
Hibernate Mapping problem with unrelated collection

Welcome, I've some problem with Hibernate mapping. Database structure: TableA -ID_A --PK TableB -ID_B --PK -ID_A -- FK -> TableA TableC -ID_C -- PK -ID_A -- FK -> TableA POJO structure: class TableA extends Pojo { /*Some Fields*/ } class TableB extends Pojo { TableA tableA; /*Some properties*/ } class TableC ex...

Convert Hibernate persistable object to SQL Insert Statement

Is there a way to convert a Persistable object into an SQL Insert Statement using Hibernate? This has to be possible because thats what Hibernate does behind the scenes, But I just need to write out the SQL Stmt to a log file for error handling purposes in cases where the Database goes down and the saving of the Hibernate Object failed. ...

Hibernate updates database though all the service methods marked as read-only by spring transaction management

I have already posted this question before but as the thread is little old I think I am not getting reply so sorry for duplicating but my issue is something related to spring transaction. I am facing a similiar problem with Spring Transaction management. I am using hibernate as ORM framework. And below is the excerpt of spring configura...

i am using spring+hibernate and i m getting error : org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException

i am using spring+hibernate and i m getting error when i upload doc file using rich:upload component, doc is uploaded sucessfully but when i click ok it gives following error. The field is byte[] doc; org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not insert: [com.eTender.model.UploadDoc]; nested excepti...

Lazy loading problem in Spring/Hibernate/Richfaces application

Hello In a Spring application, I use the component rich: tree with Hibernate which display the hierarchy of applications using lazy loading. The problem is that the Hibernate session is closed which prevent lazy loading and i receive exception when the page is rendered. Finally I added opensessionViewFilter that's allows me to keep the s...

In grails, what is the quickest way to obtain a reference to the current hibernate session?

I got a singleton service and inside its only method I need to obtain a reference to the hibernate session bound to the current request. What is the quickest way of doing that? ...

hibernate save object

Hello, For an application, I am using Struts2, hibernate and spring for injection. Any time I save an object to DB, I HAVE to do inside the Serivces class(session injected here). In any action class, if i obtain current session and save it, it doesn't save the object to the database. Although, I do see insert into..... in the logs. why i...

Duplicate entry using unidirectional mapping using JoinTable

I created a JPA unidirectional join table following the JPA documentation very closely (http://www.jpox.org/docs/1_2/jpa_orm/one_to_many_list.html). I could insert an applicant, A, with joblist (JobOne, JobTwo) without any problems. However, when I tried to insert a different applicant B, with a job already used by another applicant, e....

duplicate mails sent after 24 hr from jboss

Hye everybody I encountered a problem in my application and finding now way around. I had made an service to run on jboss middleware server with a cron scheldule for executing at 8 pm everyday which is like this 0 0 20 * * ? and the service get started normally the java code for the service also worked well when executed as java app by ...

using log4j with hibernate and glassfish 3.0.1

I'm trying to setup hibernate 3.5.3 with JPA on glassfish 3.0.1; I'm using a netbeans 6.9.1 enterprise project; I added all the required hibernate files and everything is fine except logging... I added to the project classpath like the docs say the following (only the log related jars listed): -slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar -slf4j-log4j12-1.5....

Problems with HibernateTemplate.find() and Lazy Loading in Spring/Struts

Hello! I've been trying to work with OpenSessionInViewFilter and having some limited success, but my problem comes when trying to lazy load objects that are returned using the getHibernateTemplate().find() call. I'll be using my "Slot" class as an example, but this is happening with anywhere that I'm trying to use "find()" to return a ...

Dynamic Query on multiple properties with Hibernate

Hello I have a model that has several properties. The properties can be primitive (String) or complex (Object). The user can make a query on each primitive property. I would like to know if there is an easy way to build dynamically the query. I use Java and Hibernate. The model public class Model { String prop1; Point prop2; Lis...

Problem with hibernate and exceptions

Hi, On server's side I use hibernate to communicate with database. However, if the database is offline I can't catch any exception related with the connection. What's more, on client's site where gwt is used, onFailure(Throwable caught) function is executed, but caught.printStackTrace(); prints nothing. I want gwt to inform a user that ...

Hibernate - List sequence number auto-generation without gaps and starting from zero

I have UserObject which contains a list of SearchLog objects. This search log list size is defined to be at max 5. Now whenever I add a search log to the UserObject in SearchLog list I want it to be added in the first position. The SearchLog object has a sequence number which I want to be automatically generated by hibernate. So if the s...

Tweak hibernate logging for class level

I am wondering is it possible to tweak the hibernate SQL logging for class level. For instance , say I would like to have the Hibernate to log only the queries generated from methods of particular class "com.test.Foo" and not from other classes . ...

com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.CannotAcquireResourceException: A ResourcePool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory or source.

Hi i have mysql under my hibernate and i am also using c3p0-0.9.1 for connection pool !. when running in my laptop (i mean localy) i have no errors. but on when i deploy it on the server , i got this exception com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.CannotAcquireResourceException: A ResourcePool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory...

How to use properties notation in a Hibernate XML configuration file

This is still a pending question. Hopefully, one day I'll get an answer. Thanks to all who replied. My question is simple. How do I use ${catalina.home} or ${catalina.base} property inside a Hibernate XML configuration file? Here's my sample configuration file: <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="dialect">...

Proper way to retrive sequence int after entity save with hibernate and postgresql?

... right now, this is how I'm getting the id from save(entity) method: Serializable save = hibernateTemplate.save(article); return Integer.valueOf(save.toString()); Being a complete noob to hibernate, I just wonder if this is the proper way to do it? I'll appreciate any advice. Grateful in advance :-) ...

Hibernate annotation configuration with Spring can't find domain object

I am having a problem with Hibernate seeing my domain objects doing a purely annotation configuration for Hibernate. I'm getting org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: User is not mapped [from User u where u.userName=:userName] I thought all that had to be done was add the packagesToScan property for the sessionFactory and add @E...

JPA 2.0 Oracle DATE has null time

Hi everyone, This seems like such a bonehead question, but I've been chasing my tail around a tree all day. I have a Struts 2 + Spring3/JPA/Hibernate application that inserts a large set into the DB. In the set is a Java util date. I've checked the date just before the Dao inserts the rows and all the dates have the correct times. After...