
jQuery: How do I load hyperlinks as $.get callback?

How can I delay loading of an anchor link until after a $.get request has gone out? I have $("a.track").click(function() { $.get("track.php", { id: "page1.html" }); }); ... but clicking on the link loads the new page before the above request goes through (my response on the PHP page is not recorded). If I stop the link using ret...

sub nav not directing to page (jquery)

Hi, I have basic markup for a drop down nav, nested lists. The user will click on the top nav item, which will open up the sub nav, but my sub nav links aren't working. It is in a CMS so I must have the links for the placeholder pages there. Markup: <ul class="navtop"> <li><a href="">Who</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Sub Item 1</a>...

Using HyperLinkFields to display details

Hi, I have a web app (ASP.NET 2.0 C#)where I get data from an Oracle database into a gridview. I had asked in a previous question how I could turn that data into links that would, for example, take me to a details page. This was the answer I got: <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ID" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="DetailPa...

Why this java link checker code does not compile?

I already read the link checker question posted in SO. If there are more questions of this kind and I missed them, my apologies. We need to find broken links in a website in a very easy way and scriptable way, so we can document the links that are broken. I found a blog post with some code written in java that will do exactly what I ne...

iPhone Cocoa hyperlink

Hi, is there a way to display a hyperlink in an iPhone native app. Is this done with a label or another UI object? Thanks! Joe ...

CSS - Is there a way to target an element depending on what is inside it?

On my page, I have custom styled hyperlinks, and I also have alot of hyperlinked images. I don't want these custom styles to appear on the hyperlinks that only contain images. Instead of adding a separate class (i.e "nostyle") to each hyperlinked image, can I somehow target the hyperlinked images from my stylesheet? Thanks. ...

ASP.NET 2.0 - Need to programmatically click a link

Is there a way to click a link programatically, so that it has the same effects as if the user clicked on it? Example: I have an ASP.NET LinkButton: <asp:LinkButton id="lnkExport" runat="server" CssClass="navclass">Export</asp:LinkButton> I have a link on a sidebar directing to the .aspx page that has this linkbutton on it. For vari...

Hyperlinks disappearing

This is quite strange and I have never seen this before, maybe my computer needs to be restarted but: every link that I add on my web page is disappearing. You can see a live example here. This is my style sheet: /*------- UNIVERSAL -------*/ body { background: #333333; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-se...

How do I make an html link look like a button?

I'm using ASP.NET, some of my buttons just do redirects. I'd rather they were ordinary links, but I don't want my users to notice much difference in the appearance. I considered images wrapped by anchors, i.e. tags, but I don't want to have to fire up an image editor every time I change the text on a button. ...

Why does a:hover get overriden in CSS?

If I have this CSS: a:link { color: blue; } a:hover { color: red; } #someID a:link { color: black; } Links under the ID always appears in black on hover. I'm aware that using an ID gives a higher priority, however, I'm not overriding the :hover selector, only the :link selector, so shouldn't the hover display in red? ...

How can I convert my button into a hyperlink in PHP?

I need to replace a button on my web page with a hyperlink. I am calling a PHP script using the button. I extract the id using the following statement: $id = $_POST['id']; HTML code: <form id="test1" method="post" action="my.php?action=show"> <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="1" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" ...

Problem with URLs on pages being served as XHTML

The following link to a URL in my application is giving me an XML Parsing Error on the second equals sign when I try to view the page. <a href="http://www.example.com/admin/banning.php?do=banuser&amp;u=3"&gt;Ban User</a> I think the problem is the ampersand in the URL. If I encode the ampersand the parsing error goes away but the URL ...

jQuery hyperlinks - href value?

Hi, On my website I use jQuery to hook the events of elements, namely hyperlinks. As these hyperlinks only perform actions on the current page, and do not lead anywhere, I have been putting a href attribute of "#" in: <a href="#">My Link</a> However in some browsers this causes the page to scroll right to top which is obviously undesi...

How can I keep my AJAX call from posting back to the server when using Prototype?

I am trying to keep my AJAX call from posting back to the server when using Prototype. Code: echo " <a href='my.php?action=show&amp;id=".$fid."' onclick=\"return display('".$fid."');\"> "; echo "" .$fname."</a> "; How can I do this? ...

Would hooking an AJAX function into a link work?

I have a site where I have a lot of outgoing links and I would like to count the clicks to those outgoing links. I need to keep the links need to be visible. (as in, no Digg like links or redirects). So I was thinking of hooking some jQuery function to all outgoing links. This function then calls a PHP script via AJAX that updates the ...

Changing Gridview row style onclicking a hyperlink field

Hi, I have an ASP.NET(2.0 using C#) web app, in which I have a gridview on a page(My_Page.aspx). The gridview gets its data from an Oracle database. I have a Hyperlinkfield in the gridview, which when clicked, postsback to the same page, but with details of the item clicked(using QueryString). <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields...

How to create an anchor and redirect to this specific anchor in Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to create unique anchors for every comment on my blog so a person can take the url of an anchor and paste it in their browser, which will automatically load the page and scroll down to the point in the page where their comment starts. Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way but I've tried this which was to no avail. Comm...

Clicking HyperLinks in a RichTextBox without holding down CTRL - WPF

I have a WPF RichTextBox with isReadOnly set to True. I would like users to be able to click on HyperLinks contained within the RTB, without them having to hold down CTRL. The Click event on the HyperLink doesn't seem to fire unless CTRL is held-down, so I'm unsure of how to proceed. Thanks for your help, John ...

WPF - Get Hyperlink command from data?

In WPF, how can I get a reference to the Command that a Hyperlink should invoke from an object property? I am creating a WPF application, using the MVVM pattern. A list box in the main window dislays hyperlinks. Each hyperlink will invoke one of the view model's ICommand properties when it is clicked. How do I specify which ICommand sho...

ListBox Hyperlinks--Invoking ICommands

This is similar to a question I asked a couple of days ago. However, I now have a better understanding of the problem, so I'd like to take another crack at it. I am creating an MVVM app that (among other things) displays a list box with alerts for the user. These alerts relate to various routine tasks that have to be carried out periodi...