
is there a way to ask Rails helper functions not to produce XHTML but HTML?

I would like to use HTML 4.01 Strict, and used a DOCTYPE of it in my application template. But look like when a style sheet is included by a helper function <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'style' %> the code produced is XHTML: <link href="/stylesheets/style.css?1243210734" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> is there a ...

Google Analytics - Blocks HTML/page rendering

I have used the "Better Google Analytics JavaScript that doesn’t block page downloading" to load Google Analytics dynamically so that it will not block HTML / page rendering. However, it appears occassionaly that my HTML page will block rendering on the Firefox 3.0 (WinXP) status message states: "Transferring data from

How do I create a "sound on/ sound off" button?

I've seen many web pages with a simple sound on /sound off button which plays music or some mp3 file when you press sound on and turns it off when you press off. How do I do that? Hi, I wasn't planning on using Flash -- if there is a standard plugin I could use and then make modification to the script, that'd be cool. I'm open to what...

output text from a textbox directly into an html page?

How do you output text from a textbox directly into an html page where it will be stored permanently? The purpose of the question is that I would like to implement a comment script for a site like this: Each time a team memeber hits one of the buttons "Comments - send" I would like that everything that was ty...

C# HttpWebRequest - How to disgtinguish between HTML and XML pages without downloading ?

I need to be able to tell if a link (URL) points to an XML file (RSS feed), or a regular HTML file just by looking at the headers, or something similiar (without downloading it) Any good advice for me there ? :) Thanks! Roey ...

How to not send a referrer from a link in html

I think I saw someday a way to create a link without sending the page that the user was in originally. Is that possible? Or do we need to use a redirector to hide the location of the previous site? EDIT: If you have an idea for a server-side option to anonymise the link you're welcome. ...

how to select just the top element text?

i have this html: <span class="price"> $61.00   <span class="detailFreeShipping">With Free Shipping</span> </span> How to write a jquery selector which give me the price text only "$61.00"? i want to make it generic as i can because may be in some cases there is no inner span, just the parent one. ...

Alternative to innerhtml that includes header?

I'm trying to extract data from the following page:;param2=&amp;param3=&amp;param4=&amp;param5=2009-04-22&amp;param6=37# Which, conveniently and inefficiently enough, includes all the data embedded as a csv file in the header, set as a variable called gs_...

How do you create a form dropdown from a database table in php?

I am trying to code a function which creates a dropdown of school names selected from a database. It is doing fine creating a dropdown but it is not putting anything in the dropdown. Here is the code: function schoolDD($name, $selected){ $select = ''; if( $selected != null ) { $select = $selected; } $qry = "selec...

How to implement several image buttons on a single, highlighted line

I am making a user interface where I want each line to respond with a color effect when rolled over, coloring the entire background of that particular line in a given color. In addition, each line should contain several small symbols (buttons) that also should respond to user clicks and rollovers. The only way I know to do this using t...

How to filter using Regx and javascript?

I have some text in an element in my page, and i want to scrap the price on that page without any text beside. I found the page contain price like that: <span class="discount">now $39.99</span> How to filter this and just get "$39.99" just using JavaScript and regular expressions. The question may be too easy or asked by another way...

Using XSLT, how to turn each tag into a div with a class matching the tag name ?

Hi all, Using XSLT, I'd like to be able to transform this : <doc> <tag1>AAA</tag1> Hello ! <tag2>BBB</tag2> </doc> into this : <div class="doc"> <div class="tag1">AAA</div> Hello ! <div class="tag2">BBB</div> </div> ...but without specifying explicitly any tag name in the stylesheet (there are too many in the real worl...

Highlighting effect to text and/or image similar to be synchronized with audio

I am looking how to approach following problem: We have application that displays text with audio recorded material. We use Browser Control (Internet Explorer) in Delphi App to do this. We respond to events in Delphi code setting innerHTML for elements if we have to update the style ... Now, request is to add option to dynamically move...

Is the <div> tag ever an undesirable alternative to the <p> tag?

I see the <p> tag used a lot in the code of others but have never used it in my own work. I'm wondering what advantage this gives over using a <div> tag? Are there any benefits I could get from incorporating the <p> tag into my pages? Is there any disadvantage in only using <div> tags without <p>? ...

How can I stop parent events from firing?

If I have... <div id="parent" onmouseover="doSomething()"> <div id="child" onmouseover="doSomethingElse()"> </div> </div> How can I make it so that doSomething() is not executed when I'm hovering over the child? I only want doSomethingElse() to execute when I'm hovering over the child, and I only want doSomething() to execute ...

Any Html control libraries - a visual counterpart to jQuery/Prototype

jQuery provides a browser neutral library for accessing and manipulating the DOM. This is good. However I'm looking for a counterpart for the visual side of things - I need to build pixel measured interfaces, without wasting so much time testing and correcting cross browser issues (buttons having crazy margins in IE, or using the wrong ...

Load URL from text box into iframe

How do you load a URL from a text box into iframe in a HTML file via javascript? ...

is it possible to make "beep" sound in php like in gmail

for an IM script i am making, i would like the computer to beep like in gmail everytime there is a new message. is there a script in php or html to make the computer beep? Thanks! ...

using CSS only, is it possible to create a div that covers the whole document content area exactly?

I just wonder if it is possible to only use CSS but not javascript to style a DIV that will cover up the whole content area exactly? (note: whole content, not just the viewport). It seems not possible because the <body> element has some margin, and it seems like there is no easy way to style the div to include that margin width and hei...

Rendering C# Objects to Html

We have bunch of Domain Entities which should be rendered to an html format, which shows their detail in a pop up window. I would be glad to do something like this: Product product = new Product(...); product.ToHtml(); // or: HtmlRenderer.Render(Product); but my main problem is how to do this stuff from behind. I have 3 different an...