
Will I use HtmlDocument even I want to parse the HTML string using HtmlAglityPack ?

Hi everyone, I'm working in C#. I'm trying to extract the first instance of img tag from a HTML string (which is actually a post data). This is my code: private string GrabImage(string htmlContent) { String firstImage; HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(htmlConten...

Interwoven Teamsite

Anyone had any experience with Teamsite, I could use some advice... ...

Capture Right Click on HTML DIV

I am trying to paint cell on a html page, where each cell is a DIV, I need to be able to capture right click event on any of these cells, How can I do that? <script> function fn(event) { alert('hello'+event.button); } </script> <div id="cell01" class="" onclick="fn(event);" style="left: 1471px; width: 24px; ...

What's the difference between the span-x classes and the 'column' class in blueprint-css?

The definition I found for the blueprint css class called .column says: .column Use with .span-x classes to create combinations of columns in the layout. But the span-x classes seem to overlap this functionality since they allow columns to be defined without referring to .column? Could someone explain what distinguishes these two cla...

Javascript error in IE (rollover)

i have some javascript roll over code that works fine in firefox but when i try it in IE i get this error: Message: 'document[...]' is null or not an object Line: 25 Char: 13 Code: 0 URI: the code im using is: if (document.images) { image1 = new Image; image2 = new Image; image1.src =...

imageshack api problems. Will not upload my image

Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has used the imageshack api as i am trying to use it and i am having some issues as it just fails and will no upload my image. the php library for image shack can be found here i pass the for file element to the upload function but it just d...

Link to Directory on Network in ASP.NET MVC [solved, kinda]

So I'm working on an Intranet web application using ASP.NET MVC, and I need to create a link to a folder on the network. So, as an example, let's say I wanted to create a link to "C:\", and this uri is stored in site.DocsPath. I figured the easiest way to do this was just create a regular link, like this: <a href="file:///<%= site.DocsP...

Why shouldn't I use spaces in file names when I can use a code equivalent?

I've read all over the place NOT to use spaces in file names intended for use on the Web, e.g. URLs. I don't understand what's wrong with using "%20" to replace them when referring to the name in my code. It seems more appropriate to use this replacement because I'm then preserving semantic meaning of my file name. ? ...

Javascript syntax used in hiding html column

I am looking at code that toggles displaying and hiding a table column. I am assuming this creates an array: var States = { }; Why no need for the new operator? Does this line set the States col element .isOpen property to true? States[col] = {isOpen : true}; I am figuring out how to modify this function so I can save the state...

Can I replace % 20 with & nbsp in URLs that have spaces?

Within my HTML, can I use the character entity reference "&nbsp;" in place of "%20" in Web URLs? They're both spaces, right? ...

How to send mail with a Subject using a Mailto URL?

Can you help me? I need to make a Mailto link to my website which is suppose to contain either the product name or the product page URL in the subject section. How can I do it? Exp:When you get an email through ebay about a product you are selling or buying, you automatically know what product that email is about by seeing the product n...

Make the image go behind the text and keep it in center using css

I am creating a webpage, where i have an image, that i want to place in the center and then on the top of that image i want to have input boxes and labels and submit button. I am trying to use the css { z-index:-1; } but this does not works. and when i change the code to { position:absolute; left:...

Can a label only refer to input elements?

W3Schools have this to say about labels: The <label> tag defines a label for an input element. [Emphasis mine] Does this mean that the following HTML isn't valid? <html> <body> <label for="x">Label</label> <hr> <div id="q" contentEditable="true">Hello</div> <hr> <div id="x" contentEdi...

Slashes within echo of input type html

I do not want to display all the slashes when displaying the html What I have is echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"myname\" value=\"myvalue\""; What I want to do is: echo '<input type="text" name="myname" value="myvalue">'; I am looking to save myself from typing all the slashes. Is there a way around that? ...

Tidy causing bad spacing issues (JTidy)

We are using JTidy to clean up some html for sax processing. We've had a lot of trouble around spacing issues as shown in this example: Html <i>stack<span class="bold">overflow</span></i> which outputs "stackoverflow" But... Post JTidy <i>stack <span class="bold">overflow</span></i> which outputs "stack overflow" (note the new ...

JQuery Tooltip Plugin from Jorn

I am thinking someone may have run across this one, but not sure. From a high level, I am trying to roll over a input [type=text] and display a tool tip (with the contained value) using the plugin available at I have to use titles and classes for validation on the specific elements, so I put a blank div to hold ...

<div> position:absolute; bottom: 0; not working as expected in IE7

My site, a course catalog tool for universities, has a center pane that contains a dynamically updated list of classes. In Firefox, Opera, and Chrome, the center pane has the intended scrolling behavior: when the class list exceeds the height, the center pane has a scroll bar. IE, however, only shows this bar when the height is explici...

How to use 'border' instead of 'border-right' to specify a detailed right border style?

I find that I have to use the following style to specify a style for my right border: border-right: 1px solid black; When I tried to incorporate this information into my border element like this, it didn't work: border: 0 1px solid black 0 0; Assuming my syntax is wrong, is there a way to specify the right border style using only t...

How can I send a html entities text via GET method in PHP ?

hi I sent a text via GET method to decode html entities ( &#119; = w ) > ?text=&#119;&type=htmldecode&format=text I got errors in the $text variable then I tried to set it in the last of the link ?format=text&type=htmldecode&text=&#119; and I got the same errors how I can fix that ? ...

How can I make a div adopt the height of the screen?

I tried using height: 100% but this makes the div only as high as its contents - it just contains a single word of text. How can I force the div to use the screen height instead? ...