
Drupal 6: Hook for altering help field in a form

I have a form, and want to programmatically alter the help text that displays at the top of the page. Is there a hook available to do this? EDIT: by "help text", I mean the text entered into the CCK form at: admin/content/node-type/sample-form Above the textbox, it is labeled: Explanation or submission guidelines: The textarea h...

Sending a string with sockets (not so easy!)

Hello. I am using Nektra's Deviare to hook winsock's send method calls. My ideia is to learn to also send messages through the same socket than the original application. So what I'm doing is when i detect the first call to send message, I save the socket id(the first argument of the send function), so I can use it later. So here is my c...

Need help with Windows Journal Record Hook

I want to build a software test automation software and I'm playing around with Windows Hooks for that. So I built the following C code. Can anyone tell me how to correct it ? #include "windows.h" // the call back function LRESULT CALLBACK JournalRecordProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HHOOK hhk = 0; if (code > ...

Win32 WH_CBT Hook - close window before it is created

I´m a currently running a global hook that watches for a certain window and then closes it with PostMessage(hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0); The DLL containing the hook: LRESULT CALLBACK MyFunc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(code) { case HCBT_CREATEWND: { HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam; //GetWin...

Globally intercept window movement

I am having trouble getting a global system hook to work. I want to be notified whenever a window is moving, as early as possible, and change the window size. This means the CBT hook HCBT_MOVESIZE won't cut it, it only happens after the window has been moved. I want to hook the actual movement of the window, and be able to change the win...

Drupal6: hook_menu_alter still having an effect after the module is disabled

For some reason, the "Create content" menu item was displaying for Anon, even though there was nothing in that tree or at that path. (Anon can only create a certain type of content, but that has been moved to its own top-level navigation item.) To solve this, I used hook_menu_alter(): /** * Remove "create content" from the menu if the...

What is the best Wordpress Plugin for Email?

Hi Could anyone recommend a good wordpress plugin that simply allows me or any user with a certain roll/capability to access an email page. Here they can select a role to send emails to, write the subject and content of the email. Also it would be great to have some hooks such as: %firstname% %lastname& I have looked at WP-Email and...

Terminate hook processing in ejabberd module

Hi, I'm writing an ejabberd module. What it does is saving some messages into a queue. It actually works very good, there is only one thing I can't find in any documentation. I need to stop hook processing if I find a message coming from a particular user. I.e. a message is sent to ejabberd, from user A to user B, my module (hooked to u...

Is there a way to automatically push svn configuration settins from the server to the clients?

Is there a way to force the client to update its local svn configuration using a hook? I have lin and win clients and I'd like to push down a standard set of ignores and auto props. Today, I provide a config files and ask the users to install them (.reg file for win and conf file for linux). I'd like to flush them down to the clients ...

Help with hooks and taxonomies: Modifying the posts query in wordpress?

in wordpress you can do the following: http://example.com/tag/jazz,blues/ (returns tags page with posts tagged with jazz OR blues) http://example.com/tag/jazz+blues/ (returns tags page with posts tagged with jazz AND blues) I want to be able to do the same thing with other taxonomies other than the "tag" taxonomy. I've created a "mus...

Manage SVN hooks with SVN?

As far as I could see, there is no built-in feature to manage SVN hooks in SVN itself. There are some ideas of course, such as another repository with hooks scripts, running an svn export to the hooks directory on commit, but how would you do it? ...

How can my application read windows messages (WM_SETTEXT) from another application?

Is there a way to intercept window messages from another app other than a global message hook? Platform: Windows XP. ...

delphi - watching for files changes in directories - implemented in JCL?

Hi, I need to notify my application in some way whenever any file in the given directory has been changed (its content has been modified) ... is there any JCL/JVCL routine for that? Thanks in advance ... ...

how to find keyboard in /dev on osx

On linux / ubuntu, the keyboard and mouse devices are found in /dev/input/by-path/ Where is the keyboard device mounted in osx? I added a usb keyboard, and no devices got added in /dev folder. Is it located somewhere else, or is it totally unaccessible? Thanks. Edit: I was able to get some info on the keyboard using libusb: 046d:c...

VB6 quitting while debugging with active Windows message hook

One of our largest old VB6 apps has some code in it to allow other apps (including some dotNET ones) to pass an ID to it via a Windows message - this ID is then used by the VB6 app to load an entry in a regular Windows form. The message hook is added after the user is logged in and authenticated, and removed once they logout. Public Sub...

C# Not all keyboard events are being replayed correctly

I'm writing a tool for validation engineers to log session interaction when attempting to reproduce failure. It creates a video of the desktop, and I'm hooking the keyboard and mouse in C#, to record their interaction with the OS. The events are serialized out to a file to be read in at a later time. I use SendInput to replay the mouse ...

Subversion post-commit hook to update 'staging' version not working

We have a staging version of our web application (it is basically a subversion working copy that no-one works on) that lives in '/apps/software'. Each developer has their own working copy in '~/apps/software'. I would like to utilise a simple post-commit hook script to update the staging copy every time a developer commits a change to th...

drawing under icons on desktop

I wrote a program who paints widget on desktop wallpaper, under desktop icons, and all was good. But I reveal a strange bug - my program was not works on some other computers - they displays the same desktop without widget after start. So, have anybody any expirience, some knowledge in this area? Please, help me! :) (I can't find any ...

SVN Error: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output: Error: n/a (6).

Some weird error cropped up suddenly outta nowhere and is preventing me from checking in my code via TortoiseSVN. I'm using a free account on myversioncontrol.com This is on a Windows Vista system. It was working fine till earlier in the day. Any clue how to get things back to normal? The Tortoise window shows this Command: Commit Modi...

how to get menu information?

Hi i am new to hooking..i am using wm_getmessage hook to know which menu item is clicked. i am using the follwing code to get identifier of the menu WORD identifier=LOWORD(pMsg->wParam); it is giving integer value..up to now is fine... my problem is how to know which menu item is clicked by using this identifier? is it possible by th...