
HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler is null in Context_PreRequestHandlerExecute (IIS integrated mode)

Helo community, I migrate my application to the IIS integrated mode. (IIS 7.5) I'm using the IIS wildcard mapping, so every request is processing through my application. In the classic mode I get for each unhandled request a System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler, but in integrated mode there both (HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler / HttpCont...

AjaxToolkit IIS7 Asp.Net 4.0: Sys is not defined; handler mapping issue?

Hello everybody, I have moved my 3.5 app to 4.0 and moved from windows 2003 (iis6) to windows 2008 r2 (iis7.5) and now i have this sys is undefined error. i have the app running in an integrated application pool. everything works except my ajaxtoolkit 3.0.20820.0 dll now I have read several blog posts, most of them cov...

WCAT & TinyGet testing using HttpHandlers

Hi. I've searched on Google for an answer to this but there doesn't seem to be much information out there. Does anyone know if you can use WCAT and or TinyGet to test an application that uses HttpHandlers? I've tried both of these tools and I'm getting an Internal Server Error 500. Looks like a problem with the HttpContext? [Nul...

Handler with IRequiresSessionState does not extend session timeout

I have a handler, like this, using IRequiresSessionState: public class MyHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState { // code } In the code, I am able to read and set Session values. I also check ensure that the caller is logged in. That all works fine. The web site uses forms authentication, so in the web.config, I have this: ...

Google Sitemap HttpHandler cacheing

I have a HttpHandler that generates a Google sitemap based on my web.sitemap. Fairly standard stuff. Except that it does some fairly heavy database work to auto-generate additional urls for Ajax tabs within pages. All this means our DB gets hit fairly heavily if the bot hits sitemap.axd. What we need, of course, is output cachi...

Neither HttpHandler nor HttpApplication is getting called for /

I have an IHttpHandler registered like this: <httpHandlers> <add verb="*" path="*" type="MindTouch.Dream.Http.HttpHandler, mindtouch.core"/> </httpHandlers> Which catches /foo, /foo/bar, etc. just fine, but on / the Visual Studio built-in server does not hit hit either the HttpApplication or my handler. ...

HttpHandler not firing from body of .aspx page

I have a http handler that is called from a .aspx page in the form 1x1 pixel image. The handler has an extension of .jpg set up in the web.config. On all browsers apart from IE the http handler is called successfully from the body of the page when it loads. However in IE the httphandler is not called. If I call the http handler by ent...

Handler to add HTTP headers to HTTP request not invoked when using Axis Client API

I am using the Axis API to access Axis HTTP server. The documentation of the API can be found here. I am using the following code to add handlers to the server. service is of type java.xml.rpc.Service HandlerRegistry registry = service.getHandlerRegistry(); QName serviceName = new QName(url, "MyServiceClass"); List<Handler...

I need to create an ashx httphandler to display images from SQL Server 2008 using SQL FILESTREAM

Hi Guys, I'm trying to create an ashx httphandler to display images from SQL Server 2008 using SQL FILESTREAM. Does anyone have an example of the web.config setting and ashx code needed to do this? Thanks! Richard. ...

File Upload / The connection was reset

I am writing an upload handler ( to handle image uploads. The aim is to check the image type and content size before the entire file is uploaded. So I cannot use the Request object directly as doing so loads the entire file input stream. I therefore use the HttpWorkerRequest. However, I keep getting "The connection to the ser...

Http Handler Configuration Problem

I try to config IIS 7.5 to use a managed http handler using web.config file with content below: It works perfectly on some verbs such as OPTION and PROPFIND, but can't catch GET command on existing files. What should I do to catch all verbs regardless of file existence? ...

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain i created a cookieless subdomain but the problem is i dont want to change my all source code instead i want to write handler to process all .jpg , .png and .gif files to that domain how can i do that at microsoft visual studio 2010 , 4.0 ,...

How to register HttpHandlers in IIS 7.0 integrated mode using .ashx files

According to documents it's clear how to register HttpHandlers in IIS 7.0 integrated mode if you implement IHttpHandler inside a dll and put it in Bin folder of web application. Then adding a line in web.config of that application completes the registeration process. There is an .ASHX file type which implements IHttpHandler by default. S...