
Hosting Django on a shared FastCGI host.

Hi, I am trying to set up django shared hosting at using FastCGI but I keep running into issue. The CGI script lods in the browser as text instead of executing. Below is the .htaccess and the fcgi script .htacess AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ cgi-bin/my...

Is it approperiate to request users to look for own hosting resources?

i am wondering if its ok to request users to use own hosting resources for images, videos etc. i think stack overflow does the same for images too right? another option i am looking at is integration with such services. some well known ones i am thinking of are twitpic, flickr, imageshack for images screenr, youtube for videos slides...

file is not being accessed in php script in yahoo small business domain

hi every one i'am having problem with include/require_once in PHP by which iam accessing a configuration file to connect database. This problem exists in yahoo small business servers where i hosted my site in a free host it works fine for the same code. the database connection is working fine but the including of files are not working ...

ASP.NET MVC and Cloud Hosting

Hi, Has anyone had any experience running an ASP.NET MVC (2) app in one of the (decent) cloud hosting services? Which providers support this? Additionally - how does session state work in these services - all ok? Thanks ...

DNS hosting service

I'm looking for a (eventually free) DNS hosting service and I need some answers from your previous experience. There are a lot of DNS hosting services which are advertised with 100% uptime, but I tried to query all their DNS servers and some of them didn't reply. ...

FreeBSD VDS-hosting in Europe

Any suggestions? Thanks! ...

Seems like every cool new website has an intro video. Where's the best place to host it?

Almost every new website seems to have an intro video that tells prospective new users about what the site's about and what it does. What's the best way to host such a video? I looked into the usual suspects, but each seems to have crippling flaws: Youtube - Can stick ads into my video, making it look very amateurish Vimeo - Expres...

Virtual host (OSX) & Versioning on a Shared Server

I'd like to be able to edit the CSS/HTML of my website on my iMac and Macbook (may sometimes be offline). Hosting is shared I'd like to be able to easily synchronise local and online versions, with revision history. In the past I've used MAMP with TextMate, but I've been looking at VirtualHostX, Versions and Espresso. I'm not tech savv...

Where to host a periodically running Python or Java service?

I'm going to build a little service which monitors an IMAP email account and acts on the read messages. For this it just has to run every say 10 min, no external trigger required, but I want to host this service externally (so that I don't need to worry about up times.) To be machine independent I could write the service in Java or Pyth...

Why does Google Analytics show less visits than One&One stats?

Comparing google analytics results to one&one hosting monthly statics shows a huge discrepancy. For last month: Google shows 1046 visits. One&one stats show 15304 unique visits. The google code is in the footer which appears on every page. I'm aware ga only works with js enabled but to assume that many non js users??? ...

When do you need to use separate domains in Glassfish?

If you want to host multiple, fairly independent applications on a Glassfish server, do you need separate domains? In particular: Can applications in the same domain interfere with each other in some way? Can different apps in the same domain listen on different IP addresses/ports? If so, when/why would you actually use a separate do...

Ruby - hosting private gems

Hello there, By any chance, is there any place it's possible to host private ruby gems? So I could allow it to be pulled only for specific places by using public key or something like that? Thanks ...

Using cmd tools when hosting a site

Do webapp hosting sites such as support the use of cmd tools such as pdftk and pdftotext? For example, if in my django-powered site I do something like subprocess.Popen("pdftk.exe....") would this still work when I begin hosting the site? ...

httpdocs and httpsdocs folders

In the default directory of my hosting server I can see 2 folders among others: httpdocs and httpsdocs Is this a common directory structure ? If I add stuff to httpsdocs it is automatically protected by SSL ? thanks ...

Geoserver and external website hosting

Hi, I have set up a webpage that calls wms from geoserver operating on localhost and using openlayers as a front end. Everything works perfectly well. The next step, however, causes a few issues. My website is hosted on an external server by another company. Therefore, when i upload the webpage it will not work, is there a way to so...

Java Hosting options in the market

What are the best Java hosting you know working with appservers like glassfish, geronimo or jboss.. I've developed an application in glassfish, now its time to take that app online... Based on your experience what hosting sellers/managers can you recommend? ...

Generate PDF file from HTML page while on shared hosting

I have very limited access to enable extensions etc on my hosting but am looking to generate a PDF from an HTML page (with css/images) through PHP. Any ideas how I can achieve this with next to zero CL access etc? Preferable not a "hack" / relient on a service (as I'll be looking to use this long term). ...

Best Amazon server instance to use for Java web apps

I want to try out the Amazon hosting service. I want to deploy a Java web application. There are many server images, and I am trying to determine which one I should use. My requirements are simple: Should allow me to use Tomcat and Java and preferably MySQL Other related software is good too Is there a) an instance you recommend b...

Installing OSQA on Hostgator Shared

Hi Guys, Any idea how we can do this. i copied the files and enabled the python scripts when i try to run syncdb --all it gives error is there any guide how we can do this ? ...

php contact form on windows hosting error

I am trying to use a php contact form on widows hosting package, php is enabled but still my form is not sending email it is directing to error.html page...... here is the code <?php $EmailFrom = ""; $EmailTo = "[email protected]"; $Subject = "Website Query"; $Name = "Not Specified"; $Tel= "Not Specified...