I am not a big web programmer, and have a friend who wants me to help him with something.
He wants to be able to have a form that once it is submitted changes to say something like "Thanks for submitting" and have the form info disappear. He wants it to be easy for anyone to use, so he can give it to various people to use on th...
What is the best way to convert a table within an HTML document to an excel-readable file? I would like this to be a command-line tool that I can call in bash on my mac, as I'd like to batch process a bunch of HTML files.
I know I could write a script to do this fairly easily, but am looking for generic, existing tools that can be call...
Hopefully this is an easy one but I have not found a solution. I want to put space between columns on a table.
| Cell |<- space ->| Cell |<- space ->| Cell |
An important point is that I do not want space on the edges. There is a border-spacing property but it is not supported in IE (6 or 7) so that is no good. It also...
I'm trying to compile a guide for students used to publishing in print who are learning web design.
Some obvious things which web developers know but they don't:
You can't rotate graphics in HTML
All objects have to be rectangular, you can't have a circular DIV
Many typographical effects in their repertoire can't be achieved
Some th...
If I built a page that consisted of IFrames on the order of hundreds, would this be incredibly slow, or would it behave similar to having a hundred divs?
The reason I ask is I'm looking for a nice recursive way to build a web page, where I can load sub-elements of a page as if they were complete pages of their own, with their own urls.
I am trying to make a web app print receipts for my customer (he asked me for it) I've placed a table and everything however when I print it I just can't get it to print correctly into the fields of the receipts. Let me explain, the receipts are already made so I am merely making a place where the user inputs all the required fields and ...
Hi there,
Can someone show me some example for restricting user input (on input tag) in Javascript?
Something that when we set the input (type="text") to only accept numeric, so it will ignore any other input except for numeric...
I think it's handy for number input (such as zip, credit card, money, value, score, date etc...), and if ...
hi there, my simple textarea doesn't show horizontal bar when text overflow, it wrap text for a new line, so how remove wordwrap and display horizontal bar when text overflow ?
god bless!
Consider the following html page, which can load in many large png files:
<script type="text/javascript">
function hide( )
{ document.getElementById("here").innerHTML = "hidden";
function show( )
{ var loadMe = "";
for (var i=1; i<250; i++)
{ loadMe += "<img src='http://domain.com/" + i + "_a.png'><br>...
We need to display a tick symbol within an internal web app and would ideally like to avoid using an image.
Has to work starting with IE 6.0.2900 on a XP box, ideally we need it be cross-browser (IE + recent versions of FF).
The following displays boxes although sets browser encoding to UTF-8 (META works nicely and not the issue). The ...
I dont know anything about DTD.
See how fieldset is used outside of form on this page and it's cool! I love the style!
I am building an asp.net website. I want to show image on the page, but while I know the image name, I don't know the extension.
So, I want to open the images directory and get the image by its name whatever its extension.
I'm using MVC, and I've got a simple radio button setup:
<%=Html.RadioButton("my_flag", True)%><label>Yes</label>
<%=Html.RadioButton("my_flag", False)%><label>No</label>
The only thing I'm missing is that you can't click the label to select the radio button. Normally you'd use:
<label for="my_flag">
but that associates both labels...
I'd like to write a sort of mini-CRM system that will require interacting with emails from customers (many different systems). I'd like for it to be able to reply to their emails, and place the original email in a nice quoted reply format like other email apps.
This appears to be fairly easy when responding to an ASCII email, but how d...
I've noticed a lot of people who don't use quotation marks when they write HTML. For example:
<li class=somename>blabla</li>
instead of
<li class="somename">dkdk</li>
Where are they getting this from?
When using a link for a javascript action, I usually do something like this:
<a href="#">Link Text</a>
That way, when someone clicks the link before the page loads nothing terrible happens.
Html Base Tag
On my current project I use this same construct, but with a base tag:
<base href="http://...
I would like to add a popup message like the one that appears on stackoverflow when I am not logged in and I try to use voting buttons.
What is the best method for achieving that?
Is it done using a jquery library?
I have built a table in a class GetData.cs
public Table BuildTable()
Table tButtons = new Table();
TableRow tRow = new TableRow();
TableCell tCell = new TableCell();
long lColumn = 0;
long lPreviousColumn = 0;
long lRow = 0;
long lPreviousRow = 0;
long lLanguage = 0;
long lPreviousLanguage=0;
I have following code in html:
<div style="float:left;margin:0.5em">
<span class="title">Label1</span><br/>
<input type="text" name="name1" size="8" />
<div style="float:left;margin:0.5em">
<span class="title">Label2</span><br/>
<input type="text" name="name2" size="12" />
<div style="float:...
Wondering if there is an easy way to do a simple HTML escape/unescape in Objective C. What I want is something like this psuedo code:
NSString *string = @"<span>Foo</span>";
[string stringByUnescapingHTML];
Which returns
Hopefully unescaping all other HTML entities as well and even ASCII codes like Ӓ a...