
Any reason not to start using the HTML 5 doctype?

<!DOCTYPE html> It is supposed to be backwards compatible with HTML4 and XHTML. John Resig posted about some of the benefits. As long as we don't use any of the new and not supported yet features, would there be any downside to start building sites with this doctype?...

What's the key difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?

What are the key differences between HTML4 and HTML5 draft? Please keep the answers related to changed syntax and added/removed html elements. ...

Which browser has the best support for HTML 5 currently?

Where can I test HTML 5 functionality today - is there any test build of any rendering engines which would allow testing, or is it to early? I'm aware that much of the spec hasn't been finalised, but some has, and it would be good to try it out! ...

Where can I find some good information about how the new canvas HTML element works?

I keep reading about how great this new Canvas element for HTML5 is and I see amazing demos done with just javascript and no flash. Where can I find some good information on how to some of these things myself? ...

Is it time to start using HTML5?

Is it time to start using HTML5? Someone has to start sometime but is now the time? Is it possible to to use the new HTML5 tags and code in such a way as to degrade gracefully? ...

HTML 5 versus XHTML 1.0 Transitional?

It seems that HTML 5 is going to be supported (partially) by Firefox 3.1 and other browsers. It is adding support for video and audio as tags, but these are new tags that XHTML 1.0 Transitional does not recognize. What is the behavior supposed to be if I use a new HTML 5 tag in a future version of Firefox but use the DTD for XHTML? And w...

Does Internet Explorer 8 support HTML 5?

Is there any HTML5 support in IE8? Is it on the IE8 roadmap? ...

Can HTML5 sessionStorage be written to disk?

(Related to Is there a secure Browser Cache? ): Do any of the implementations of HTML5 session storage write to disk ever? e.g. can I rely on having a "secure"/"private" cache that I know will not be able to persist beyond the browser session whether it times out is ended/logs out browser closes/crashes/power button on computer Se...

Does my page have to have the HTML5 doctype to access sessionStorage

Our dev shop continues to support IE6 etc. I'm wanting to use session storage to make an app-cache but wondering how much work it would be... Is it possible to use an HTML4 doc type in an HTML5-compatible browser and still access the sessionStorage, or do I have to browser sniff and return different pages (perhaps just with doctype a...

XHTML - Is writing self closing tags for elements not traditionally empty bad practise?

I have noticed jQuery (or is it Firefox) will turn some of my <span class="presentational"></span> into <span class="presentational" /> Now my question is, is this okay to write my markup like this? Will any browsers choke on it? Personally, I think it looks cleaner to do <span class="presentational" /> if it's going to be empty. Than...

Howto avoid image cutoff with <canvas> rotate ?

When you rotate an image using canvas, it'll get cut off - how do I avoid this? I already made the canvas element bigger then the image, but it's still cutting off the edges. Example: <html> <head> <title>test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function startup() { var canvas = document.getElementById('c...

Canvas rotate from bottom center image angle?

How do you rotate an image with the canvas html5 element from the bottom center angle? See for my current code and image: <html> <head> <title>test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function startup() { var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx =

[JAVASCRIPT/HTML5] Howto equal Microsoft.Matrix filter to canvas rotate?

Is anyone able to help with this universal rotate function (it's for jquery, but this is a javascript thing) : I changed the non IE canvas code so it'll rotate around the image's center (see in firefox). Now I need to change the IE microsoft filter to do the same (see the same url i...

Is there an alternative of ajax that does not require polling without sever side modifications?

I'm trying to create a small and basic "ajax" based multiplayer game. Coordinates of objects are being given by a PHP "handler". This handler.php file is being polled every 200MS, by using ajax. Since there is no need to poll when nothing happens, I wonder, is there something that could do the same thing without frequent polling? Eg. Co...

Will HTML 5 validation be worth the candle?

It's widely considered that the best reason to validate ones HTML is to ensure that all browsers will treat it consistently and predictably. The HTML 5 draft, however, contains two specifications in one. First an author spec, describing the elements and attributes that HTML authors should use, and their interrelationships. Validation ...

HTML 5 Reference Implementations

I'm looking for a good article or description of what HTML 5 actually is or isn't. At Google I/O last year, I kept hearing that Google Gears can be thought of as a reference implementation of HTML 5. Shortly thereafter Yahoo's BrowserPlus plugin came out with similar functionality. And Firefox has some offline support, I think? So again,...

Why are (X)HTML 5 and XHTML 2 separate standards?

Is there a reason why these two standards are being developed separately? They seem to be solving the same problem but what are the differences and, if they are to remain separate, what roles are they expected to take in web development in the future? ...

How do I fix shocking/lagging movement in this ajax based multiplayer example?

EDIT: important, examples must be used in firefox 3+ due to html5 elements. Hi there, I'm trying to find out more about the potential of AJAX in a browser based multiplayer game. To do so, I'm testing out movement with AJAX and a space shuttle as a character. This space shuttle is rendered with canvas (html5). My first version is read...

HTML Anchors with 'name' or 'id'?

When I want to refer to some part of a webpage with the ""-method, which one is The One to use: <h1><a name="foo"/>Foo Title</h1> or <h1 id="foo">Foo Title</h1> I know that both work, but are they equal, or do they have semantic differences? Edit: The (X)HTML-dialect I'm working on is HTML5, but don't let th...

Limit text to the width of sibling image / auto width in CSS

I am essentially trying to create a version of the "figure" element (upcoming in HTML5), whereby I have an image with a short description below it. However, I want to limit the width of this entire element to that of the image, so the text isn't wider than the image (wrapping to multiple lines if necessary). Basic HTML: <div class="fi...