
Is it possible to have a hashmap with 4 objects?

Can I have an hashMap with say ID as my key and info, name, quantity as my values? ok, say I have a class (Products) already that sets my variables, getters and setters. In my Invoice class, which is where the hashMap would be. Would I put like: private HashMap<String, Products> keys = new HashMap<String, Products> I'm not quite sur...

Ampersand as hashmap key not working in Java?

I'm using a 'Properties' class in Java which inherits from HashMap. I'm building a basic compiler in hashmap. I know it can be simplified using something besides a hashmap. Here is the my code... Properties inputSource = new Properties(); inputSource.put("ERROR", "ERROR"); inputSource.put("GET", "GET"); inputSource.put("PRINT", "PRINT"...

Sorting HashMap

Possible Duplicate: how to sort hash map How do I sort a HashMap? ...

mapping in hash

how datas arranged in Hashmap? ...

C++ performance issue

Hi all, I am having a little dilemma with a C++ code. Its actually a performance issue. I am trying to traverse through two hash_maps which is causing a lot of slowness. Heres the hash map class code. Let me know if I am missing something from this. template<class Handle, class Object, class HashFunc, vector<Object *> (*initFunc)()> ...

cast LinkedHashMap to HashMap in groovy

How do I convert LinkedHashMap to java.util.HashMap in groovy? When I create something like this in groovy, it automatically creates a LinkedHashMap even when I declare it like HashMap h = .... or def HashMap h = ... I tried doing: HashMap h = ["key1":["val1", "val2"], "key2":["val3"]] and def HashMap h = ["key1":["val1", "val2"],...

Influence of HashMap optimization that caches the hash code associated with each entry to its get method

from p.46 "Effective Java" Joshua Bloch. Item 9: ALways override hashCode when you override equals Some class PhoneNumber overrides equals() and doesn't override hashCode() "two instances are involved: one is used for insertion into the HashMap, and a second, equal, instance is used for (attempted) retrieval." ... "... Even if the two ...

Can one control the identity of objects in Java, and if so, how?

Hi all, This is a trivial programming question. I am not an expert in Java. Say I use objects of custom classes Company and Employee, in a manner similar to what many RDBMS examples do: class Employee { Company company; } class Company { String name; } I need to guarantee that different Company objects have unique names - i....

Java Mapping ArrayList to HashMap

Hi there I have page gets given an ArrayList<Document> where each document has a property called type. I don't know the number of unique types or documents. I want to sort this ArrayList into a HashMap<type, document[]> but am having some trouble getting my head around it. Some pseudo-code would like like for (int i = 0; i < documen...

RAR passwords, why don't rainbow tables work?

I've been looking around for encryption and I've seen several implementations of Rainbow Tables work like charm on passwords (say windows). I'm yet to see an implementation of a Rainbow attack on a RAR file. Why is it so. What makes RAR encryption more secure and immune to these sorts of attacks? ...

using eval in groovy

How can I use eval in groovy to evaluate the following String: {key1=keyval, key2=[listitem1, listitem2], key3=keyval2} All the list items and keyval is a String. doing Eval.me("{key1=keyval, key2=[listitem1, listitem2], key3=keyval2}") is giving me the following error: Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure exp...

Java HashMap; Is recommendable?

Hi! It has been reported that from Java JDK 1.3.1 to JDK 1.4.0 HashMap is 5 times slower (see here). What is the state of the art of HashMap at java 6? Is recommendable to be used? Thanks, Luis ...

How to populate java.util.HashMap on the fly from Scala code?

I am unit testing java code from ScalaTest and would like to populate a java.util.HashMap within the same statement it gets declared. Is it possible to do this in Scala? ...

Finding all keys in a HashMap with a character an replace it.

I have a HashMap and now i need to find all the keys inside the HashMap which has a particular letter inside it and replace it with another letter ...

Does hash_map automatically sort [C++]??

In the below code, hash_map is automatically sorting or maybe inserting elements in a sorted order. Any ideas why it does this?? Suggestions Please?? This is NOT a homework problem, trying to solve an interview question posted on glassdoor dot com. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ext/hash_map> #include <map> #include <st...

Interview Question: What is a hashmap?

I was asked this in an interview: "Tell me everything you know about hashmaps." I proceeded to do just that: it's a data structure with key-value pairs; a hash function is used to locate the element; how hash collisions can be resolved, etc. After I was done, they asked: "OK, now explain everything you just said to a 5-year-old. You c...

Merge two Hash Maps Android

Hi guys, I want to merge Two HashMaps. I could use map1.putAll(map2); but I don't want to overwrite the key's as yes they will have conflicting keys. So the keys in each map will be like this word1 word1 word2 word2 word3 word3 and when I merge them I would like: word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 It c...

How to initialize a Scala immutable hashmap with values?

What's the syntax to set immutable hashmap contents on initialization? For example, if I was willing to hardcode an array, I'd write: val a = Array (0, 1, 2, 3) What's the analogue for immutable hashmaps (say I want it to contain 0->1 and 2->3 pairs) (in Scala 2.8)? ...

Updating List <HashMap>

I just want to know how to, if a Hashmap is already on the list add 1 to quantity, if it is not then add it to list. This is what I've done that just add eventhough the item is already on list. list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT code,desc,price FROM TbLPrice WHERE code =" + txtCode.getText()....

Android: Using Hasmap to map a String and int?

Hi, I have a ListView showing names of Countries. I have stored the names in strings.xml as a string-array called country_names. In populating the ListView, I use an ArrayAdapter which reads from strings.xml String[] countryNames = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.country_names); ArrayAdapter<String> countryAdapter = new ArrayAd...