
Looking for html string jquery parser ( parse <a> links and <img>images)

Hi, I am Looking for html string jquery parser ( parse <a> links and <img> images) or for code that will parse all links and images from html string (Html string can be very big). Example: input: sdsds<div>sdd<a href=''image1&lt;/a&gt; sd</div> sdsdsdssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss <p> sdsdsdsds <...

How can I use the python HTMLParser library to extract data from a specific div tag?

I am trying to get a value out of a HTML page using the python HTMLParser library. The value I want to get hold of is within this html element: ... <div id="remository">20</div> ... This is my HTMLParser class so far: class LinksParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.see...

how to print cells of a table with simple html dom

Hi, i have this html code. Im using Simple HTML Dom to parse the data into my own php script. <table> <tr> <td class="header">Name</td> <td class="header">City</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Greg House</td> <td class="text">Century City</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Dexter...

How to get string from HTML with regex?

hello, I'm trying to parse block from html page so i try to preg_match this block with php if( preg_match('<\/div>(.*?)<div class="adsdiv">', $data, $t)) but doesn't work </div> blablabla blablabla blablabla <div class="adsdiv"> i want grep only blablabla blablabla words any help ...

How to use Using the HtmlAgilityPack to get table value i work on C# web.Above url contain some information ,i need to save them in my database and also need to save then in specified location as xml format.This url contain a table.I want to get this table value but how to retrieve value from this html table. HtmlWeb htmlWeb = new HtmlWeb...

Bulletproofing SimpleXMLElement

Everyone knows that we should always use DOM techniques instead of regexes to extract content from HTML, but I get the feeling that I can never trust the SimpleXML extension or similar ones. I'm coding a OpenID implementation right now, and I tried using SimpleXML to do the HTML discovery - but my very first test (with alixaxel.myopenid...

Agavi exception on otherwise working master template?

I am using Agavi with Doctrine. The master template fails to load at times with a AgaviParseException listing out all instance of &nbsp;. I'm using the latest stable versions of all technologies. ...

How to read xpath values from many HTML files in .Net?

Howdy, I have about 5000 html files in a folder. I need to loop through them, open, grab say 10 values using xpath, close, and store in (SQL Server) DB. What is the easiest way to do read the xpath values using .Net? The xpaths should be pretty stable. Please provide example code to read one value, say /html/head/title/text() Than...

Problem in fetching Email body content in HTML format using PHP

My code(In PHP) is fetching Email, from Inbox wihich is in HTML format, and saving it in an HTML format. while fetching some Extra characters are added to the file. Example: the content in EMAIL Body hi there 1. hi 2. hello 3. bye but when fetched i get hi there 1. =A0=A0=A0=A0 hi 2. hello 3. bye I get extra characters li...

How will you customise a html page so that it accepts multiple language?

How will you customise a html page so that it accepts multiple language? ...

PHP- HTML parsing :: How can be taken charset value of webpage with simple html dom parser?

Hi, PHP:: How can be taken charset value of webpage with simple html dom parser (utf-8, windows-255, etc..)? remark: its have to be done with html dom parser Example1 webpage charset input: <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> result:utf-8 Example2 webpage ch...

Distingushing features of a blog, i.e deference between a blog and a normal site

Hi everyone. I'm looking at things that can distinguish a blog from a normal website. These are things that a program needs to be able identify from the html of a website or particular features that a site supports. For eg. pings. The same for news websites. I'm working on a blog/news monitor program and it will index sites to automatic...

Python how to search and correct html tags and attributes?

I have to fix all the closing tags of the <img> tag as shown in the text below. Instead of closing the <img> with a >, it should close with />. Is there any easy way to search for all the <img> in this text and fix the > ? (If it is closed with a /> already then there is no action required). Other question, if there is no "width" or "...

Puzzle: Splitting An HTML String Correctly

I'm trying to split an HTML string by a token in order to create a blog preview without displaying the full post. It's a little harder than I first thought. Here are the problems: A user will be creating the HTML through a WYSIWYG editor (CKEditor). The markup isn't guaranteed to be pretty or consistent. The token, read_more(), can be ...

htmlParse() segfault error in R XML package: 'memory not mapped'

I am using R 2.11.1 and XML package 3.1-0, and I was going through an example from R2GoogleMaps when I encountered a segfault error. #library(RJSONIO) library(R2GoogleMaps) library(XML) #library(RCurl) load("b.rda") # find in the sampleDocs folder in source file of R2GoogleMaps center = c(mean(range(b$lat)), mean(range(b$long))) code ...

How to get URL information in C# variable? The above url contain several information .From this url i just want to get bellow information.How to? Price Earning Ratio : at a glance on Aug 2, 2010 at 11:28:00 I want to know how to get url information into a variable or some storage container in C#.Specific i need above information ,i don't ne...

PHP function to strip tags, except a list of whitelisted tags and attributes

I have to strip all HTML tags and attributes from a user input except the ones considered "safe" (ie, a white list approach). strip_tags() strips all tags except the ones listed in the $allowable_tags parameter. But I also need to be able to strip all the not whitelisted attributes; for example, I want to allow the <b> tag, but I don't ...

capturing ajax requests

I want to capture an ajax http request w/ all of its headers/cookies/post params being sent to save it so I can scrape it later. I can't find a good way of doing this with firefox or chrome. Firebug truncates long post paramters saying "... Firebug request size limit has been reached by Firebug. ... " in the middle of it, which doesn't...

Library similar to BeautifulSoup and "HTML Agility Pack" but for C or Java?

I am preparing some custom performance tests against a legacy application that outputs nonstandard HTML (missing tags, duplicate quotes, missing quotes, the works) that can't be changed right now for all the usual reasons. I am looking for a library similar to BeautifulSoup or "HTML Agility Pack" that can be called from C or Java on a U...

How do I find a HTML div contains specific text after a text prefix?

I have following string: <div> text0 </div> prefix <div> text1 <strong>text2</strong> text3 </div> text4 and want to know wether it contains text3 inside divs that go after prefix: prefix<div>...text3...</div> but I don't know how ta make regex for that, since I can't use [^<]+ because div's can contain strong tag inside. Please he...