
hibernate generator won't insert with uniqueidentifier

I'm trying to map an entity using Hibernate Annotations, so that when a record is created and saved (via cascade), an ID is automatically generated. With my current setup (or a few others I've tried) I get the following error: ...org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not insert: [com.gorkwobbler.shadowrun.karm...

JSF, Hibernate and serving a BLOB

I want to serve an image saved as a blob in a MySQL Database through hibernate3 in a JSF application. My intention is that /myapp/image/get.faces?id=x will serve the image saved in the database with id x. How to achieve this? ...

"Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions" Hibernate, Spring, JSF

I'm starting to lose faith in Hibernate. It has caused me nothing but weird problems throughout the last few days. Upon deleting an entity from the database I get the following exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersisten...

JPA/Hibernate conditionally onetomany relationship?

Hi, I am using Hibernate Tools to generate the DAO and classes straight from database. There are two tables (table A and B) in the database, and there is a one to many relationship from A to B (multiple rows in B mapped to single A). In the generated code of A (class A), there is a collection of class B, which reflects the one to many ...

Problem with getting query result from database

I made a class called SpecializationBean which has two private fields: private ArrayList<SelectItem> specializationItems= new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); private String specializationName; I have ofcourse a getter and setter for those two. and a buildSpecializationList method which builds the specializationItems list: (I call this metho...

Common Feilds in Hibernate ORM value objects

I have feilds which is available in all domain obejcts.Those feilds are, created_By,Created_date, Modified_By, Modified Date. Can i declare/have like CorebusinessObject which contains these four feilds, and extending this into other object. Is it good design? If so, How could i do ORM mapping. ...

How to achieve @MappedSuperclass logic using Hibernate ORM mapping?

How to achieve @MappedSuperclass logic using Hibernate ORM mapping? ...

Loading selected Hibernate entities with JPA & Spring

Is there a way to load only selected entities with Hibernate? I would like to only load a selected handful for integration testing. ...

How to add a product in a list without loading all the database ?

Hi, In my domain model I have a bi-directionnel association between the ProductList entity and the Product entity with the following hibernate mapping : @Entity @Indexed @Table(name="product_list") public class ProductList { @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinTable(name = "list_items", inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(na...

Can I refer to the primary key of any entity in JPQL by the name "id", regardless of the entity's ID property name?

Hibernate allows you to just say ".id". Let's say I have: @Entity public class Customer { @Id private Integer customerId; @Basic private String customerName; // getters and setters } And I want to get the name of a customer by ID: SELECT cust.customerName FROM Customer cust WHERE cust.id = :customerId Notice I put "id" rathe...

Hibernate second level cache and ON DELETE CASCADE in database schema

Our Java application has about 100 classes mapped to a database (SQL Server or MySQL). We are using Hibernate as our ORM (with XML mapping files). We specify FOREIGN KEY constraints in our database schema. Most of our FOREIGN KEY constraints also specify ON DELETE CASCADE. We've recently started enabling Hibernate 2nd level caching (fo...

How to perform direct HQL queries on grails hibernate DB for test purposes in Eclipse

For testing purposes, I'd like to have a console where I can just enter an HQL command and see what it returns on the grails hibernate DB (in my case a MySQL DB) while it's running e.g. in the test environment. What's the best way to do that? I'm using Eclipse and already came across the JBoss Hibernate Tools, but I'm not sure how to co...

How-to dynamically fill a annotation.

Sadly, I forgot to take the code from work with me today. But maybe this little example will clarify things. I use hibernate to map a bean to a table. Example: import javax.persistence.column; …. String columnameA; …. @Column(name="columnameA") public String getColumname(){ return columnameA } …. I do not want to hardcode the colu...

Liquibase diffChangeLog against a Hibernate mapping definition

Hi all, This question is related to "Hibernate using JPA (annotated Entities) and liquibase". I was actually wondering what to expect when doing a Liquibase diff against a Hibernate mapping definition. What it seems to produce: A liquibase changelog that migrates the state of my hibernate mappings to the current image of the database....

Use hbm2ddl to generate SQL DDL for database schema update (without losing data)

I have been using hbm2ddl and hbm2java to build my database and POJOs for my project based on my XML mapping files (hbm.xml). I'm starting to get some real data now in the system, so re-running my ant script which drops the database and recreates everything is no longer a viable option since I want to keep the data. I have heard that the...

Nothing inserted into triple join table; Hibernate

Please tell me, what am I doing wrong. I have this function: public String create(){ try { Iterator<Tag> it = tags.iterator(); List<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<Tag>(); while(it.hasNext()){ Tag t = it.next(); if (projectsTags.contains(t.getName())) { ...

JAVA hibernate/webservice - Problem with Timestamp

Hi, In one of my hibernate classes I've a Timestamp variable. Now everything was alright when I used only the hibernate stuff on the server. But now I'm implementing webservice with wsgen. I get an error because Timestamp doesn't got an no-args default constructor. Message; Caused by: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: com.sun....

Hibernate auto increment field for multiple databases

Hello, I have a Java object with a field that needs to be auto-incremented in the database. This field is not a primary key, just a field that needs to be auto-incremented. My question is what value I need to set this field in my Java object before doing a session.save(Object)? Do I have to set it to NULL? How would the Hibernate mapp...

Retrieiving domain object instances as a Map

I wonder if there is a way to retreive domain instances as a Map where the key is the id of the domain object. more specific i would like to do myDomainObject.list() to return a Map instead of a List. ...

Applying an Index to a Blob/Longtext field

I am trying to create an index on a particular text string using Hibernate annotations. What I am currently doing is: @Index(name="guid_index") @Column(length=1400) private String myGUID; However, since the length of the column is 1400, this maps to SQL using the longtext type. hbm2ddl is able to create the table without mishap, but w...