
how do you increase the height of an html textbox

Hi, How do you increase the height of an textbox? (along with its font size) ...

ActiveX events not work in javascript

I have next code in my website. This code is an c# activex, the function alert(MyCC.GetID().Fullname) works but events not work. What i doing wrong? <object id="MyCC" codebase="http://localhost:3239/WebDAVCab.CAB" classid="clsid:5F9A5DDB-0D35-4893-A9ED-1FAFFE94373A" width="80" height="120" VIEWASTEXT> </object> <script type="text/ja...

text on the background image in table

Hi friends i have a problem in that i set a img as a background to a table , see below <table id ='outertable' style="background: url(courierimages/biglogo.jpg) no-repeat center;opacity:0.2;filter:alpha(opacity=20);"> <tr> <td> <table id = 'innertable'> <tr> <td><input type = "text"></td> ...

How Google is using HTML tags to enhance the search engine?

I knew that Google’s search algorithm is mainly based on pagerank. However, it also does analyse and use the structure of the document H1, H2, title and other HTML tags to enhance the search results. My question is: What is the name of this technique "using the document structure to enhance the search results"? And are there any acad...

Using max-height on DIV element

I have a DIV element that is set to contain a table element. The table element will have anywhere from 0 to upwards of 350 rows. I thought the easiest way to size this DIV element was to apply the max-height property so the DIV element would grow as content was added and add a scroll bar once the content exceeds the max-height property...

Table-less form layout

Hi, After 4 hours on this , I think Ii have to declare myself defeated. I can't try any more float, position etc. styles to try to get this layout as I want it. I would be ever grateful if someone could save me the rest of the day and the headache, of creating this layout in HTML without tables: Thank you in advance!!! ...

Force container to stay in exact positions

Hello, I am trying to make it so the container on this page will always stay at a certain width no matter how you resize the page is there any easy way of doing this. ...

How do I dynamically populate the <title> tag in a PHP page?

My code looks like: index.php: <html>.... <title>My page</title> .... <?php switch ($_GET['id']){ case "tips": include("tips.php"); $title = "Tips"; ... How do I get the title varible to the html title tag? All pages pass through index.php. ...

Html form, radio button and Servlet

Hi, I've writen a servlet that builds an html page showing the content of a database. The code is: Statement st = (Statement) conexion.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from audiolist" ); while ( { contador++; out.println("<tr>"); String k = rs.getString("Tittle"); ...

automatically add &raquo; to li's

I want to automatically add the html character &raquo; to the left of each li element How I do that? So I want to type the html <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> </ul> and it displays >> item 1 >> item 2 >> item 3 ...

Placing content above an <OBJECT>

I've tried setting the zIndex for my OBJECT and it seems that I cannot place any content above it. Is this an IE issue? Any workarounds? I'm trying to display a lightbox type dialog directly above the OBJECT. ...

css set maximum table row height despite content

I'm trying to create a table with each cell having a fixed width but absolute but varying heights. For example in the first column the first row would be 20px, the second 65px, the third 20px. In the second column the first row would be 20px, the second 45px, the third 40px. And in the last column, the first row would be 20px and the sec...

How to properly indent PHP/HTML mixed code?

When mixing PHP and HTML, what is the proper indentation style to use? Do I indent so that the outputted HTML has correct indentation, or so that the PHP/HTML mix looks properly formatted (and is thus easier to read)? For example, say I have a foreach loop outputting table rows. Which one below is correct? PHP/HTML mix looks correct: ...

Date/Time input for an HTML Form

I'm having trouble finding an elegant way to allow for date/time input in an html form. I am thinking of having drop down menus for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond that are populated with valid entries only. I could do this by hard coding values for each drop down menu, but I'm thinking there must be a more elegant wa...

z-index with two relative positioned elements IE7

Hi, I have two elements. One is a searchbox that has to be positioned relatively. The other is an image I would like to overlap part of the search box and it has to be positioned relatively as well. No matter what I set the z-index to, IE7 won't overlap the image. It goes underneath the searchbox. It overlaps and works in Firefox thou...

HTML Printing

I am too cheap to buy crystal reports so i built the report in, the only problem I'm facing is printing the report and making it look professional. On different printer's the report looks diff, i want to be able to control the final output and make the report print standard across all printers. You guys have any suggestions on ho...

Internet Explorer z-index bug?

How do you overlap an element over another element that is positioned relatively in Internet Explorer? Z-index doesn't work, it always appears behind the relatively positioned element. ...

How can I scale an entire web page with CSS?

Using Firefox, you can enlarge an entire web page by simply pressing CTRL +. What this does is proportionally enlarge the entire web page (fonts, images, etc). How can I replicate the same functionality using simply CSS? Is there something like page-size: 150% (which would increase the entire page portions by x%?) ...

Position DIV above Input Box without changing position of Input Box

I'd like to add a DIV above an input box (textbox) without changing the rendered position of the textbox. This DIV will be shown/hid when the textbox has focus or not... What is the proper CSS formatting for this DIV to show directly above the textbox without causing the textbox to shift down? <td> <div class="someclass">i...

How to avoid navigate back when the user types backspace on a HTML text input?

Backspace is the browser hotkey for Navigate Back To The Last Page. I know that when an input has the focus this hotkey is disabled. But I have keyup and keydown events binded to this input, and something I wrote is causing this trouble. Do you know the solution? ...