
Handling database record deletions with several levels of offspring

We've got a database that generally has this structure: Master Record Table id (pk) MasterRecordId <-- constrained to be unique Children/Siblings (2nd Generation, if you will): Table1 ( table1ID (pk), MasterRecordID (fk)) Table2 ( Table2ID(pk), MasterRecordID (fk)) Grandkids (3rd Generation): Table3 ( Table3ID (pk) Table1I...

Grails - multiple belongsTo of same class with cascading deletion

Hi all, This one is for the Grails users here. I asked it on the grails - user mailing list, but I figured since I've been fighting this for a couple of days I should cast as wide a net as possible. I'm having some difficulty with trying to model relationships between two objects of the same type in another object (different type) ref...

How to cascade delete over many to many table

I have a 3 tables that look like this: On the foreign keys I have set cascade deletes. Right now, when I delete a record in the Folder table, only the related record in the FolderItem is deleted. This is expected and correct. What I would to accomplish is when I delete a record in the Folder table, the corresponding records in the Fo...

How can I make a cascade deletion in a one_to_many relatonship in Rails ActiveRecord?

I have a model in rails with one_to_many relationship. When I delete the father, I'd like to delete all childrens. How should I do it? I want to delete all orders and its items when I delete a user My models are: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :orders, :foreign_key => "id_user" end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_ma...

sql server, cascade delete and parent/child table

i have one simple table with following columns: id, name and parentID i created relationship diagram between id and parentID (on a same table), like simple tree, on the same table, but when i tried to user cascade delete it was disabled for me i know that it will be recursive delete if i will delete parent it will delete his children ...

Core Data Relationships cause save error after delete

This question is probably a long shot. I can't figure out the errors I'm getting on my core data project when I save after I delete an entity. My .xcdatamodel can be seen at: I have two main entities that I work with, an Outfit and an Article. I can create them with no problem but when I delete them I get the fo...

What is the difference between REMOVE and DELETE ?

Is there a difference between : @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.REMOVE) and @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE) ? ...

Find NHibernate association when NHibernate.ObjectDeleteException is thrown

My data model has some complex relationships where I have to remove objects from associations before I delete them from NHibernate. However, I am currently getting NHibernate.ObjectDeleteException {"deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)[Model#12344566]"} I'm sure the issue is with my cod...

cascade delete multiple levels with nhibernate?

I have a hierarchy of tables 3 levels deep (QualificaionType has many QualificationGroups, which have many Qualifications) mapped like this: // QualificationType HasMany(x => x.QualificationGroups) .Inverse() .KeyColumns.Add("QualificationGroupId") .AsBag() .Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan() .Access.CamelCaseField(Prefix.Und...

NHibernate Many To Many Relationship - Issue when deleting a part of the relationship

I have a many to many relationship between a Team and an Employee entity. I mapped them as following: public class EmployeeMap : ClassMap<Employee> { public EmployeeMap() { // identifier mapping Id(p => p.Id).Column("EmployeeID"); // column mapping Map(p => p.EMail); Map(p => p.LastName)...

Cascade options for many-to-one

I am using Fluent NHibernate Automapping and am pretty new to this framework. I have a 'Tab' object which has a single reference to another object 'Caption'. When using Automapping, this relation is generated in the hbm file as a many-to-one relationship with cascade="all" as I have used the Cascade.All() setting for this. Because of t...

[MySQL]: DELETE rows from two dependent tables

Hi - I am attempting to delete all rows in two dependent tables based on a third tables ID. Table structure: Transaction -Transaction_ID (primary) -Timestamp Purchase -Item_ID -Transaction_ID -Purchase_ID (primary) Item -Item_ID (primary) -Client_ID I would like to delete all rows from transaction/purchase that match the Client_ID...

RDBMS: reference constraints

Hi all, I think I have the use of reference constraints in RDBMS's a bit mixed up. Take this example for instance: Table folder Table file (with FK_folder) A file record is a child of a folder record. When I want a user to delete a folder I want to warn them if there are files located in the folder. Usually I would therefor put ...

iPhone Core Data: Cascading delete across a many-to-one relationship

I have two classes A and B with a many-to-one relationship from A to B (multiple A objects may reference the same B). The question is, if the delete rule on the A side is Cascade, will B be deleted only when the last referencing A is deleted or will it be deleted the first time an associated A is deleted. The delete rule for the B side...

Unexpected row count in Nhibernate when deleting parent records with associated child records

Hi, I have a parent table, Orders and a child table, [Order Details], I have setup the fluent mappings as - (In the parent Order class) HasMany<OrderDetails> (x => x.Details).KeyColumn("OrderId").Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan().Inverse(); (In the child [Order Details] class) References(x => x.ParentOrder).Column("OrderId").Not.Nullable(...

NHibernate - How to find if a referenced object can be deleted?

I have an object called "Customer" which will be used in the other tables as foreign keys. The problem is that I want to know if a "Customer" can be deleted (ie, it is not being referenced in any other tables). Is this possible with Nhibernate? Thanks ...

How can I delete from three tables with foreign keys?

I want to be able to choose a groupID and do a cascading delete through three tables which are found in a MS SQL server database. The tables look like the following: table 1 - GROUP ------------------------------------------- groupID | description | etc table 2 - MEMBER ------------------------------------------- memberID | name | et...

nhibernate will not cascade delete childs

The scenario is as follows, I have 3 objects (i simplified the names) named Parent, parent's child & child's child parent's child is a set in parent, and child's child is a set in child. mapping is as follows (relevant parts) parent <set name="parentset" table="pc-table" lazy="false" fetch="subselect" cascade="a...

Cascading Deletes in SQL Sever 2008 not working.

I have the following table setup. Bag | +-> BagID (Guid) +-> BagNumber (Int) BagCommentRelation | +-> BagID (Int) +-> CommentID (Guid) BagComment | +-> CommentID (Guid) +-> Text (varchar(200)) BagCommentRelation has Foreign Keys to Bag and BagComment. So, I turned on cascading deletes for both those Foreign Keys, ...

What are the options for overriding Django's cascading delete behaviour?

Django models generally handle the ON DELETE CASCADE behaviour quite adequately (in a way that works on databases that don't support it natively.) However, I'm struggling to discover what is the best way to override this behaviour where it is not appropriate, in the following scenarios for example: ON DELETE RESTRICT (i.e. prevent del...