
How to structure an if-else statement in an IBAction method

I don't know how to make an if-else statement within an IBAction! I can only make them in the button clicks... what I want it to do is check for which # the int question is at and make the appropriate changes. please help! MainView.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MainView : UIView{ IBOutlet U...

How to develop linux screen saver

Does anyone have a link or document on how to write a screensaver for Linux? ...

One MinGW, many GCC versions - how to do it?

Is it possible to have different GCC installations working with one MinGW installation? By MinGW I mean the common base which is always needed regardless which version of GCC compiler we're going to install and use; MinGW runtime binutils make MinGW API for MS-Windows and many other components which are part of MinGW but are not ...

Integrating GUI into console applications

Hi, I have two independent console applications developed in C++. I was asked to develop a GUI for both of them. In this GUI I collect some parameters that are needed to launch any of these applications. Anyone can give some orientation on integrating the console applications with this GUI? Could it be possible to launch the application...

WPF : using a designed vector image as a control template in WPF

Hi, I am exploring the idea of using professionally designed vector images as the ControlTemplates in my WPF application. The idea is to make several types of controls, each with a different visual design, which can then be dragged and dropped. This is exactly the same use-case as a visual designer (a'la visio) I have the following XAM...

How to install/use RegexKitLite for an iPhone application?

I'm trying to understand how to get my iPhone application working with RegexKitLite, I tried searching Google for how to install it but couldn't find anything that explains it clearly. Hopefully this will become a step-by-step guide for anyone searching for it in the future. Alright so according to the documentation it says: The two...

Renaming files with Visual Studio and TortoiseSVN

I am using Visual Studio for editing source code and once a while I switch to Windows Explorer to commit changes with TortoiseSVN. This procedure works well for me and I am quite happy with it. However recently I started to rename classes and reorganize namespaces a lot. I like to rename and move files in Visual Studio because it automat...

Minimal Linux Distrobution with SDL support and NO XWindows?

I want to setup a x86 Linux Box such that: It uses minimal system resources. Runs SDL, without XWindows Includes sufficient functionality to run QEmu. Basically I simply want it to ONLY be a host for Virtulization and be as "thin" as possible leaving nearly all resources available for the "client" OS. Is there anything like that ava...

How to delete a workspace in perforce (using p4v)?

Hi, I'm new to perforce and have created a few workspaces as exercises for getting familiar with it. Now I would like to delete some of the workspaces. I just want to get rid of the workspaces so that they do not appear on the drop-down in the workspaces view (DO NOT want to do anything with actual depot files). Googling up an answer ...

How to go beyond the tutorials to real-world programming ?

My problem is that every time I hear about an interresting programming language (Python, Ruby, Processing) I'm very excited, I read some tutorials (maybe even a book), I understand the basics, but I can't go beyond that. I think I never really wrote a full program (a useful one, not the basic fibonacci, sorting ... stuff). I have a lot o...

How to implement multiple inheritance in delphi ?

I'm currently doing a full rewrite of an old library, and I'm not sure how to handle this situation (for the sake of being understood, all hail the bike analogy): I have the following classes: TBike - the bike itself TBikeWheel - one of the bike's wheel TBikeWheelFront and TBikeWheelBack, both inherits from TBikeWheel and then implemen...

Using Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block with strongly typed data sets

I want my strongly typed data sets to be database agnostic. Is it possible to use Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block with strongly typed data sets? ...

How does jQuerys .animate method work (JavaScript)?

As the title says, how does it work? Looking through the source is a nightmare because it's all using complicated arrays, but I don't really see code which does anything. Any ideas? ...

How do I write a single-file Django application?

I want to write a very small Django application in a single file, requiring all the appropriate modules and stuff, and then be able to run that as a normal Python script, like this: $ python You can assume I won't render HTML, so I don't need templates (I'll return JSON or some other auto-generated string). ...

Impersonate User for Silverlight Unit Test

I'm attempting to write some tests using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework (the unsupported, unofficial MS library Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing). I need to impersonate three different users when testing some functionality of our application. Our application is for internal use at our company, so the authenticated user may get differe...

Point ob_start to a function inside a class to capture fatal errors

I'm trying to create a generic class in PHP that will provide a way to call a web service, parse the returning XML and return a JSON object. I ran into fatal errors on servers that do not support CURL and/or JSON and looked for a way to gracefully returning the error in a JSON object back to the client, rather than crashing.After some se...

How to implement generic type-safe deep cloning in a Java class hierarchy?

I have a base class, say Base which specifies the abstract method deepCopy, and a myriad of subclasses, say A, B, C, ... Z. How can I define deepCopy so that its signature is public X deepCopy() for each class X? Right, now, I have: abstract class Base { public abstract Base deepCopy(); } Unfortunately, that means that if if I have...

Info for build the API for render in 3D Max/Maya/Blender, etc

I'm recollecting info for build a render farm manager. I have almost everything except the info about how actually render the image, in the best possible way. The project will be for use inside a gov agency and need, at least, support for 3D Max, maya, Blender. Will manage several dozens of 8 Cores/8 GIb of render nodes. This will be u...

How can i store a bunch of jquery commands in a function that i can call with click event.

Currently i have this: $(".splitCol").click(function () { $.cookie('whichColumn', 'split'); $(".threeCol .active").removeClass("active"); $(".leftCol .active").removeClass("active"); $(".splitCol span").addClass("active"); $(".threeColumns li:eq(3)").removeClass("first"); $(".threeColumns li:eq(6)").remo...

How do I get started developing a simple workflow application in SharePoint?

I would like to start developing a simple Workflow application in Sharepoint. What files should I download? SharePoint Server 2007 SDK? SharePoint Server? SQL Server? Visual Studio? other? Are they all required for workflow development? I do not have SharePoint anywhere, please include its components in your answer. ...