
Hibernate Auto-Increment Setup

How do I define an entity for the following table. I've got something that isn't working and I just want to see what I'm supposed to do. USE [BAMPI_TP_dev] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MemberSelectedOptions]( [OptionId] [int] NOT NULL, [SeqNo] [smallint] IDENTITY(1,1...

hibernate modeling relationships managed through an intermediate table

I have a datamodel that has an intermediate table to manage relationships between entities. For example, tables Person and Organization are related through the Relationship table Party (table) - ID Person (table) - ID (references Party.ID) - name Organization (table) -ID (references Party.ID) -name Relationship (table) -ID (PK...

Strange befaviour of spring transaction support for JPA + Hibernate +@Transactional annotation

I found out really strange behavior on relatively simple use case, probably I can't understand it because of not deep knowledges of spring @Transactional nature, but this is quite interesting. I have simple User dao that extends spring JpaDaoSupport class and contains standard save method: @Transactional public User save(User user) { ...

Is there way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache

Does any body know how if there is a way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache? Ideally what I'd like to be able to do is pass the identifer of an entity to NH and find out if it's already in the second level cache. ...

refering Tomcat JNDI datasource in persistence.xml

in server.xml I've defined global resource (I'm using Tomcat 6): <GlobalNamingResources> <Resource name="jdbc/myds" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="10" maxIdle="3" maxWait="10000" username="sa" password="" driverClassName="org.h2.Driver" url="jd...

Changing size of MySQL column using Annotations in EMF Teneo/Hibernate

Mapping an EMF model via Teneo/Hibernate works great. The default of mapping a Java String to MySQL results in the creation of a VARCHAR(255) column. This is too small for some entries. I found out that the annotation @Column(length=4096) is what should help me out. But I cannot figure out where to append it. I tried the interface and i...

How to get fields with unique constraints in hibernate

Hi, I'm trying to retrieve a list of fields from a table using Hibernate that have unique constraints on them. Is this possible? How can I do this? Thanks ...

Hibernate Communications Link Failure in Hibernate Based Java Servlet application powered by MySQL

Let me describe my question - I have a Java application - Hibernate as the DB interfacing layer over MySQL. I get the communications link failure error in my application. The occurence of this error is a very specific case. I get this error , When I leave mysql server unattended for more than approximately 6 hours (i.e. when there are ...

Persist collection of interface using Hibernate

I want to persist my litte zoo with Hibernate: @Entity @Table(name = "zoo") public class Zoo { @OneToMany private Set<Animal> animals = new HashSet<Animal>(); } // Just a marker interface public interface Animal { } @Entity @Table(name = "dog") public class Dog implements Animal { // ID and other properties } @Entity @Ta...

Hibernate count collection size without initializing

Hi, Is there a way I can count the size of an associated collection without initializing? e.g. Select count(p.children) from Parent p (there is a good reason why I cant do this any other way as my where clause is more complicated and my from clause is a polymorphic query) Thanks. ...

Spring and JUnit annotated tests: creating fixtures in separate transactions

I am testing my Hibernate DAOs with Spring and JUnit. I would like each test method to start with a pre-populated DB, i.e. the Java objects have been saved in the DB, in a Hibernate transaction that has already been committed. How can I do this? With @After and @Before, methods execute in the same Hibernate transaction as the methods d...

Hibernate Query for a List of Objects that matches a List of Objects' ids

Given a classes Foo, Bar which have hibernate mappings to tables Foo, A, B and C public class Foo { Integer aid; Integer bid; Integer cid; ...; } public class Bar { A a; B b; C c; ...; } I build a List fooList of an arbitrary size and I would like to use hibernate to fetch List where the resulting list will look so...

Hibernate cascade debug options

I have run into various StackOverflowErrors which occur during cascading. These have been extremely time consuming in debugging because I don't know which properties are being cascaded to cause this recursive behavior. Does anyone know of a log setting or some other form of debugging which could tell me specifically what properties are b...

Hibernate multi column discriminator

I have a single lookup table that manages all lookups - legacy and new lookup table structure is context,name, code, value context is either legacy or new name is the name of the lookup - state, status etc...for example code is the code and value is the value associated with the code Is there a way to specify multiple columns as discri...

Maven doesn't compile target/hibernate3/generated-sources

Can someone tell me how to configure maven for it also to compile sources from the target/hibernate3/generated-sources directory? I have already read this and other posts but they don't seem to solve my problem (which indeed seems trivial). I have used the bottom-up approach hibernate configuration for cfg.xml, hbm.xml and POJO generati...

How to set up precision attribute used by @Collumn annotation ???

I often use java.lang.Integer as primary key. Here you can see some piece of code @Entity private class Person { private Integer id; @Id @Column(precision=8, nullable=false) public Integer getId() { } } I need to set up its precision attribute value equal to 8. But, when exporting The schema (Oracle), ...

Long running method causing race condition

Hi, I'm relatively new with hibernate so please be gentle. I'm having an issue with a long running method (~2 min long) and changing the value of a status field on an object stored in the DB. The pseudo-code below should help explain my issue. public foo(thing) { if (thing.getStatus() == "ready") { thing.setStatus("finishe...

from Hibernate hbm to JPA annotations, a challenging one

I've been struggling with this one for quite some time already. It appears a lot less simple than I thought it'd be: <join table="COTISATION_SYNCHRO" fetch="join" optional="true"> <key column="COTISATION_SYNCHRO_COTISATION_ID_FK" on-delete="noaction"/> <property name="cotisationCoupon" type="java.lang.Long" update="...

ArrayList of primitive types in Hibernate

I have a question regarding an ArrayList of Integers, or primitive types in general. Suppose I'm designing a POS program and each product may have several prices. Let's assume I can represent a price value with ints and in the Product class I have the field ArrayList<Integer> prices. What's the best way to map this with Hibernate? I co...

Passing information safely between Wicket and Hibernate in long running conversations

We are using Wicket with Hibernate in the background. As part of out UI we have quite long running conversations spanning multiple requests before the updated information is written back to the database. To avoid getting hibernate errors with detached objects we are now using value objects to transfer info from the service layer to Wic...