
Fix msysGit Portable $HOME location

I have successfully installed and configured msysGit Portable on my flash drive, and have used it to pull and push GitHub repos. However, I seem to always have to kludge the SSH support. Specifically, in order for SSH to find my key files, I have to follow these instructions to start a second instance of ssh-agent and then ssh-add my ke...

How to evoke R home directory in file name construction?

I'm using R under Windows XP. It picked up the environmental variable HOME from windows which is > Sys.getenv("R_USER") R_USER "H:" However, how can I use that variable quickly in a file name? In particular, if I have a file stored at H:/tmp/data.txt. How should I construct the following command? data <- read.table("$R_HOME/tmp/dat...

Finding out the sum of first and the last digit of any number

I want to write a program for finding out the sum of first and the last digit of any number entered through keyboard. For example, I entered 52264. Output must be 5+4 = 9. Yes, this is an assignment. ...

Creating a second shortcuts in the Launcher.

Hello, I create a cool Home application in Android. As this is a Home I don't want her to appear in the Launcher, in the list of all applications. That's pretty easy, but now I would like the settings of this application to appear. So, I created the preferences of my application this way in the Manifest: <activity android:name=".Pr...

Restart Home programmatically

I'm developing on Android. I have to restart home and all its components (widgets, shortcuts, etc..). For example, when we have a Force Close, the home screen restart and reload all its components. ...

Kill many activities

Hi, How could I kill all the Activiies of my application ? I try using this.finish() but it just kill one activities. In fact, I would like when the user touch the button BACk (in only one of the activities), the application do the same as he touch HOME Button ...

Home screen widget interacting with existing activity

How to write a home screen widget that should interact with an existing activity class without actually launching the activity? E.i. Is it possible to reuse logic in the activity class from the widget? Do you need to modify the activity in some way to communicate between the widget and the App? ...

How to read input from the stdout of another command (pipe) in linux shell script?

My objective (read Homework) is to find the process that is consuming the most CPU and RAM by writing a script. I've managed to extract the info from TOP command however I'm having trouble parsing the output. The following command top -b -n 1 | tail -n +8 | head -n 1 will output something similar to this single line 915 root ...

How to create an android home screen launcher?

I had a great idea for a home screen launcher so is there any tutorials on how to create one? ...

How do I prevent Application Switch popup from being displayed?

I notice that in the emergency dialer of HTC Sense, application switch popup (menu) is disabled for the long press of the Home button. Would some one in the know point me how this is done? Also related: I notice that Toddler Lock modified the icons on the application switch popup (menu). Again, how do I go about doing that? Suggestions...

Android: Stop playback on Home or Back button

When I press back or home in my application, it hides, but the MediaPlayer keeps going. Is there a way to know when these buttons have been pressed and stop playback before closing? ...

Replacing tilde with $HOME in simple shell

Hello. I am writing a simple Unix shell in C. Here's what I have so far. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { char x[256], y[256], z[256]; while (1) { getcwd(y, sizeof(y)); printf("%s$ ", y); fgets(x, sizeof(x), stdin); if (x[0] == 'c' && x[1...

android launcher home screen

Hi, I don't have the accurate terminology and maybe that's a part of my question. In the android home screen, we have the ability to slide the screen left and right and display multiple pages. Each of these pages has a different set of icons. in the mac world these would be called "spaces". What is it called in the android world. More...

How do I host an appwidget on my custom home screen?

Hi, I currently modifying the sample home screen app from the SDK. My question is how do I add an appwidget to the sample home app on a long press? ...

Android: change default Home Application

Hi All, for some specific requirement I am required to change Android Default Home application with my customized Home application ( a setting inside my app that will toggle default home = my application or previous home) I don't want the user to travel android settings that are very complicated. Can any one help me out like where it ...

Shortcut on the home screen to an action in my app

In my app I have a ListView when user click on an item some action is performed. Now I want to make a context menu for list item with possibility to add this action to home screen as a shortcut. Could somebody offer me some link or a hint how to do this? ...

MYSQL -populating the database

How do we populate the data into mySql windows 5.1. version?I have .csv files. I'm not allowed to use the load data command. Please help me out. ...

wrong home folder in programs

Hello, I originally installed ubuntu but switched to using kde. Now every gnome programs (e.g. gnome-terminal or gedit) start with ~/Downloads as standard folder. gedit always wants to save in ~/Downloads and gnome-terminal puts me in ~/Downloads. Konsole doesn't. What do I have to change to set this right? ...

Is it safe to access EJB home object from multiple threads?

Hello guys, I have read this thread: J2EE/EJB + service locator: is it safe to cache EJB Home lookup result ? I use the same approach, i.e. I obtain EJB home object for my entity bean and cache it in a servlet. My question is: is it safe to share this object between multiple threads? From EJB 2.1 spec I found only that concurrent call...

How to get the home directory in Python?

I need to get the location of the home directory of the current logged-on user. Currently, I've been using the following on Linux: os.getenv("HOME") However, this does not work on Windows. What is the correct cross-platform way to do this? ...