
Will HTML Encoding prevent all kinds of XSS attacks?

I am not concerned about other kinds of attacks. Just want to know whether HTML Encode can prevent all kinds of XSS attacks. Is there some way to do an XSS attack even if HTML Encode is used? ...

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

Everytime a user posts something containing < or > in a page in my webapp, I get this exception thrown. I don't want to go into the discussion about the smartness of throwing an exception or crashing an entire webapp because somebody entered a character in a textbox, but I am looking for an elegant way to handle this. Trapping the exce...

How do you htmlencode using html agility pack?

Has anyone done this? Basically, I want to use the html by keeping basic tags such as h1, h2, em, etc; clean all non http addresses in the img and a tags; and HTMLEncode every other tag. I'm stuck at the HTML Encoding part. I know to remove a node you do a "node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node);" where node is the object of the class Ht... MVC custom string output overloaded operator <%=h

I am currently in the process of making a new MVC website, and find myself using Html.Encode all over the place, which is good practice, but gets pretty messy. I think a good way to clean this up would be if I could overload an operator to automatically do Html encoding. Previously: <%= Html.Encode( ViewData['username'] ) %> ...

Cross Site Scripting and HTML Encoding

If I HTML encode any data entered by website users when I redisplay it, will this prevent CSS vulnerabilities? Also, is there a tool/product available that will sanitize my user input for me, so that I don't have to write my own routines. ...

HTML encode user input when storing or when displaying

Simple question that keeps bugging me. Should I HTML encode user input right away and store the encoded contents in the database, or should I store the raw values and HTML encode when displaying? Storing encoded data greatly reduces the risk of a developer forgetting to encode the data when it's being displayed. However, storing the en...

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?

I have a string that is html encoded: &lt;img class=&quot;size-medium wp-image-113&quot; style=&quot;margin-left: 15px;&quot; title=&quot;su1&quot; src=&quot;;quot; alt=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;300&quot; height=&quot;194&quot; /&gt; I want to change that to: <img...

Do you HtmlEncode during input or output?

When do you call Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.HtmlEncode? Do you do it when the user submits the information or do you do when you're displaying the information? How about for basic stuff like First Name, Last Name, City, State, Zip? ...

How to handle encoded inputs that need to be edited?

Using Microsoft's AntiXssLibrary, how do you handle input that needs to be edited later? For example: User enters: <i>title</i> Saved to the database as: <i>title</i> On an edit page, in a text box it displays something like: &lt;i&gt;title&lt;/i&gt; because I've encoded it before displaying in the text box. User doesn'...

How do I bypass the HTML encoding when using Html.ActionLink in Mvc?

Whenever I use Html.ActionLink it always Html encodes my display string. For instance I want my link to look like this: <a href="/posts/422/My-Post-Title-Here">More&hellip;</a> it outputs like this: More&hellip; &hellip is "..." incase you were wondering. However the actionlink outputs the actual text "&hellip;" as the link text. I ...

How to use HtmlEncode with TemplateFields, Data Binding, and a GridView

I have a GridView bound to an ObjectDataSource. I've got it supporting editing as well, which works just fine. However, I'd like to safely HtmlEncode text that is displayed as we do allow special characters in certain fields. This is a cinch to do with standard BoundFields, as I just set HtmlEncode to true. But in order to setup vali...

ASP.NET MVC Html.Encode - New lines

Html.Encode seems to simply call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode to replace a few html specific characters with their escape sequences. However this doesn't provide any consideration for how new lines and multiple spaces will be interpretted (markup whitespace). So I provide a text area for the a user to enter a plain text block of information, ...

How to HTML encode a string in JavaScript from a Firefox extension

So I know I can write my own HTML-encoding function like this: function getHTMLEncode(t) { return t.toString().replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/"/g,"&quot;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;"); } But I was wondering if there were any native facility for this that is available to XPCOM components. I'm writing a component, not ...

Is there a JDK class to do HTML encoding (but not URL encoding)?

I am of course familiar with the and classes. However, I only need HTML-style encoding. (I don't want ' ' replaced with '+', etc). I am not aware of any JDK built in class that will do just HTML encoding. Is there one? I am aware of other choices (for example, Jakarta Commons Lang StringEscape...

How to stop gridview column from automatically encoding html entities

Hi all, I am fairly new to and come into a problem whilst using a gridview. I have added some entries that contain the "&" symbol eg "PR Murphy & Associates". I haven't done any encoding of my data prior to inserting it into the database. When the gridview is changed to edit mode my text looks like this: "PR Murphy & Associate...

How to stop Gridview encoding my text on edit

Hi All, I tried to ask this question previously howver I did not recieve the correct response. I am using a GridView in the admin area of site I have designed. I use a DetailsView to insert data into the database, and the Gridview to edit and delete the data. My query is: When I add data in the DetailsView I enter data like this: "PR M...

PHP - Storing Text in MySQL Database

I have a textbox on my website and I need to store whatever the user enters into my database, and retrieve it at a later time. I need to store it exactly as the user entered, including special characters, carriage returns, etc. What process should I use in PHP to store this in my database field (which is a 'text' field)? Should I use PH...

Xml Escaping/Encoding terminology

I'm confused as for the difference between the terms "escaping" and "encoding" in phrases like: Xml Encoding Xml Escaping Encoded Html Escaped Url ... Can anyone explain it to me? ...

Why is the html attribute returned as 'htmldecoded' even if encoded in html source?

I use html attribute title to set some hints like this: <a href... title="Go to next chapter">Go</a> Then the jquery plugin goes through all the [title] attributes and makes pretty tooltips. Very simplified a new div is created for the link above <div style="position:absolute...">Go to next chapter</div> The problem is, that the ...

Is is possible to html encode output in AppEngine templates?

So, I'm passing an object with a "content" property that contains html. <div>{{ myobject.content }}</div> I want to be able to output the content so that the characters are rendered as the html characters. The contents of "conent" might be: <p>Hello</p> I want this to be sent to the browser as: pHello/p&gt; Is there something I can...