
What are some recommended Common Lisp Web Servers options?

So far I've only tried Hunchentoot and heard about AllegroServe, ABCLweb, though I wouldn't know how they compare in performance. I was wondering, what is currently the best option for deploying a Common Lisp web app in a production environment? ...

Using ASDF to start Hunchentoot

I'm working on a web app using Hunchentoot (on SBCL and Linux), and usually I just run it from Emacs (SLIME), but for deployment I want something that's easier to automate. So I'm trying to figure out ASDF, because that seems to be what everybody's using these days. myapp.asd: (in-package #:asdf) (defsystem :myapp :name "my app" :...

How to Connect a Web App to Hunchentoot

I am writing a web app that would require the hunchentoot web server. I have almost no working knowledge of hunchentoot, or any web server for that matter, and I am wondering how my app written in Common Lisp would serve pages to a web client. I have seen some excellent examples (e.g. Hunchentoot Primer, Lisp for the Web) esp. the one li...

Newbie question about Lisp and Packages

Here is the back story skip to the bottom if you do not care and only want to see the question. So I have been playing around in LISP for a little while. Some basic functions, some classes ,and file IO. When I run across this article: And I am excited to try and use lisp for a web appli...

Hunchentoot 1.0 returns only empty responses

I'm using an Intel Mac with Mac OS 10.5 and SBCL 1.0.29. I've done pre-1.0 Hunchentoot development here before, so I've had that installed (via asdf-install). Recently I started a new project, and decided I'd start from Hunchentoot 1.0. I asdf-install'ed Hunchentoot, and it seemed to install 1.0 (and deps) just fine. I can load it in...

Problem Installing Lispy Package Manager

Hi, I am installing Hunchentoot on a new machine. This time I thought I would try out Lispy, because it appears to be simplest way of managing the dependencies for Hunchentoot in a standard and hopefully automatic way. However, when I install it, it trips on not being able to verify a key. I have seen ASDF-INSTALL try to use a key bef...

How to change a Hunchentoot session cookie name by specializing a function?

I'm using Hunchentoot and would like to change the name of the session cookie. This is implemented with a generic function and the docs say to change the name you can "specialize the function". I'm not really sure what this means here. I was under the impression that specializing a function is to dispatch a method on certain argument ty...

Feedback desired: non-disruptive deployment strategies for production Lisp webapps

I am interested in hearing how people do their Lisp webapp deployments and updates (especially updates) in production. In Ruby many, myself included, use Capistrano for deployments. It provides some nice indirection and the ability to execute commands remotely and most importantly (in my mind) the ability to rollback to a working code ...

Hunchentoot/cl-who page composition

Hunchentoot/cl-who Page Composition I'm trying to put together a few pages in hunchentoot as an experiment, and I'm running into an unexpected wall. As an example, I have the following template macro. (defmacro page-template ((&key title) &body body) `(with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t) ...