
Codeigniter security

I have been wondering how secure a codeigniter setup is. Because information like db passwords etc is stored in config files in the main application folder could this be retrievable by hackers? I know you can move the application folder to a location away from the web root but is it still safe if you don't? Also, even if you did move it ...

best secure / performance oriented web developement language

We have planned to develop social network.And we are searching for server scripting language which is fast and secure.How to optimise a language and bring security to a language.Is there any framework available for security or any language . ...

Things to know before starting hack and what books can help me

This maybe is a very simple question, but i did not have any resources for hack. I searched google and there was nothing to help me out. I need to know some basic information about hacking. Questions in my mind are like these: What is hack? What can be done with hacking? what should we know (about stuff like OS, etc.) bef...

how to add multible bytes together?

I'm trying to write a ROM file patcher and I came to this in the documentation: The next three bytes are the place in the destination file (the file to be patched) where a change is to be made. The two bytes following that are the length of the amount of data to be changed. How would I turn those three and two bytes into a single num...

Cell Phone Tapping

How is it possible to tap a cell phone or a prepaid number? If i know someone's number, can i do something to tap his conversations?? I just want to know as some friend said that he has done this to my phone. he has never even seen my cell phone. Is it possible? ...

New Client needs help securing his website after getting hacked.. and I found this...

Soo, what is this? I haven't really experienced too much as far as "hacking" goes. I've dealt and solved most problems with PHP applications and I understand about 70% of this code. but here is what I found, a Web Shell.. by Boff? http://pastebin.com/kZeGHAHC ...

Accessing a file from URL resides somewhere on server

My website is aacessing a file resides on C: where my site is deployed. Server machine is windows machine. Tell me how can i access that file from another machine through URL. I need it to test it against my site. So no one else can access it. I have forgotten the name of this sort of hacking. ...

How to prevent unwanted users from accessing a public website?

Many unwanted users are creating fake accounts on our website for pester us. What can we do? ...

Delphi: writing to the private ancestor's field in descendant class

I need to fix a third-party component. This component's class has private variable which is actively used by its descendants: TThirdPartyComponentBase = class private FSomeVar: Integer; public ... end; TThirdPartyComponent = class (TThirdPartyComponentBase) protected procedure Foo; virtual; end; procedure TThirdPartyComponent.F...