
MVC 2 RenderVirtualPartial helper

I would like to create a HTML helper that works the same as Html.RenderPartial except I would like the partial to be rendered from ViewData or a model object and not a file on the filesystem. example: <% Html.RenderVirtualPartial("Name", Model.MyPartialContent") %> I can return string in my helper but i need to have code tags (i...

Using Generics to Create HtmlHelper Extension Methods

Hi Guys I'm not really familiar with creating generic methods, so I thought I'd put this question to the community & see what comes back. It might not even be a valid use of generics! I'd like to create a HtmlHelper extension method where I can specify that the method is of a certain type. I pass into the method an instance of that typ...

Creating Html Helper Method - MVC Framework

I am learning MVC from Stephen Walther tutorials on MSDN website. He suggests that we can create Html Helper method. Say Example using System; namespace MvcApplication1.Helpers { public class LabelHelper { public static string Label(string target, string text) { retu...

ASP.NET MVC: Accessing ModelMetadata for items in a collection

I'm trying to write an auto-scaffolder for Index views. I'd like to be able to pass in a collection of models or view-models (e.g., IEnumerable<MyViewModel>) and get back an HTML table that uses the DisplayName attribute for the headings (th elements) and Html.Display(propertyName) for the cells (td elements). Each row should correspond ...

How to Create a Generic Method and Create Instance of The Type

Hi Guys I want to create a helper method that I can imagine has a signature similar to this: public static MyHtmlTag GenerateTag<T>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, object obj) { // how do I create an instance of MyAnchor? // this returns MyAnchor, which has a MyHtmlTag base } When I invoke the method, I want to specify a type of...

How do I add dynamic htmlAttributes to htmlhelper ActionLinks?

In my master page I have a top-level menu that is created using ActionLinks: <ul id="topNav"> <li><%=Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink("News", "Index", "News")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink("Projects", "Index", "Projects")%></li> <li><%=Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")%></li> <li><...

How to Unit Test HtmlHelper similar to "using(Html.BeginForm()){ }"

Can somebody please suggest how I could write a Unit Test with Moq for following HtmlHelper method? public static HtmlTagBase GenerateTag<T>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper , object elementData , object attributes) where T : HtmlTagBase { return (T)Activator.Creat...

How to Unit Test HtmlHelper with Moq?

Could somebody show me how you would go about creating a mock HTML Helper with Moq? This article has a link to an article claiming to describe this, but following the link only returns an ASP.NET Runtime Error [edit] I asked a more specific question related to the same subject here, but it hasn't gotten any responses. I figured it was ...

internal ToMVCHmlString in TagBuilder

I am looking to write a few helpers in my own assembly modeled after the helpers in System.web.mvc. My problem is that I cannot use the call to Tagbuilder.ToMvcHtlString since it is internal. So if I return a string it wont be ready for 4 when it comes. I dont want to add anything to system.web.mvc as that is a given dll. ...

ASP.Net MVC view unable to see HtmlHelper extension method

Hi everyone, We're going through an ASP.Net MVC book and are having trouble with using an extenstion method within our view. The Extension method looks like this: using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace MvcBookApplication { public static class HtmlHelperExtensions { public static s...

Close tag on closing brace using Html Helper in MVC

Hi, How can I create a helper like the Html.Form helper, which closes the tag when you close the braces? ... mvc ajax form helper/post additional data

I would like to use the ajax helper to create ajax requests that send additional, dynamic data with the post (for example, get the last element with class = blogCommentDateTime and send the value of that last one to the controller which will return only blog comments after it). I have successfully done so with the help of jQuery Form p...

HtmlHelper Getting the route name

Hi, I've created a html helper that adds a css class property to a li item if the user is on the current page. The helper looks like this: public static string MenuItem( this HtmlHelper helper, string linkText, string actionName, string controllerName, object routeValues, object htmlAttributes ) { string currentControllerName = ...

Strongly typed Html.ActionLink<T>() helper extension from MVC Futures doesn't do well with areas

Hi, I noticed some odd behaviour when using the strongly typed HtmlHelper.ActionLink() extension method from ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures. When I use it to link to a controller in an area I have to use the following attribute on this controller [ActionLinkArea("SomeArea")] It links properly to the actions of the controller located in SomeAr...

Using Html.ActionLink and Url.Action(...) from inside Controller

I want to write an HtmlHelper to render an ActionLink with pre-set values, eg. <%=Html.PageLink("Page 1", "page-slug");%> where PageLink is a function that calls ActionLink with a known Action and Controller, eg. "Index" and "Page". Since HtmlHelper and UrlHelper do not exist inside a Controller or class, how do I get the relative UR...

Html.ActionLink showing query url instead of pretty url.

The Html.ActionLink <li> ${Html.ActionLink<HomeController>(c => c.Edit(ViewData.Model.Id, ViewData.Model.Title), "Edit")} </li> When created as html shows the URL to be Edit/5006?title=One . How do I change this to a pretty URL like Edit/5006/One ? My Edit Action method is public ActionResult Edit(int id, string title) ...

DropDownListFor does not select value if using int[] as value

In my view <%= Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.Countries[ i ], Model.CountryList )%> in my controller public int[ ] Countries { get; set; } public List<SelectListItem> CountryList { get; set; } When the forms gets posted there is no problem, the dropdown is populated and the values the user selects are posted. But when I try to load ...

Cleaning tag soup from the View in ASP.Net MVC

I want to remove if-statements from my View, but I'm having problems with predefined controls like Html.DropDownList. For example, I have an DropDownList that in some case contains empty selection (or in other words.. possibility to Not select something) and other case is that there is no empty selection. <% if (Model.IsCreateEmptySel...

Creating a SelectListItem with the disabled="disabled" attribute

I'm not seeing a way to create, via the HtmlHelper, a SelectListItem that will spit out the following HTML: <option disabled="disabled">don't click this</option> The only properties SelectListItem has are: new SelectListItem{ Name = "don't click this", Value = string.Empty, Selected = false } The only option I see is to Sub...

RenderAction in an HtmlHelperExtension Method?

I am trying to call the RenderAction Extension Method within my own Html Helper: System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(helper, "account", "login"); this is so that along with some additional logic, I would like all html helpers to use a common method name structure when calling it on the view: <%= Html.CompanyName()....