
how to know which menuitem is clicked using wh_getmessage hook?

i want to know which menuitem is clicked using WH_GETMESSAGE hook.can somebody help me please...from one week i stuck with this problem? plz provide a way how can we achive this..using win32 dll. i am working on vc++6.0. Thanks in advance.... ...

Need to disable mouse right click in Windows?

I am creating a system tray app which monitors mouse clicks in Windows. I want to disable the right mouse click. My app is based on this sample code. In the HookCallback method, I tried to do this: if ((MouseMessages)wParam == MouseMessages.WM_RBUTTONDOWN) return (System.IntPtr)1; thinking the mpuse event will be ...

one small doubt....please help

Hi Friends, i am using windows xp (sp2) operating system. when i used spy++ for notepad and wordpad and when i select menu items it is showing WM_MENUSELECT msg and if i clicked menu item it showing WM_COMMAND. but when i used spy++ for sql server 2005 and vs2005 and when i select menu items it is not showing any messages( i mean WM_M...

How do I pass a custom field to a hook (Invision Power Board [ipb] / PHP)

A long shot but here's hoping someone has some experience coding PHP hooks for Invisions Power Board forum. I'm attempting to code a status addition and the PHP works fine on it's own, it's the passing of the IPB's reference to my hook that is the issue. I.E. You setup a custom field in your forum for MSN Username, then from within a s...

DLLHook - GZip decompression of a string

I am injecting a dll into firefox (browser) and hooking WSARecv. The problem is, that the data-buffer is Gzip-compressed. I already tried hooking the send() function and removing the "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate", but many webservers won't understand this. So I tried to stick with decompressing the buffer, changing some stuff and comp...

Trace navigation in Windows Explorer instances ?

I would like to be notified of events such as folder changing in a window explorer windows. I looked into Windows Shell API, Shell extensions... I saw that we can hook with rename, copy, and paste events, and so on.. But i'am not sure we can trace the navigation. Thanks for your help ! ...

Hooking all function calls in JavaScript?

My intuitive response to this question would be ,"This is so stupid that I can't continue having this conversation." However: Is there any way to hook all javascript function calls within my module? I'd like to find a convenient way of showing "loading blah...", "done..." messages when performing AJAX calls without having to explicitly ...

Take control of mouse using mouse hooks in VC#

Hi, is there any way to take control of all the mouse events entirely using mouse hooks? I'm developing an application (VC# exe that is) and I've to fulfill the following requirement: Whenever the application is active, it has to display a virtual cursor instead of the windows cursor and when the user tries to move the mouse, the mouse e...

Detecting Keyboard Hooks

Is there a way to detect which programs or modules are listening to a keyboard hook? By Sysinternals maybe? ...

How can ruby provide a callback when a file is closed?

I have a method which returns an File object. I need to know when the file is getting closed. This is not as simple as overwriting the close method. The close method is not called if the file is closed by the destructor. It should work like this: def something get_lock_on_file file File.new("foobar") file.on_close { release...

Spying on COM Objects

Hello everyone, I've set myself a new task which involves "spying" on COM objects. Even if you don't do COM, you're probably familiar with API hooking techniques where you can hook onto an imported function and execute your own code before calling the original. API hooking is somewhat complex but it quickly gets messy (too messy for pr...

Babylon Text Select

How does Babylon recognizing text selection in any software? I have to implement this. Thanks. ...

subversion e-mail notification

I would like my subversion to send me an e-mail (and my co-workers) on every commit. There are many solutions to this, but I didn't find any that will enable me to use wildcard/regexp match on svn URL and use it to notify different group of people. Anyone done that? ...

Wordpress Hooks

Hi, How does wordpress implement hooks internally? ...

Wordpress: Removing posts in "The Loop" using filters

After reading the Wordpress documentation, I realized you can remove posts from the index using filters inside "The Loop", e.g.: <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <!-- The following tests if the current post is in category 3. --> <?php if (in_category('3')) continue; ?> <!-- display normal post --> <?...

hook scripts tutorials?

Hi I've been trying to find some tutorials on writing hook scripts, and so far my search has been pretty fruitless. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good source? I've checked the SVN book, but can't find anything that detailed in there (although I may simply not have looked in the right place). any help is appreciated. BTW: I si...

How to get entire svn commit message in window bat?

I need get the SVN commit message in post-commit hook bat in Windows, so I do this: FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('"svnlook log %1 -r %2"') do @SET MSG=%%a I test it, it's ok for most case. but, when I input multiple lines in SVN commit message, the command can only get the last line of commit message, I think it's caused by the windows b...

Forum vB plugin not working

So I made a plugin/hook <?php ob_start(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/delta/pack_files/other/login.php"; $loginphpp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ?> I enabled hooks/plugins in the settings, and i set this plugin to be at global_start the folder directory is correct and I called this with $loginphpp, but nothing shows...

How to hijack the Caps Lock key for Cut, Copy, Paste keyboard operations

Here is what I am trying to accomplish: To Copy, press and release Caps Lock ONCE To Paste, press and release Caps Lock TWICE, quickly To Cut, press Ctrl+Caps Lock The reason I want to do this is often times i find my self looking down to press the correct X/C/V key, since they're all next to each other (atleast on a QWERTY keyboard)...

Git: Post-update hook that runs a script that needs access to all files in the repository

Hi everyone, I'm running into a bit of dilemma at the moment in that I need a script to run whenever the remote repository is updated (ie, whenever someone runs git push) that builds packages from the files in the repository. These packages are then placed into a directory on the git server that's exposed to clients over HTTP for future...