
Select all <p>'s from a Node's children using HTMLAgilityPack

Hey all, I've got the following code that I'm using to get a html page. Make the urls absolute and then make the links rel nofollow and open in a new window/tab. My issue is around the adding of the attributes to the <a>s. string url = ""; string strResult = ""; HttpWebRequest ...

How can I use HTML Agility Pack to retrive all the images from a website?

I just downloaded the HTMLAgilityPack and the documentation doesn't have any examples. I'm looking for a way to download all the images from a website. The address strings, not the physical image. <img src="blabalbalbal.jpeg" /> I need to pull the source of each img tag. I just want to get a feel for the library and what it can offer...

How should I use HTMLAgilityPack AppendNode?

Hi all, Got a real headache at this stage on a Friday! I'm trying to add a HtmlNode to another using InsertAfter(). I can see the refChild node with id of breadcrumbs when I rpint it to the console but keep getting the following error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Node "<div id="breadcrumb"></div>" was not f ound in the collecti...

Stripping MS Word Tags Using Html Agility Pack

Hi Everyone, I have a DB with some text fields pasted from MS Word, and I'm having trouble to strip just the , and tags, but obviously keeping their innerText. I've tried using the HAP but I'm not going in the right direction.. Public Function StripHtml(ByVal html As String, ByVal allowHarmlessTags As Boolean) As String Dim html...

How would I get the inputs from a certain form with HtmlAgility Pack? Lang:

Code can explain this problem much better than I can. I have also included alternate ways i've tried to do this. If possible, please explain why these other methods didn't work either. I've ran out of ideas, and sadly there aren't many examples for HtmlAgilityPack. I'm currently going through the documentation looking for more ideas thou...

"html agility pack" like module for perl

Hi everyone! Can anyone recommend a good module like "html agility pack"(.net) or "Beautiful Soup" for perl? Thanks in advance! ...

HTML Agility Pack vs Regular Expressions

If I am creating a simple web scraper (from root url, grab all links, then from those links grab all emails) would it be worthwhile to use HTML Agility Pack? I am not actually looking through HTML tags, I am simply looking to scan for emails within the entire document. Would it be more efficient to use HTML agility pack? I am stripping...

C#, parsing HTML page, using HTML Agility Pack

Following this example, I can find the LI sections. However, I only want the LI items that reside inside the div with an id of "res". How do I do that? ...

XPath "following siblings before"

Hi, I'm trying to select elements (a) with XPath 1.0 (or possibly could be with Regex) that are following siblings of particular element (b) but only preceed another b element. <img><b>First</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/first-href">First Href</a> - 19:30<br> <img><b>Second</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=...

Grabbing meta-tags and comments using HTML Agility Pack

I've looked for tutorials on using HTML Agility Pack as it seems to do everything I want it to do but it seems that for such a powerful tool there is little noise about it on the Internet. I am writing a simple method that will retrieve any given tag based on name: public string[] GetTagsByName(string TagName, string Source) { ... ...

Inbuilt Regex class or Parser.How to extract text between the tags from html file ?

I have html file in which there is table content and other information in my application. I want to parse the table contents for only some columns.Then should I use parser of html or Replace method of Regex in .net ? And if I use the parser then how to use parser? Will parser extract the inforamation which is between the tags? I...

How to get all input elements in a form with HtmlAgilityPack

Example HTML: <html><body> <form id="form1"> <input name="foo1" value="bar1" /> <!-- Other elements --> </form> <form id="form2"> <input name="foo2" value="bar2" /> <!-- Other elements --> </form> </body></html> Test code: HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.Load(@"D:\test.h...

HTML to XHTML WebBrowser control

I have been using the .NET WebBrowser control in edit mode as part of an interface for end users to create sections of HTML content for insertion into various websites. They have had a very cutdown list of tags available such as <p>, <br>, <a href>, <strong>, <ul> <li>... they could not apply any formatting on top of the tags as that was...

HTML Agility Pack

I want to parse the html table using html agility pack. I want to extract only some predefined column data from the table. But I am new to parsing and html agility pack and I have tried but I don't know how to use the html agility pack for my need. If anybody knows then give me example if possible EDIT : Is it possible to parse htm...

HTMLAgilityPack ChildNodes index works, named node does not

I am parsing an XML API response with HTMLAgilityPack. I am able to select the result items from the API call. Then I loop through the items and want to write the ChildNodes to a table. When I select ChildNodes by saying something like: sItemId = dnItem.ChildNodes(0).innertext I get the proper itemId result. But when I try: sItemId...

HTML Agility Pack

I have html tables in one webpage like <table border=1> <tr><td>sno</td><td>sname</td></tr> <tr><td>111</td><td>abcde</td></tr> <tr><td>213</td><td>ejkll</td></tr> </table> <table border=1> <tr><td>adress</td><td>phoneno</td><td>note</td></tr> <tr><td>asdlkj</td><td>121510</td><td>none</td></tr> <tr><td>asdlkj<...

Get all attribute values of given tag with Html Agility Pack

Hello. I want to get all values of 'id' attribute of 'span' tag with html agility pack. But instead of attributes I got tags themself. Here's the code private static IEnumerable<string> GetAllID() { HtmlDocument sourceDocument = new HtmlDocument(); sourceDocument.Load(FileName); var n...

If Html File Has No Ending "/tr" Tag OR "/td" Tag Then HTML Agility Pack Does Not Read That Information Perfectly.

I am using HTML Agility Pack to parse html content. I am using parsing to extract table information. It works. But if there is no ending "/tr" tag or "/td" tag then it does not parse that information perfectly.(in which there is no ending tr tag or td tag.) Like <html> <head> <meta name="generator" content= "HTML Tidy for...

Select all links from a Html table using XPath (and HtmlAgilityPack)

What I am trying to achieve is to extract all links with a href attribute that starts with http://, https:// or /. These links lie within a table (tbody > tr > td etc) with a certain class. I thought I could specify just the the a element without the whole path to it but it does not seem to work. I get a NullReferenceException at the lin...

Selecting an element based on text and attribute of its sibling, using Xpath

Looking at the document, the goal is to select the second cell from the second row, in the first table. I've created the following expression: //row/td[2]/text()[td[@class="identifier"]/span[text()="identifier"]] but it does not return any rows. Unfortunately I do not see what's wrong. To me, it looks alright. The expression shoul...