
All subdomains routed to same DocumentRoot, apache config

You've seen it done on sites like where you would have I'm wanting to do a similar thing, any subdomain is routed through to the same index.php file. so will request /home/some/path/to/www (in here is index.php) and will request the same file I have it ...

.htaccess Issues, Virtual Subdomains & Codeigniter

Hello guys, basically my problem is this. I have set up a system that accepts wildcard subdomains, and rewrites them to a single CodeIgniter installation. There is a controller called dispatcher that takes the arguments that it requires, as well as being passed the subdomain being used in the URL. My problem is this: I need to create Re...

setting apache environment variable

Hi , My hosting environment using Server version: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) and I am modifying ./usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf to set environment variable and restarting the server . SetEnv XML-RPC-IPs I did set it as a first entry in the file and restarted the server . But even restarting if I try to print it is still ge...

Will this config error stop apache from restarting

I have a production website running apache on linux. There are all sorts of rules set up which I don't want to mess with. I need to restart apache so I decided to do a configtest first to check that everything was ok. My question is, will apache restart given this error? >$ service httpd configtest Syntax error on line 129 of /et...

apache, httpd.conf and symfony - can't see styles or images

Well, seems that so far the tutorial is working as it suppose to. However, I can't get it to use styles and images. I am using win7 + wamp + symfony sandbox 1.4 The project i the Jobeet tutorial. the path for the www folder is: "d:\dev\wamp\www" My project folder is located directly under the www path and named: 'banana'. I changed ...

Apache 2 types SSl using VirtualHosts

I have 2 different applications. 1) Require Client Certificates from users! SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/etc/apache22/certs/cacert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/etc/apache22/certs/server.key SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/etc/apache22/certs/server.crt SSLCertificateChainFile /usr/local/etc/apache22/certs/serve...

Flipping a REQUEST_URI with ! in httpd.conf

Hi. I'm trying to set up a simple rule in my httpd.conf as a precursor to some more complex rules I need to set up. If I use this: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/test\.txt RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R,L] ... then a request for /test.txt goes to port 8080, as expected. But if I add a ! to flip the REQUEST_URI match, like...

More Eyeballs on my Poor mod_rewrite Attempt Please

We're changing the way users embed images in their blogs, but I need to make sure previously embedded images are still displayed. I'm trying to redirect legacy image embed links to either a static image or a single legacy image embed handling file. I'm using mod_rewrite, but it appears I fail. Amazingly, I've managed to cobble together ...

Error in httpd.conf. Can't locate API module structure `php5_module'.

I've recently installed phc, the php compiler. I started out installing LAMP from source with --enable-so for Apache and --enable-embed for PHP5 (among other options these are most relevant to the installation and later configuration). When I finished installing I realized phc does not yet support PHP5.3 so I uninstalled it and insta...

Apache httpd.conf alias match for wildcard directories

I am looking to create a url alias for any path of: /images/section* to /section_images/section* So for example /images/section_a/a.gif will locate to /section_images/section_a/a.gif I know how to create alias matches to rewrite specific directories: AliasMatch ^/images/(.*) /site/path/section_images/$1 However do not want everyth...

httpd.conf rewriterules per project on local server

Hi, I am hosing multiple projects on the same local server and was wondering if it was possible to put the rewrite rules for each project in the httpd.conf file rather than in the .htaccess file for each project. Is the syntax exactly the same in the httpd.conf file to .htaccess because I've never used it before? Thanks. ...

redirect an internal IP from HTTP to HTTPS with Apache

Hey all- I have looked this up on here and Google but none of the suggestions seem to be working for me. I'm working on an internal site at this point so the endpoints are IPs vs URLs. Accessing the site via HTTPS works, but HTTP just says "Cannot establish a connection". I can't seem to find anything in the logs that explains why. I...

Using apache rewrite modules without .htaccess file

hey guys, I have just completed this tutorial (and afew others) on how to use mod_rewrite with apache: however they all focus on using the .htaccess file to rewrite URLs my question is, how can you use this rewrite engine module from the apache.conf / httpd.conf files or from...

Last-Modified not working for .htaccess

I'm tyring to implement browser caching and follow Google PageSpeed's recommendation about setting Last-Modified to a data that is "sufficiently far enough in the past." I have the following in my .htaccess: <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(json|pdf|swf|bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|svg|tiff|ico|flv|js)$"> Header Set Last-Modified "Fr...

Reverse proxy problem with apache

I am trying to do reverse proxy with configuration # directive ifModule mod_proxy.c ProxyRequests On directive Proxy * Order deny,allow # Deny from all Allow from all directive /Proxy ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/mysocial ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/mysocial ProxyVia On directive IfModule mo...

How to hide awstats url parameters

Hi all, currently in order to access statistics on my site I access this link: all is working fine, but what I want to achieve is simply this: I've created the "sites" directory and inside I've created the .htaccess file but without success. Any idea...