
If I use HTML 5's DocType what will happen?

I recently been learning about DocTypes and was wondering what the differnces between <!DOCTYPE html> and some of the others were. I know <!DOCTYPE html> is the HTML 5 doctype and it is experimental but was wondering what would happen if I used it instead of the other DocTypes. Thanks in advance!!!! ...

export canvas data to json

Hay guys, i've made a simple drawing application using the canvas tag. However i would like to export the data to JSON so it can be saved. How does one go about this? ...

SVG not working when access on localhost. Why?

Does anybody know why the same code from this page would not render when hosted on a local tomcat server? I am trying to play with some SVG but can't see to make it work locally. Any ideas? ...

how to draw 3d sphere?

I want to draw a 3d ball or sphere in html 5.0 canvas. I want to understand the Algorithm about how to draw 3d sphere. Who can share this with me? Thanks in advance ! ...

What are unusual and creative usages of html5 canvas

Canvas from html5 was introduced some time ago. Currently it's used (almost) only for demonstrations how cool it is - it's mainly related to painting, games and charts. Many of them can be found at Canvas demos. How creatively / unusually can canvas be used? Some examples: jsAscii - ASCII art from images with Javascript and Canvas (...

Create a diagram HTML5 HTML parsing algorithm

HTML5 describes an algorithm for parsing HTML. It is based on state machines. What is the best way to create a diagram for this algorithm? ...

HTML5 Local Storage of audio element source - is it possible?

Hi stackoverflow experts I've been experimenting with the audio and local storage features of html5 of late and have run into something that has me stumped. I'd like to be able to cache or store the source of the audio element locally to enable speedier and offline playback. The problem is I can't see how this is possible with the cur...

How to detect when a canvas is ready for manipulation?

I am dynamically adding X canvas elements to a page via jQuery like so: $(document).ready(function() { for(i=0;i<4;i++) { var can = $(document.createElement("canvas")) .attr("id","table"+i) .addClass("table") .attr("width",640) .attr("height",480) ...

Embedding mov in HTML5. Validation problem!

I'm trying to embed a .mov video in a web page whose DOCTYPE is HTML5, the code is: <script type="text/javascript"> QT_WritePoster_XHTML('Click to Play', '...', '...', '400', '300', '', 'controller', 'true', 'autoplay', 'true', 'bgcolor', 'black', 'scale', 'aspect'); </script> <noscript> <object width=...

How would one rotate an image around itself using Canvas?

I'm having trouble roating an image around itself using Canvas. Since you can't rotate an image you have to rotate the canvas: if I rotate the canvas by a degree the origin around which I want to rotate changes. I don't get how to track this change. This is my current code: And a demo is at http://preview.netl...

HTML 5 - Sneaky stuff

HTML 5 is the new W3C definition for HTML and will likely represent the direction the internet goes as people find the next killer apps that work in it. There are the much publicized 'public' coding features like the <video> tag, but I'm wondering what low-level coding tricks people have found so far that could be important, useful, int...

Ideas on limit the text on textfield?

for example, I want the textfield input number only. my idea is when the user typing, it will call a javascript to check whether it is valid, if it is not valid, I delete the text which is just entered. But I think it is very complex to do so. Is there any simple way to do so? ...

Semantic HTML5. Back to the 1990s?

I am taking a peek at Dive Into HTML5. It seems nice and interesting, but I am puzzled. In the 1990s, at the time when Netscape was the browser and HTML was HTML2 or HTML3, there were a lot of tags: address, cite, code... Most of them are unused as of today, probably even obsolete. HTML5 introduces tags to express "semantic meaning" t...

html5 canvas element and svg.

Why do we need the html5 canvas element, when the same can be achieved through embedded svg? ...

Detecting support for specific HTML 5 features via jQuery

I'm working on some HTML5 demo code, including stuff like <input type="date" /> This currently works correctly in Opera 10 as-is, but every other browser just displays a normal text input. I'm then using a plugin to override this behaviour on browsers that don't support it. Problem is - the jQuery's running on Opera a...

What are the boundaries or scope definitions of HTML5 development?

From reading the mailing lists and looking at the specification I cannot tell what the limits of HTML5 are as a software or programmatic technology. I have seen where they have attempted to standardize video and audio formats in HTML5 and it seems they may be writing the definitions for XHTML5 into the HTML5 specification. It also appe...

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin?

Is there a nice tidy jQuery plugin that allows including a single JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form? Something like this: $j('#MyForm').enableDragDropUploads('.upload-area') With the upload target being the action of the form. Any solution must not prevent a regular file field from being usable (using traditional...

HTML5 Canvas resize to fit window

How can I automatically scale the HTML5 <canvas> element to fit the page? For example, I can get a <div> to scale by setting height and width to 100%, but a <canvas> won't scale, will it? ...

Hidden Features/Properties/Attribute/Tags of CSS3 and HTML

In CSS and HTML world there are always features (Properties/Attribute/Tags) that would be useful in fringe scenarios, but for that very reason most people don't know them. I am asking for features that are not typically taught by the text books about CSS, CSS3 and HTML5. What are the ones that you know? [UPDATE] Which browsers adopt HT...

Will Visual Studio 2010 support HTML 5?

Since Visual Studio 2010 is slated for release in March of 2010 and HTML 5 is now starting to be used even more widely, I would like to know if Visual Studio will ship with HTML 5 templates, standard controls and support for the more common markup? A definition for support of HTML 5 would be that any new version of Visual Studio should ...