Hola, les tengo una consulta... tengo una tabla la cual cada tiene una tabla adentro con una clase llamada "cnt" y otra que corresponde a una letra.
Con ésto, lo que hago es utilizando una funcion javascript y teniendo una lista de letras con labels que en el onclick van a esa funcion, ocultan o muestran dependiendo de la letra, la tabl...
What is the name of the html tool used for creating a list of objects from a select field. It usually looks like two boxes with an arrow in the middle. An example would be if you were creating a group and box A had a list of users and you would click on a name and then click the arrow in the middle. It would then add it to box B creating...
Hi All. I have to change td content dynamically that depends on checkbox. If checkbox isnot checked td will not take an extra style but if checked my text must take such a style:
b style="font-family:Tahoma;font-size:8pt;color:#0f0000;font-weight:normal;">My Text</b
Mycode is like that:
asp:DataList ID="Inside" runat="server" RepeatC...
I have a requirement to display text at a 45 degree angle in the browser.
The text is selected via ajax calls from a selection of a lot of values.
Text varies in length up to 100 characters. Need to display the first part and the last few characters (I can figure this part out).
For example:
"This is the text and it can be quite long......
I don't really understand what it does, but it is set in my project to:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
I want to force compatibility mode in IE8 off, cos people keep turning it on and it breaks stuff. It's software used on the intranet where everyone has IE8.
I read that I should put this i...
I know, nobr tag is deprecated, then how can i do this with other tag or css?
I have a bunch of html files in a site that were created in the year 2000 and have been maintained to this day. We've recently began an effort to replace illegal characters with their html entities. Going page to page looking for copyright symbols and trademark tags seems like quite a chore. Do any of you know of an app that will take a ...
Can anyone advise me as to any potential issues with embedding our RSS feed content as HTML using:
<content:encoded><![CDATA[ *insert HTML table layout w/ inline styles* ]]></content:encoded>
I'm rather opposed to this practice, as I feel it fundamentally breaks the point of using an RSS feed over a webpage, but have not found any se...
I work in a shop where the mentality/culture does not have any sense of the concept of "less being more" (i.e. the less code you have to maintain, the more flexible you can be, and the faster you can fulfill customer requests). There's also a strong copy-and-paste mentality around here.
The backend code base being used is written in ra...
I create iframe with designMode=on.
When I open web site in IE and move mouse cursor on iframe, the mouse cursor get changes into text-cursor (big letter I).
But when I open web site in Firefox, the corsur doesn't change and stays arrow-point cursor.
How to fix that?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
I have tried and failed to find out how to get the entire XML string from the XMLDocument returned by a GET. There are a lot of questions on SO on how to find or replace specific elements in the object, but I can't seem to find any answer to how to get the entire document as a string.
The example I'm working with is from here. The "do s...
I am using Google analytics and wish to differentiate between two different cases on the home page, specifically depending on the user being logged in or logged out (similar to facebook).
It was suggested to use a different URL for each page, but I am loathe to do at it involves modifying the website structure and involves needless redi...
I'm using an ordered list in order to get numbering, which works perfectly fine when the list is vertical. However, once I make it horizontal, the numbering disappears.
The display attribute in the li CSS seems to be the culprit.
<div id="QuickSteps">
<h2>5 Quick Steps</h2>
<li class="selected">Account Info...
I have a href tag <a href="#somepage" target="sometarget"> or more accurately loading a URL from Flash loadURL('#somepage', 'sometarget'). I have no option to remove the target so am limited to (I assume) the available targets: _top, _self, _blank, _parent.
What target or alternative do I have to avoid refreshing the page?
The spec says that a horizontal scrollbar is supposed to be always shown if overflow-x: scroll is set.
On my website I often post code in a <pre>-Block. As this has no predefined width, but the surrounding div does have a maximum (defined as percentage), it seems that I can not figure out how to achieve the following:
In case a code blo...
I am planning on showing/hiding divs to validate a form.
But the divs only show a split second, and then the form gets submitted...
Any ideas why?
here is the code:
function validateForm() {
var name = nameEmpty(document.getElementById("annonsera_name"));
if (nameEmpty(name)){return false;}
return false;
function nameEmp...
I am writing an HTML parser, which uses TagSoup to pass a well-formed structure to XMLSlurper.
Here's the generalised code:
def htmlText = """
<div id="divId" class="divclass">
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<li><h3><a class="box" href="#href1">href1 link text</a> <span>extra stuff</span></h3><address>Here is the address<span>Te...
Hello all,
I need to perform an action on double click of a text box, but the onDblClick event does not seem to register when the text box is not editable (i.e greyed out). Is there something I can do to solve this ?
I am using swfin to embed a swf object (video player) and it loads fine in all browsers, but in firefox it won't "start". I have to right click on the movie area and "start" is unchecked so I click on "start" and it will start just fine. Yet, in chrome and IE (haven't moved to a mac for testing yet) it fires up and starts just as I exp...
I want to send the mail as an attachment from HTML pages to mail server, but whenever I upload any file from HTML page, I'm not getting its complete address. I'm just getting its end name. How can I enable my HTML page to track down the complete address of my file? Do I have to do anything special for it?