
Can the Google Search appliance generate a report showing broken links on your site?

I know the Google Search Appliance has access to this information (as this factors into the PageRank Algorithm), but is there a way to export this information from the crawler appliance? External tools won't work because a significant portion of the content is for a corporate intranet. ...

Hyperlink works - Html Form with a Submit button doesn't

I have a PHP script that pushes the headers to allow a file to download. This script works fine when it called via a hyperlink or through the browser using link. This is how it looks like: <a href="download.php?file=test.mp3&properFilename=Testing File">Download</a> I want this to be a button (sbumit) instead, so I did this: <form ac...

Regex for links in html text

Hi, I hope this question is not a RTFM one. I am trying to write a Python script that extracts links from a standard HTML webpage (the <link href... tags). I have searched the web for matching regexen and found many different patterns. Is there any agreed, standard regex to match links? Adam UPDATE: I am actually looking for two diffe...

Entering complex URLs in Markdown syntax?

Is the problem me, or Stack Overflow? If I post a comment or question with this named link, some text, and then an inline link the preview will show correctly but the actual result is strange. All of the text from the start of the first link up to and including the text of the second link is linked to the first destination. For exampl...

Using XPath: find link in cell 3 rows up

Hi Guys! I have multiple rows in a table, in one of which is a link I'd like to automatically click. For my starting point I have the last instance that a row contains the text "Test Question?": ID: 1416 Edit/Approve Ignore Email Name: Submitter Name Open N/A Location: Submitter Location ...

Link to resources inside WebView - iPhone

I have a webview in my iPhone application, and I also have some html files inside my Resources folder. When my app loads, I load in a page from my resources into my webview. But , I need to make links inside my webview that point to some other resources (For example, images, or other html files). Just doing a relative link doesn't work: ...

Where should the link on the company's logo go?

I'm wondering if the link on the company logo, which usually goes the home page, should be: http://www.example.com http://www.example.com/index.html (or other index file) /index.html (or other index file) / (just the root) Does Google care or are there other rules? ...

C# Web reportviewer create link to page with id

Hi, I have a reportviewer and i want a field to act as a hyperlink. The hyperlink must look like: page.aspx?id=1 But how do i achieve this? I have entered in the properties window, navigation tab, radio "Jump to URL": page.aspx?id=sum(Field!field.value) This doens't work :( What do i have to do to get this work? Thnx in advance ...

Get the links id for the current cursor position in the webrowser control

We are using the WebBrowser control in c# winforms and need to be able to get information about the Url the cursor is positions on. So we have a web page in design mode, which has multiple urls, when the cursor is over one i would like to call a method which would return the id of the link. Thanks ...

C#.NET How to add a hyperlink in a reportviewer

Hi, How can i put a hyperlink in a report which refers to page.aspx?id='Fields!RelativePath.Value' ? I have set the EnableHyperlink property to true. Thnx in advance ...

How do I submit a form with a link in ASP.Net MVC?

I have a HTML form, and I have a Controller Action that accepts the POST request. Everything works with a regular submit button, but I would like to submit the form with a link (<a>-tag) instead, to be able to further control the formatting. Is there any way of doing this nicely built into the ASP.NET MVC Framework, or should I write my ...

Ethics of blocking external hotlinking

I'm just looking through some of the webmaster stats that Google provides, and noticed that the most common links to our website are to some research articles that we've put up in PDF format. The articles are also available on the site in HTML. I was looking at the sites (mostly forums and blogs) which link to these articles and was thi...

Hyperlinks stop working in firefox after redirect?

On a project I'm working on, I am using HTTP headers to redirect the user to the frontpage after a successful login; header("Location: http://example.com/index.php?"); exit(0); EDIT: Added questionmark to url to show the problem This works fine in all browsers tested - however, in Firefox 3.0.6, both on windows, mac and debian, it fa...

How can I make links white?

How can I change the colour of hyperlinks to white in HTML and CSS? ...

How to make a simple hyperlink in XAML?

All I want to do is make a little hyperlink in XAML. I've tried everything. I give up. What is the syntax for this? <StackPanel Width="70" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> <Hyperlink Click="buttonClose_Click" Cursor="Hand" Foreground="#555" Width="31" Margin="0 0 0 15" HorizontalAlignment="Right">Close</Hyperlink...

Can you remove dead wiki links in the "See Also" section of a FogBugz case?

We have a couple cases in FogBugz that have a link to an old wiki via the See Also section. No where in these cases is there a link in the edited text (the normal section where you enter your text), so I'm assuming the link was created through the wiki article (using the Case ### linking method). However, the wiki article appears to be d...

SWT Link Text with >

I am trying to create a SWT Link with the text so it looks like the following <this is the link> where the text this is the link is the actual link. I can get close with the following code: link.setText("<a><this is the link></a>"); However, I want just the text to be the link, and not include the < and >. I thought I could do it ...

Is it possible to link to an outside url from within an xml document?

I am using a flash web template that pulls the images from an xml document. I want to link from an image after it is clicked on to another portion of the site. Here is some sample code from the document: <gallery id="1" name="public relations"> <image width="121" height="161" image="images/pr/pr_01.jpg"/> I want the image "pr_01.jpg...

Incorrect hyperlinking in LaTeX

So far the hyperref package in LaTeX has automatically linked all the items in my report correctly. But there is one that did not get linked properly, possibly because I manually added it to the table of contents like this: \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} How do I fix this? ...

Weird trouble - cannot assign javascript to linkbutton

I seem to manage the same task many times beforehand; but currently I got thoroughly stuck at the simplest thing and it have made mequite irritated I need to assign javascript to ASP.Net linkbutton (or hyperlink, does not matter) What seems to be easier? Billion times I did it with code like like that //lbHeader.Attributes.A...