
How do I see the raw HTTP request that the HttpWebRequest class sends?

I know you are all going to answer "use a debugging proxy server like Fiddler" but it's not that simple. Here's my situation: I have some code that runs on a server, in an ASP.NET page code-behind (aspx.cs), which (among other things) establishes a connection to another server, grabs some stuff, and then formats it and returns it to the...

Clojure http requests using

Are there any Clojure http libraries that use the class? Reason I'm asking is because that's the only accepted way to make http connections on Google App Engine, according to the docs. I'm currently using com.twinql.clojure.http for my GET requests, but I don't think that uses the right interface because I'm getti...

Outgoing http data compression

Hello All, Is anybody know, is it possible to compress my outgoing http data in IE? I perform ajax requests to a server and want to reduce amount of traffic in order to speed up my app. Thanks, Egor ...

How to set the Expect header in Silverlight 4.0 to ignore HTTP status code 100

I want the Silverlight 4.0 client to ignore '100-continue' response code from a RESTful resource service, to do this i need to be able to set the Expect header - ' Expect: 100-continue' is this possible with the HttpWebRequest class? All the normal ways of doing this are not supported in Silverlight 4.0. ...

HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse Error

I am trying to run a simple code for web crawler written in this page . every thing is fine and I tried the program on several sites and it works fine but there is one site instead of returning the html content in its pages it generates a srtange error : DotNetNuke Error: - Version 04.05.01 Return to main page and the html returned i...

Strange Silverlight Problem

I have a method that generates XML for a class I have created -getXML(). This is called from the following methods: private void send_Response() { String xmlUrl = ((App)Application.Current).Resources["xmlUrl"].ToString(); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(xmlUrl, UriKind....

http request from Google App Engine

I'm trying to make http requests from my Google App Engine webapp, and discovered I have to use URLConnection since it's the only whitelisted class. The corresponding Clojure library is clojure.contrib.http.agent, and my code is as follows: (defroutes example (GET "/" [] (http/string (http/http-agent ""))) (rou...

How can I check if I have image loaded using dataWithContentsOfURL in iPhone?

Hi guys In my iPhone app I'm loading images using this line of code: UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]]; How can I check if I have image loaded? I mean sometimes it doesn't give any error, but I have blank white space instead of image. I want to check if it was completely loaded and if not, t...

Silverlight Http Post to upload images

I have been trying to perform an HTTP Post request to upload an image in a silverlight application for a windows phone 7 application. The sample codes online do not get me the desired response from the API. Could anyone please provide a working code which does this? By desired response I mean that the API responds saying that the upload...

ASP.NET Storing Contextual Data During A Request

I am writing an ASP.NET application that initializes some contextual data based on stuff sent through the Request object. How should I be storing this so that it is only visible to objects dealing with the request? Essentially I have an HttpModule that looks at the request, and does something based on the incoming data: public void OnB...

HttpWebRequest in .NET - Logging into a webpage

Hi - Simple question ahead! STATUS: I've come this far I've implemented a solution where I get a cookie with a session, but it still doesn't work. In the sniffer tool, I can see the difference between my application and when using the real website as this: REAL: ASPSESSIONIDSCRAASDB=EFFBFPEAKOBJGLAPNABPLLCB; passes=15; ChatCannel=1 ...

HttpWebRequest WebProxy problem - The connection was closed unexpectedly

I'm trying to make a HTTP request through an open SOCKS5 proxy. I have verified that the proxy works by setting it as a proxy for Firefox before setting it as the proxy in my C#.Net application by setting request.Proxy = new WebProxy(ip, port); However, on attempting to run the application and make my request I get an exception - System...

Socks Proxy for HttpWebRequest

According to my research whilst trying to solve this problem, it turns out that the .Net WebProxy class does not support Socks proxies - a tad annoying. I also can't seem to find any code or information which explains how to implement Socks 4/5 support via a class which can easily be used with HttpWebRequest (the Proxy property, to be ex...

WebRequest doesn't make cached items available in the same process

We're seeing a strange behavior where things that get cached (in the IE/wininet cache) as a result of using the WebRequest API are not available from the cache until a new process is created. Consider the following code: using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Cache; using System.Threading; namespace HttpCach...

Async HttpWebRequest failing to fetch all range requests

I'm attempting to fetch a URI in parts by setting the Range header on my HttpWebRequest, and then requesting them asynchronously using Begin/EndGetResponse : using System; using System.Net; namespace MultiGet { class Program { static void GetterCallback(IAsyncResult ip) { try { ...

Wait for asynchronous callback result

I am performing an http web request which asynchronously gets a response from the server. I wish to perform actions on the result directly and do not wish to have any code running in the meanwhile. The reason it has to be asynchronous is that I am writing a silverlight application. Here is a code snippet { .... request.BeginGetRespons...

Downloading Mp3 using python in Windows mangles the song however in linux it doesn't?

Okay, so this is really messed. I've setup a script to download an mp3 using urllib2 in Python. url = '' req2 = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req2) #grab the data data = mp3Name = "song.mp3" song = open(mp3Name, "w") song.write(data2) song.close() Turns out it was somehow related to me do...

C# HttpWebRequest ignore HTTP 500 error

I'm trying to download a page using the WebRequest class in C#4.0. For some reason this page returns all the content correctly, but with a HTTP 500 internal error code. Request.EndGetResponse(ar); When the page returns HTTP 500 or 404, this method throws a WebException. How can I ignore this? I know it returns 500 but I still want to ...

Differences between a HttpURLConnection and a browser connection

I'm trying to connect to a web page through a HttpURLConnection but it's not responding the same as a regular browser (firefox, chrome). I'm getting an error 500. With the same code I can get "anyother" page (google, for example). My code is posted below, but I'm pretty sure it is ok. Using "Live HTTP Headers" firefox addon I sent the...

How to use Fiddler to debug traffic from Any app (eg. C#/WPF app)

I am tring to debug whats wrong with my HTTP requests from another question here on SO. So i read abit about Fiddler and wanted to use it to debug my problem. But I cant seem to get traffic from my WPF application to go through Fiddler. I believe I need to configure a proxy. I am using a WebClient for a basic example, but I think i will ...