
GWT: How to return (and handle) an error from multipart form (file) upload

Hello I have and Google Web Toolkit (Multipart) Form which post a file to my servlet. When error condition is happening in servlet I return an error. When everything is OK I return an JSON string. ... response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF8"); response.getWriter().write(out.toString());...

PaaS : How to build ?

Hi, Experts I wanted to make a web application through which : user(end user) can create his own web application online. which will be integrated with the databases and application/web servers and user can also publish that application withing that application only... Doing some research i come to know it goes under category...

How to run GWTP Project?

When I try to run a sample project from GWTP Repo after import it to eclipse and run it as GWT Project, when access to the page, this show up: To launch an application, specify a URL of the form /module/file.html I wonder what is the problem with my setup here. Thank you very much. ...

Trying to Envoke SNMP-Get from GWT Project

I'm working on a implementing a SNMP into a GWT project. I need to do an SNMP get and display the results in my GWT application. But GWT does not allow this (not supported by run time). So I was thinking of maybe writing a separate java program to do this for me, and then write a text file which GWT can read from. So I guess what I'm r...

Twitter Hovercards in GWT PagingScrollTable

How do you implement Twitter Hovercards in GWT PagingScrollTable? The Hovercard links work fine when, say, I add new Label("@ded") to a HorizontalPanel. However the Twitter JavaScript function doesn't seem to apply when I put "@ded" into a PagingScrollTable row. I'm a JavaScript newbie. In response to Igor's request, here's some more...

UiBinder and SplitLayoutPanel not displaying

Hello, I'm having some trouble getting a SplitLayoutPanel to display using UiBinder. It seems like the SplitLayoutPanel is hidden when the page loads. Thanks Here's my code: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt; <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g="

Problem with hibernate and exceptions

Hi, On server's side I use hibernate to communicate with database. However, if the database is offline I can't catch any exception related with the connection. What's more, on client's site where gwt is used, onFailure(Throwable caught) function is executed, but caught.printStackTrace(); prints nothing. I want gwt to inform a user that ...

Using init servlet

I am working on a GWT project and naturally need to get some configuration and connect to external resources/objects/systems somewhere. My GWT application interface only has two methods. There are two ways I can setup my application: - Overriding the init in the GWT servlet and required code there and keeping all constructed objects ins...

GWT pattern for handling mobile browsers

I am working on a GWT app that needs to serve a different layout to mobile device users. I can easily determine if a user is using a mobile browser; however, I'm not sure about the best pattern for handling them. I am currently using the MVP pattern - would it be best to simply pass a browser-specific view to the Presenter or is there a...

Which Platform to choose Ruby on Rails or GWT?

Hi All, I have a need to create a web2.0 application with the following features: UI screens Integrate with a forum framework Integrate a blogging framework with the application Real time chat application (Optional) Integrate with a email server Based on your previous experiences, please suggest good frameworks, toolkits, etc whic...

Consuming REST services with SmartGWT

While creating a simple client for a REST service which I have stubbed out, I noticed that smartGWT's RestDataSource class is limited in the type of xml it can understand. All REST resources must respond with XML in the following format.. <response> <status>0</status> <startRow>0</startRow> <endRow>10</endRow> <totalRows...

About pyjamas maturity vs GWT maturity (with short dead lines) for a web application

I love both, python and Java and I have this first 'serious' web application project that I would like to carry out. I find it hard to choose between pyjamas + django and GWT + Hibernate. In fact, from my beginner point of view, it seems like the python world is more suitable for a quickly-developed and fun web application. And, on t...

Implementing a client-side image editor - what's the best way?

We want a web app that allows a user to edit images on the browser and we're trying to decide which technology to use. We want to support simple image customization, such as high-quality resizing, cropping, image merging, and color transformations, as well as the addition of text elements with different fonts and colors. The current opt...

How to realize a multi-page wizard with client-side controller "rules" in JSF2 or GWT2?

In (JSF2 + jQuery) or in GWT: What would be the best way to realize a multi-page form wizard with explicitly specified form controller "rules" running on the client-side? The goal is: form with 3 pages, each containing 'prev'/'next' buttons and finally 1 'submit' button. all form items have unique ids for addressing/accessing them. f...

Cannot Get GWT-RPC Working Properly

I'm trying to get some server side stuff going for my GWT project. As a test I tried to add in a com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpOid object which isn't supported by GWT run-time into my (a file that gets generated with every GWT project), but it's still saying that it's not supported. I did the RPC GWT tutorial and when I ...

Grails + GWT - using the same Date Format

I am developing an app using Grails and GWT for a client side. I want to use the same date format both on the client side and on the server side (preferably defined in one file). So far i've understood that Grails got it's own mechanism for internationalization (grails-app/i18n). I know i can access these messages from any server code u...

How can I Make a dynamic website with Google App Engine

Recently I've been very interested with GWT and Google App Engine. Although I know little of the latter, I think I have a basic understanding of what is it. From what I've read (and using my novice computer science comprehension) I've come up with: Google App engine is a service that allows you to host your code on Google servers. Once...

Get Element By using Class name

Hi Guys I want Element by using class name Now I am using GWT 2.0 Please help me Thanks ...

How to get GWT CSSResource to parse not() selectors

I realize that the CSS parser that GWT uses will only handle CSS2, but I am targeting iPhone Safari, so I want to be able to use some of the CSS3 stuff. For properties, I have been fine using the literal function provided by GWT, but I'm having trouble with CSS3 selectors - particularly the not() pseudo-class. I have a bit of CSS like ...

Google Images hoverover zoom in with extra information

I have a GWT application with a thumbnail view of images (they are in a widget panel) , and I would like to show more information about the thumbnail when hovered over via mouse just like google image search .. any examples or code out there for GWT users .. NB: I got to a point were I catch the mouse when its over the image and detec...