
Html.Hidden() inserting wrong value

When I use a form html helper method in one of my views like <%=Html.Hidden("id", "some id text") %> it creates a hidden input field for me but it puts the wrong value in there. Instead of getting <input name="id" type="hidden" value="some id text"/> I get <input name="id" type="hidden" value="11000"/> So the value is being found ...

What's the point of Html.DisplayTextFor()?

Is there a good reason to use the strongly typed html helper... <%: Html.DisplayTextFor(model => model.Email) %> As opposed to... <%: Model.Email %> ...

MVC .NET 4.0 : Image Links

I was recently introduced to the HTMLhelper class....along with MVC in general. Does MVC, or the HtmlHelper class give any alternates for image links...and static links? For example, if I want to display an image on a webpage, do I still have to do the traditional href tag? I.e. <img src='/Content/Images/mypic.jpg' /> or is there...

How can I fade out a user notification rendered by HtmlHelper on page load?

I am using a HtmlHelper to display an update to a user as follows: In webpage: <%=Html.CourseUpdateNotification() %> In my controller: public ActionResult UpdateOnceOnlyCourseRecord(some parameters) { //validation code etc... //Save to database etc... TempData["CourseUpdateNotification"] = "Success"; return Redirect...

Create Selectlist with separator in Html Helper

I'm trying to build a select list that will contain some prioritised values, then a separator, and then the rest of the values. I need to do this in a Html Helper, as I will get the values that will be prioritised and the rest of the values from different sources. Sample of what I want to accomplish: EUR GBP USD --- SEK ZAR . . . I ...

LabelFor and TextBoxFor don't generate the same id's.

When using the following code, the id's of the field and the id in the for attribute of the label isn't identical. <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.Localizations["en"]) %> => Localizations[en] <%: Html.TextBoxFor(x=> x.Localizations["en"]) %> => Localizations_en_ <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.Localizations["en"].Property) %> => Localizati...

Render *.aspx within an MVC IView.Render() method

I want to render an *.aspx instead of an *.ascx namespace GenericMVCPlatform.Generics { public class PlatformView : IView { public void Render(ViewContext viewContext, System.IO.TextWriter writer) { // Here I would like to render an *.aspx instead of a *.ascx } private static MvcHtml...

How can I intercept or override HtmlHelper link generation in ASP.NET MVC?

We began a project using WebForms, and developed a somewhat complex portal system to accommodate breadcrumbs, navigation, and so forth. We keep an extra navigation context ID parameter on the URL at all times, so that we can track the user's breadcrumb history robustly even if they are using multiple tabs or using the navigation buttons ...

Using helpers in rails 3 to output html

Guys, I'm trying my best to build a helper that outputs a <'ul> consisting of all the members of a collection. For each member of the collection I want to print out a <'li> that has a title, and a div of links to CRUD the member. This is pretty similar to what Rails outputs for scaffolding for the index view. Here is the helper I've ...

ASP.NET MVC helper for accessing Gravatar images

Whilst the Gravatar service's API (well, it's really just a URL) is pretty straightforward, is there a simple helper method out there that does a good job of reflecting all the options available for Gravatar? Image size Default image (when user hasn't specified one) Rating (G/PG/R/X) Ideally this would be an HtmlHelper extension meth...

how to set width of html.textboxfor?

Hello all, I have a <%= Html.TextBoxFor(user => user.Name) %> and it has standart width. What schould i do to make textbox widther? Thanks and take care, Ragims ...

Convert DateTime to Date

Code: <% foreach (var item in Model) { %> <td> <%= Html.Encode(item.BirthDate) %> </td> <% } %> display this: 8/24/2009 12:00:00 AM but I need only date (8/24/2009). It is possible to do without any formating in controller action ...

html helper html.RouteLink is it possible to place Image? c#

Hello all, <%= Html.RouteLink(">>>", new { page = (Model.PageIndex + 1) },null)%> Is it possible to set image instead ">>>" and how? Take care, Ragims ...

ASP.NET MVC HTML helper methods for new HTML5 input types

HTML5 appears to support a new range of input fields for things such as: Numbers Email addresses Colors URLs Numeric range (via a slider) Dates Search boxes Has anyone implemented HtmlHelper extension methods for ASP.NET MVC that generates these yet? It's possible to do this using an overload that accepts htmlAttributes, such as: H...

LabelFor htmlhelper MVC2: How can a propertyName by empty

I want to use a MVC HtmlHelper similar to LabelFor. When using reflector on the code for this helper, I found the following code: public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel, TValue>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression) { return LabelHelper(html, ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression<TModel...

Html.ActionLink with a specified HTML id?

I'd like to give the like generated with an Html.ActionLink an HTML id so I can change the CSS depending on where I am. I have a masterpage with a set of links and I'd like to distinguish the active "Tab" with Jquery changing the css of that active #id Right now I'm using <%: Html.ActionLink("Some View", "Index", "controller")%> It g...

Can I use an Html helper to render hyperlink with images?

Something like this <a id="a1" runat="server" href="~/"> <img id="logo" runat="server" src="/_assets/images/logo.png" alt="" /> </a> Thanks! ...

Is it possible to use the HtmlHelper object in custom helper?

Hi All Would anyone be able to advise if it’s possible to re-use an existing HtmlHelper within a new custom Html helper. For example: public static class GridHelper { public static string RenderGrid(this HtmlHelper helper, Object routeParams) { return HtmlHelper.BeginForm(routeParams); } } The above is a...

how to show some text in html.LabelFor??

I am doing int like this: Hello <%= Html.LabelFor(user => user.UserName)%> But iam getting not a value which is in Property but something strange like this: Hello User Name, How can do it to give some value in label out? ...

How do I specify a strongly-typed html helper that uses a nested class of the model instead of the model itself?

I am creating a strongly-typed search form in ASP.NET MVC 2 that posts to a results page via FormMethod.Get (i.e. the form inputs and their values are posted to the search results query string). How do I specify strongly-typed html helpers that use a nested class of the model instead of the model itself so that I don't get the dot notati...