
Why does Apache return a 503 error for ant's get task, but not for my browser?

I'm trying to get a file with ant, using the get property. I'm running apache 2, and I can get the file from the indicated URL using wget and firefox, but ant gives me the following error: [get] Error opening connection Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://localhost/jars/jai_core.jar This is wh...

How to log out user from web site using BASIC authentication?

Is it possible to log out user from a web site if he is using basic authentication? Killing session is not enough, since, once user is authenticated, each request contains login info, so user is automatically logged in next time he access the site using the same credentials. The only solution so far is to close browser, but that's not ...

Domain redirection to the same page and Google

We developed a website for a client and he has purchased the .com, .net, .info versions of the domain. Is there any way to redirect all to the same page without being considered by Google as duplicated content and therefore penalized in the ranking position? ...

Why do browsers not have a file upload progress bar?

I wonder why no browser out there has such simple but essential feature. Am I missing something? Is there a technical reason? I'm tired of all those javascript/flash/java hacks out there ... ...

Google Chrome and Streaming HTTP connections?

Google chrome doesn't behave the same as other browsers when encountering this nugget: <?php while (true) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; echo "alert('hello');\n"; echo "</script>"; flush(); sleep(5); } ?> It seems that it's waiting for the connection to terminate before doing anything. Other than pol...

How do you Programmatically Download a Webpage in Java

I would like to be able to fetch a web page's html and save it to a String, so I can do some processing on it. How would I go about doing that using Java? ...

Security - is it ok to send a username and password via HTTP GET?

We are an organisation who have purchased a system which is used by doctors to view test results of patients (quite sensitive information). Being a programmer, I have poked and prodded with the system and found that it submits the username and password via a HTTP GET request. On the domain it is run on, all computers are set to bypass th...

Getting a file from an http request in java

How do I call a url in order to process the results? I have a stand-alone reporting servlet which I link to for reports. I want to email these reports now, if I were doing this in the browser, I could just use an xhttprequest, and process the results - I basically want to do the same thing in Java, but I'm not sure how to go about it. ...

http/1.0 and deflate/gzip

Is http/1.0 able to handle deflated and gzip content? I've finished to implement deflate and gzip in my minimalist web server and I don't really know if browsers with http/1.0 are capable to handle deflate and gzip compressed content. ...

Authorizing REST Requests

I'm working on a REST service that has a few requirements: It has to be secure. Users should not be able to forge requests. My current proposed solution is to have a custom Authorization header that look like this (this is the same way that the amazon web services work): Authorization: MYAPI username:signature My question is how t...

URL Based Authentication Link

What are some good suggestions or resources to look at to help me secure a single click URL based authentication? Essentially, the situation is a third party system which accepts an HTTPS request, through the browser, where you supply authentication information (un, pw, authkey, ect...). The service then, upon authenticating the prov...

What is the quickest way to get the String contents of a URL using Cocoa/iPhoneSDK?

Say I want to get the HTML of as a String using some built-in classes of the Cocoa Touch framework. What is the least amount of code I need to write? I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to progress. There must be an easier way. CFHTTPMessageRef req; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"

Forward URL and still return 200 not 302 in ASPX

I want this page to return 200 whilst still sending the redirect... <script> sub page_load 'Get the parameters dim content As String content = request.querystring("text") response.redirect ("" + content) end sub </script> <html> <head> ...

Can XFire SOAP server send HTTP 301 REDIRECT to client?

Is it possible to send a HTTP REDIRECT response from inside the XFire SOAP server instead of a regular response? I need this in order to redirect the client to another server based on some checking of method parameters. Also, is redirect handling something that major SOAP clients support? I know HttpClient does, but I'm not sure about ...

What exactly does REST mean? What is it, and why is it getting big now?

I understand (I think) the basic idea behind RESTful-ness. Use HTTP methods semantically - GET gets, PUT puts, DELETE deletes, etc... Right? thought I understood the idea behind REST, but I think I'm confusing that with the details of an HTTP implementation. What is the driving idea behind rest, why is this becoming an important thing?...

HTTP compliance testing

What would you use to perform a compliance testing of an HTTP proxy? I've seen two projects so far: Web Polygraph (the feedback I got from a coworker is mostly negative) Funkload ...

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

Could somebody give me a brief overview of the differences between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1? I've spent some time with both of the RFCs, but haven't been able to pull out a lot of difference between them. Wikipedia says this: HTTP/1.1 (1997-1999) Current version; persistent connections enabled by default and works well with proxi...

HTTP GET request in Javascript?

I need to do an HTTP GET request in JS, what's the best way to do that? Thanks EDIT: I need to do this in a Mac OS X dashcode widget ...

Sending large files via HTTP

I have a PHP client that requests an XML file over HTTP (i.e. loads an XML file via URL). As of now, the XML file is only several KB in size. A problem I can foresee is that the XML becomes several MBs or Gbs in size. I know that this is a huge question and that there are probably a myriad of solutions, but What ideas do you have to t...

How do I tell for a php page if someone came by POST or GET?

I'd like to have a page in php that normally displays information based on the GET request sent to it. However, I'd like for it to also be able to process certain POST requests. So, how can I tell if any data was sent by POST so I can act on it? ...