
HTML iframes and javascript

I have two iframes and each iframe show two different html pages. Both html pages refer to a common javascript file which contains a global variable. If I set the value of that global variable in one frame during html page load. Will the value be accessible using the same global variable to another iframe html page? why or why not? ...

HTML SELECT - can you have multiple font colors in select field?

Hi Is it possible to have an HTML select field where the OPTION text is of different colors? <select> <option>Black_text (yellow_text)</option> </select> I tried using an CSS SPAN element to color the text but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? UPDATE: Note, I'm trying to have multiple font colors on the same OPTION row. I've se...

Div width 100% minus fixed amount of pixels.

Hi, I have some toolbars that have pretty simple structure: One wrap div that has header, content and footer divs inside. Header and footer have 3 divs inside them: left, middle and right. To get a better idea of the structure, check this image: Reason for the structure is that I need rounded co...

Master pages or Templates

Hi, I am currently creating a web site with pure HTML ( No frameworks Just with plain HTML ). It has lot of pages having a common navigation. Is there a way to have feature like master pages of ASP.Net or template kind of thing which some other framework offer. I am little reluctant to use the frame-sets. Thanks. ...

Do you know any tools to remove badware, malware from my website which google blocks?

I have a website which google blocked because it had badware i removed the viruses from the server and its completely clean now, the problem that this virus changed in the html, js asp files in the site and added hidden iframes and strange scripts, i removed all what i found in the diles, but the website is toooo big, so any one have any...

How can I embed a scrollable text box to output text on my web page?

Is it possible to embed a scrollable text box to output text on my web page, in HTML or JavaScript? I am trying not to use any Java libraries if possible. ...

HTML Parsing Libraries for .NET

I'm looking for libraries to parse HTML to extract links, forms, tags etc. LGPL or any other commercial development friendly licenses are preferable. Hav...

How to do with pointing the target html when doing xml transformation?

Hello everyone. I want to generate a treeview from xml by xsl. In the output html, there are 2 frames: treeframe for the treeview and contentframe for displaying the content of the nodes when I click on the tree. I wrote a tree.xsl to generate the tree from the xml, a result.html who constructs the frameset and has js function, popul...

jQuery animate problem

I have this jQuery code that slide an "em" tag up, on hover, and down on blur: $(".entries a").hover( function () { $(this).find("em").animate( { height:"100%"}, 500 ) }, function () { $(this).find("em").animate( { height:"0%"}, 500 ) } ); html code <div class="entries"> <a href=""&gt; <em>Descri...

Assigning a stylesheet in JavaScript creates good html, but does not show the styles.

I have some Javascript that is opening a blank window, assigning it with a stylesheet and then writing some text to it. This is all working fine except that the content is not having the styles applied to it. The code looks like this: var newWindow ='', 'SecondWindow', 'toolbar=0,stat=0'); var style = newWindow.document.c...

Absolutely positioning everything on a website?

I had a discussion with someone about absolute positioning. He claims that the best practice to secure that everything looks all the same across most browsers and that it's the easiest way to maintain the looks and feel that you intended for a website. I disagreed with his opinion, that absolute positioning would be the remedy and an ov...

What is the best JavaScript solution to limit the length of a textarea?

Is there a canonical solution for limiting the number of characters that someone can enter into a textarea? I have server side validation of course, but would like to improve the user experience by adding client side code to simulate the experience you get with maxlength on an input[type="text"] so that users never see the "your input i...

option's css class is removed when option is selected

<select class="FunctieSelect"> <option class="yellow" value="-1">- kies -</option> <option class="yellow" value="1">KSZ functie</option> <option class="yellow" value="2">Bakker</option> <option class="yellow" value="3">Schilder</option> <option class="yellow" value="4">Andere</option> </select> with .yellow { background-color: Yel...

Is there any way to reset the cursor to the beginning of a textbox when it loses focus?

I have some input[type="text"] textboxes on my form that are sometimes not wide enough for the content that gets typed into them. Currently, if a user types more text that fits (but is under maxlength), the textbox scrolls as you would expect. When they tab out of the textbox, the textbox stays scrolled to the "end" of what they typed....

Duplicate explorer/outlook type application on a web page

We have an ancient application that basically duplicates a file explorer, outlook style application in html (menu and toolbar on top, tree on the left, gridview on the right, and yes I know it is a bad idea to bring desktop UI to the web, but it was 2000 and seemed like a good idea at the time). The main problem (other than the HTML is ...

When redirecting users from a legacy website to the new one, what is the best way to detect whether or not to show them a custom welcome message?

Say you have a legacy website running on an old code-base that offers certain functionality. The successor website is up and running, providing all the old functionality and more. For some time, there has been an HTML link on the old site pointing to the new one, for those users that care to click over. Now, the legacy site is reachin...

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

Hello, I want to use the HTML agility pack to parse tables from complex web pages, but I am somehow lost in the object model. I looked at the link example, but did not find any table data this way. Can I use Xpath to get the tables? I am basically lost after having load the data how to get the tables. I have done this in Perl before and ...

Is ihttp a legitimate protocol?

And if so, what does it do? I've noticed it in some html written by a former co-worker (so I can't ask the author). I'd guess it was a typo, except that it's in a couple different places in a couple different templates, used as the source attribute for an image. For example: <IMG height="6" src="i

Is there a JDK class to do HTML encoding (but not URL encoding)?

I am of course familiar with the and classes. However, I only need HTML-style encoding. (I don't want ' ' replaced with '+', etc). I am not aware of any JDK built in class that will do just HTML encoding. Is there one? I am aware of other choices (for example, Jakarta Commons Lang StringEscape...

How can you select the text in a div (for copying into the clipboard) from javascript?

I have a div containing some text that I would like the user to be able to easily copy from the page (via the clipboard). Is there a cross browser way to select all of the text within a div on a mouseclick? ...