
PHP check whether Incoming Request is JSON type

Is there anyway to check whether an incoming request is of AJAX JSON type? I tried if(($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='JSON')) { } But it didn't work. Any thoughts? ...

ASP.NET Webmethod in aspx.cs page not able to access Page.Request object

Hello, Does anyone know how to access HttpRequest.Cookies within a static method with [WebMethod] attribute from an aspx.cs page? It won't let me do it because method is static . [WebMethod] public static bool PostToTwitter(string identityUrl, string message, bool autoFollow) { Page.Request.Cookies -- object reference is required f...

How to specify Http Request timeout parameter on Java servlet container

Hi, I'm trying to understand where I can configure a request timeout for all requests arriving to a servlet of mine (or all of my servlets)? Is that, as I think, a container property? Also, how does this affect different browsers? Do they all comply to the parameter the container dictates? Or maybe the request timeout time isn't even so...

ASP.NET: Does every HttpRequest get its own thread?

In ASP.NET, does every HttpRequest get its own thread? Update - To clarify, I'm asking specifically about incoming requests. ...

My delegate's methods never get called when I use connectionWithRequest:delegate.

I'm making an asynchronus POST request in an iPhone app with this call: [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:req delegate:self]; The request seems to get to the server just fine, but none of the delegate methods get hit. I've implemented: - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAu...

Multiple displays of the one image file on a web page = multiple http requests to the same file???

If I display abc.jpg 20 times on a web page, does loading of the web page cause 20 http requests to the abc.jpg? Or it depends if I am using relative or absolute paths? Thanks ...

How to set a postvar's name in a httprequest?

I need to reach a webservice which respondss to the postvar "data". How do i set this name in c# with a httprequest... this is what i got: UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(postData); HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create...

How do I convert an HttpRequestBase into an HttpRequest object?

Hi folks, inside my ASP.NET MVC controller, I've got a method that requires an HttpRequest object. All I have access to is an HttpRequestBase object. Is there anyway I can somehow convert this? What can/should I do?? ...

[ASP] HTTP Request (post)

How would I go about creating a HTTP request with POST data in classic asp (not .net)? Google hasn't been much help ...

Request length increasing every time updatepanel is reloaded

In an ASP.NET Web application, I have a page with an update panel. In this updatepanel, the user can click on an icon to add or remove controls to a repeater. I put a breakpoint in the Page.Load of the updatepanel and checked the HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength every time the updatepanel is used. The request increases in size...

Can i invoke page handler in console app?

I want to get 20000 HttpRequest or Page.Request instances from console app in less than 10 min. Anyone knows how to do it? I am able to get 20000 instances in a very inefficient way: in the first page using HTTPWebRequest to call the second page. Then get the Page.Request of the second page stored in Application object ...

Create an HttpRequest from environment

Can I get a HttpRequest automatically created from the environment? In other words, right now it seems like you have to... $request = new HttpRequest; $request->setCookies($_COOKIE); $request->setHeaders(apache_request_headers()); $request->setPostFields($_POST); $request->setQueryData($_GET); $request->setRawPostData(file_get_contents...

What's the best way to get the current URL in Spring MVC?

I'd like to create URLs based on the URL used by the client for the active request. Is there anything smarter than taking the current HttpServletRequest object and it's getParameter...() methods to rebuilt the complete URL including (and only) it's GET parameters. Clarification: If possible I want to resign from using a HttpServletReque...

What's PHP Equivalent of Java Servlet Filter?

On Java side, we have a servlet filter that handles authentication. We don't have to change all other servlet or JSPs to add authentication to the page, unless the page needs customized content. How can we achieve the same on PHP? We don't use any frameworks on PHP. ...

is that possible to use webbrowser properties to make http requests?

in the app's main window there's a webbrowser control with a page that requires authentication already logged on. is it possible to use the control (header, cookies...) to make a http request so i can update some other components without navigating directly from the webbrowser? ...

Javascript messing up POST-request for PHP-file?

Hey everyone, I got following scenario: A site is sending a request to a php-file to hand me some data. For this request I am selecting an item - here is the code for that part: <form action="?modul=transaktionen&subModul=monitor" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="suchVal" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="1...

How can Javascript mask whether radio button is checked?

Is it possible with Javascript to hide the checked-status of a radio button so that on a form submit the submit-request fails b/c of missing information? For example: I have a group of radio buttons <form action="?modul=daDaaaah&subModul=someCoolThingy" method="post"> <input type="radio" name="mygroup" id="nod_1" value="great" /> ...

Record the correct HTTP content-type of a response in an HttpModule

I want to log site traffic in .Net using an HttpModule. in the HttpContext.EndRequest event handler I'm storing the Response.ContentType property value to the database. On my local dev instance it is storing the correct content types i.e: image/gif for .gif, text/html for .aspx etc. However on an IIS 6 server it always stores the content...

Check authenticated http requests in HttpModule

Hi, What kind of event and property I can leverage to check whether a http request (client) is pass through ASP.NET authentication? Thanks ...

What's the deal with dontEscape support in Uri? .NET 3.5

Documentation state that dontEscape is deprecated and always false. However it actually works. Is it a good idea to use it anyway, or is there any other alternative to send non RFC compliant Http requests? Sample Code: Dim U As New Uri(";", True) Dim W As New Net.WebClient() WL(W.DownloadString(U)) ...