
jquery, grab the link href attribute that was last clicked: making a "follow to external link or don't follow".

I'm making a tiny script that adds a class of "external" to all external links, then when someone click an external link, it shows a div.question-wrapper that has a div.follow and a div.dontfollow in it, it also displays the url of the link you clicked in the div.question-wrapper. the only problem i'm having is copying the href attr of t...

HTML: is there any way to make clickable <td> o <tr> tags?

Hi, is there any way to make clickable <td> or <tr> tags? Regards Javi ...

Why do some Google AdSense hyperlinks use “s-p: go to”?

In some Google ads I have found that the hyperlink hrefs look like this href="s-p: Go to XYZ.com" These work, but I cannot see the code that translates the s-p: bit into an actual url. What 'veil of ignorance' am I peering behind, please? I would like to know how the conversion is done. What technology is in use here? This is an A...

Event handler for location.hash changing?

I have a flash document viewer embedded in my page, where the user can view the preview version of the document, and then purchase the full version if they like. Is it possible to have a hyperlink in the document itself "BUY NOW" which would command the browser to do something on the current page without having to refresh? I'm imaginin...

iPhone dev - how to create a hyperlink?

How do you create a hyperlink? (iPhone dev) ...

Jumping to content location of a different page with ASP

Does anyone know how to jump to the content location from a href link on another page in ASP? I understand the anchor concept shown below, but this only works with html not ASP. <a href="yoursite.html#jumpHere">link</a> ...

Get XML page from path name

I am working on a site server side that has uses XML to get data. The path to the XML I need is something like "/image/user/username/" I need to get the XML file from that resulting link using something like <script type="text/javascript"> imagesByUser('/../image/user/{{ user.username }}/') I know that the link is working becaus...

Vb.net click link by looking for String!

Hello, I am working on a vb.net program, I want to click a hyperlink on a page, the source look like this: <a href="user_messages_view.php?id=23112">messages for Today, 2010-10-19 </a> I want to check it everyday too! I tried to click it with the following methods(Both couldn't click the link!): Dim theElementCollection As HtmlEleme...

rails: data being deleted on page reload

I have a method in my application helper that is meant to deactivate a task in my database. Application helper: def link_to_destroy_task(task_id) Task.find(task_id).deactivate end Model: def self.deactivate() update_attribute(:active, false) end View: <ol id="tasks"> <% @Tasks.each do |task| %> <%content_tag_for...

PDF - Are Bookmarks and Hyperlinks equivalent?

Are Bookmarks and Hyperlinks treated the same in PDF documents? ...

Javascript link in aspx page within a SharePoint frame replaces apostrophes to #39 element

I have problem with SharePoint encoding the javascript link, that normally renders like href="javascript:Function('url');" but in Sharepoint like href="javascript:Function(& #39;url& #39;)" wich of course does not work. What do I need to do? I need to be able to use my user control as stand alone as well as linked into a sharepoint pag...

Is there a way to create a PayPal donation link (as opposed to a button)?

I've looked all over paypal's website and can't find any info on creating a simple text link for a donation. Anyone have any info? ...

Link to site with scroll (included)

Hi is there way to actually link to any site (not your own). And when clicked it takes you to that site + x amount of code. Of course I am not talking about the pages which all ready have a jQuery plugin or something, I am talking include the paramater of "scroll" (or what ever) already from my site or link. I guess the answer could be...

Using hyperlink within sharepoint listview

I know I can use sharepoint designer to convert list to data view wp and then i can do this easily. but I wanted to if there was a way to do this with list view wp without intervention of sp designer. I have a order table orderid orderdate 1 1/1/2011 2 2/2/2012 3 3/3/2013 I like to establish hyperlink to the ...

Scroll to bookmark on same page using jquery...

I made Q&A page. I'd like to click on the question and have the page scroll to the question using JQuery. What script do I use or does anyone have an example I can learn from? Many thanks. Erik ...

How do you provide download links for attached PDFs in Zotonic?

I would like to let my content authors upload PDFs and provide download links. Unfortunately, they get a page with a preview of the first page of the PDF instead of the PDF itself when they link to it. How do you provide download links for attached PDFs in Zotonic? ...

PDF Text Extraction at hyperlink locations

Anybody know of a (FREE) SDK of some sort that can start text extraction at the point in the PDF Document where a hyperlink takes you to (within the same PDF document)? The links end up taking us to specific points on specific pages. More specifically we need a program that can parse a pdf document that holds questions and answers to a...

Add a value to a delete link in Rails?

I currently have the following link_to in my Rails application: <%= link_to 'Remove this Person', @person, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => 'important', :class => "minimal important" %> I would like to add the person's name in place of the "this person" for the link. I don't appear to be able to do: <%= lin...

how to make all links on a page absolute ?

i have bunch of htmls on my disk and I know absolute adress of each of them, now I want to make every instance of src="", href="" inside a tags like a, script, img, iframe etc. to point to absolute patch if the given path is relative. I do not know what is the fastest way to do it, by regex, preg_match_all etc ? I want this script to ha...

Disabling Hyperlinks

Some hyperlinks on my page have reasone to be enabled only when an element is selected inside a grid control. I have the chance to injects some code when a row is selected on the page and I would like to enable/disable these hyperlinks using jquery code. Any advice? ...