomany association.this is my User class that holds a reference to a list of FileLocations @Entity @Table(name = "yf_user_table") public class YFUser implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strateg...