
Hibernate lost reference after calling save. Do you know why ?

Hi, Take a look at the following classes (UNIdirectional @OneToMany) @Entity public class Team { private Integer id = -1; @Id @GeneratedValue public Integer getId() { return this.id; } private List<Player> playerList; @OneToMany @Cascade(CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE) @JoinColumn(name="TEAM_ID...

Hibernate is not generating proper queries for MySQL

I am changing configuration of hibernate 3.0 from MSSQL to MySQL. This is done but Hibernate is not generating proper queries for MySQL. I have also updated my configuration file with MySql dialect and Mysql jdbc connector. The problem i am facing here is -- I have one table only with PK with one more column(FK of other table). Now whil...

Hibernate UserType nullSafeSet - how to know if called for insert/update or select

I have a custom UserType which stores a date/time value in a TIMESTAMP field and is updated to the current time 'in UTC' when the record is inserted or updated. (This field is not used for versioning or for id purposes.) The problem is that this works very nicely but if you need to run a query where this field is one of the criteria w...

What is the difference between REMOVE and DELETE ?

Is there a difference between : @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.REMOVE) and @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE) ? ...

(N)Hibernate find content from schema: Object <- AttributeValue -> Attribute

We have a common db schema of: Object <- AttributeValue -> Attribute lets say we talk about houses. The house can have lots and lots of attributes (door shape, roof color etc.). The number of attributes for concrete house is not known. Straight forward mapping to objects is used: House - contains collection of HouseAttributeValue ...

Attributes on Many-to-Many relationships (Hibernate)

Hi guys, I have entity classes A and C. They are mapping the tables tblA and tblC and have a many-to-many relationship between them, with tblB to map between them. tblB contains A_ID, C_ID and SetDate, the last one being the date it was set, thus an attribute to the relationship. My question is, how do I best map in this attribute? At t...

@ForeignKey in Hibernate 3.5-beta1

Hi guys, I tried out beta1 of Hibernate, and annotations were supposed to be included, yet when I use the JAR file I cannot find org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey nor any ForeignKey annotation class inside the jar. Has this been deprecated or renamed? Cheers Nik ...

Hibernate code generation in eclipse isnt generating all my tables (weird)

Im just getting my head around java and eclipse. Im trying to use the hibernate plugin to generate my java classes. Yesterday I created a table in mysql and managed to (after a lot of messing around) get it to generate the code for this table. Today I have added some tables to the database and tried to generate code for them. Now I ca...

Hibernate: Foreign key has the wrong number of columns

Hi guys, I have defined a many-to-many relationship between my two entity classes User and Permission. User has a primary key composite of username and countyId, and my Permission table has a regular integer Id. The table UserPermission has the three foreign keys as its primary key: username, countyId and permissionId. Since this is a ...

flushmode can only used one time?

Inside my applicationContext, I have 2 dao . if i assign my 2nd dao below to use flushmode, i will get error invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute value "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateAccessor.FLUSH_COMMIT" of type ID must be unique within the document. On the other hand, when i excluded flu...

Hibernate Encryption of Database Completely Transparent to Application

I'm working on a Grails 1.0.4 project that has to be released in less than 2 weeks, and the customer just came up with a requirement that all data in the database should be encrypted. Since encryption of every database access in the application itself could take a lot of time and will be error prone, the solution I seek is some kind of ...

XML Vs Annotations: Analytical approach

I intend to use the Pugh Decision Matrix to analytically reach a decision on this long running debate about the best approach (only with an academic interest though, it will be difficult to take sides). I invite you to suggest appropriate criteria for the comparison between these two approaches. ...

How do I join tables on non-primary key columns in secondary tables?

I have a situation where I need to join tables on an object in an ORM class hierarchy where the join column is NOT the primary key of the base class. Here is an example of the table design: CREATE TABLE APP.FOO ( FOO_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, TYPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY( FOO_ID ) ) CREATE TABLE APP.BAR ( FOO_ID IN...

Hibernate and Scala

I have been toying with Scala and I was wondering if anyone had had any experience with using hibernate and mysql as a persistent store for scala objects? Does it work out of the box or is there a lot to do? ...

Why does hibernate-entitymanager-3.3.2.GA depend on hibernate-3.2.6.ga?

In my Maven pom.xml I have the following dependencies: <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-entitymanager</artifactId> <version>3.3.2.GA</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-validator</artifactId> <version>3.0.0.ga</version> </d...

Convert XML based configuration to Annotations

Is there any Utility available to convert XML based config files (say in Spring or Hibernate) to Annotations? If not would it be worthwhile to build such a tool? ...

Proper way to autowire a Hibernate Session in a Spring Transaction JUnit test

This question is similar to a previous one. I am trying to @Autowire a Hibernate Session in one of my Spring-JUnit-Transactional tests but I am getting this exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional ... Here is my JUnit class: @RunWi...

Hibernate Criteria - Exclude records with same id but different attribute values

Hi, I'm trying to find records where status = "a" for a Person but exclude records where the same person has another record with a status="b" SELECT * FROM Person WHERE STATUS = 'a' AND Person_id NOT IN (SELECT Person_id FROM Person WHERE STATUS = 'b' AND Person_id IS NOT NULL) Appreciate the help ...

mapping of composite nested key

Hi, I am working with legacy database with nhibernate (but assume the solution will be very similar as in hibernate) and we have nested composite keys, what I mean is following, our keys have this structure (this is pseudo c# syntax): class PartnerKey { Public Int PartnerNr } Class TaxArtKey { Public String TaxArt } Class PartnerTaxAr...

How to change hibernate's default fetching strategy?

I know hibernate's default fetching strategy is LAZY for collections, is there a way to change the default fetching strategy system wide through configuration file? ...